
Beta release of Collectives on Stack Overflow

Over the past year, our Reach & Relevance team (description of the team in FAQ) has been heads down working on a new initiative that will enhance the experience on Stack Overflow for both our users and organizations (open source organizations and their different projects, companies that build products and services for developers). Today, I’m happy to announce the Beta release of a new product, Collectives™ on Stack Overflow.

First things first: why?

We know that developers at tech organizations have a wealth of knowledge about their technologies and, while some currently participate on SO, we're interested in a way to increase and simplify that participation. An organization’s expertise, when included with the community’s knowledge, can provide a more in-depth understanding of how to use a language, leverage a service, or troubleshoot a technology.

We’ve also learned that organizations who are active on Stack Overflow have a strong appetite to add their specific knowledge. They want to have deeper interactions and provide a better experience to their current and potential users. Currently, they can’t do that with any of our products.

With that in mind, we have the following goals for this initiative:

  • Allow the communities that have formed around specific technologies to engage with the people that are building and supporting those technologies.

  • Increase the amount of high-quality content around tags related to a Collectives’ technology on Stack Overflow.

  • Give technical employees of these organizations the tools to contribute their knowledge effectively to the Stack Overflow community.

  • Provide organizations with a space on Stack Overflow where they can highlight and share relevant content.

Beta release

We’re launching the Beta version of Collectives™ on Stack Overflow today. It will include features that are based on our findings from research sessions with users, moderators, and organizations. Our Product Research Lead on this initiative, Mithila Fox, posted a more in-depth post on this process. This is just the beginning. We will continue to listen, learn, and make improvements. We're interested in hearing your thoughts, and we have outlined the various ways we plan to gather feedback below (see: how to share feedback).

What is a collective?

Collectives™ on Stack Overflow is a new set of spaces on Stack Overflow where content related to certain technical languages, products, or services can be grouped together. It’s a place for users who regularly interact with this content to collaborate. In turn, the organizations that help build or maintain this technology will share their expertise. Collectives are based on a set of specific tags relating to the technologies that an organization builds, supports, and has an authority over. They aggregate all content for those interested in this technology and give some special handling of content posted in those tags.

Beta features

Below there’s a short description of what’s included in this initial launch. For a visual representation, see Go Collective & Google Cloud Collective.

Collectives page

Each organization that participates in Collectives on Stack Overflow will get its own page, which will act as its “home” on Stack Overflow. Questions and Answers will be posted to Stack Overflow, as usual, and the collective page will aggregate all the relevant content from selected tags. It’s where relevant Articles (more below in the Articles paragraph) can be found. Users can participate in a collective-specific leaderboard and can learn which users are Admins/Recognized Members of a collective.

When you choose to join a collective you’ll find a link to it in the left side navigation. All Collectives can be found here.

User Roles

Collectives on Stack Overflow will add additional user roles to Stack Overflow.

Recognized Member

Recognized members are either employees of an organization or users from within the Stack Overflow community that are knowledgeable about their products and therefore selected to become Recognized Members. These users will have a badge on their user card when they post/edit a question, answer, or article within the collective. They are also able to post Articles and recommend answers.

Recognized by collective answer


The admin of a collective has all the abilities the Recognized Member has, but also has access to the data (see below) from within the collective. They are the ones who manage Recognized Members and are able to invite Stack Overflow users to become Recognized Members within the collective.


An Admin/Recognized member can have the employee label. This will not affect any of their permissions but would show this on any post they make. This way all Stack Overflow users will be able to see that the user is formally associated with the organization.

Employee Label


Collectives on Stack Overflow adds the ability to create Articles, longer form content that lives on the collective page. We first introduced this feature within our Teams product last year, and we have seen strong adoption and usage. Articles give Recognized Members the opportunity to provide deeper knowledge and insights through how-to-guides, knowledge articles, or announcements. Initially, Articles can only be posted by Admins and Recognized Members of a collective, but we’re planning to release a feature (in the near term) that would allow any member of a collective to submit an Article for review.

Enhancing the Q&A experience through Recommended Answers

Recognized members and admins of an organization will be able to recommend answers on tags associated with their collective. This effectively adds a “seal of approval” to the most appropriate answer from their point of view. However, it does not impact or override the existing system for voting an answer up or down.

Answer recommended by collective


In order to help Admins better understand the health of their collective and how they can positively contribute to it, we'll be providing them with metrics & insights on activity on the pages around the tags that are associated with their collective. More info on what data will be available can be found below in the FAQ section.

Feedback and next steps

We have a large backlog of feedback, feature requests, and our own ideas which will go through rounds of research with users and organizations over the coming months. And we’re curious to hear what features you might feel would be beneficial from your perspective.

How to share feedback

We’re excited to see how this product will be used and are eager to hear your feedback on the different features. We’ll be processing the feedback in two ways:

  • You can use the regular feature request flow.

  • The user research post describes how you can participate in future user research.

  • Later this week we’ll post a Townhall AMA Meta post (hosted by the Community Management team) where we’ll try to answer questions.

The feedback that we collect through these sources will be included in our user research process. Feedback from the community has shaped this product so far, and we want to continue that.

Next steps

We’ve learned a lot during our user research sessions and look forward to seeing how this new initiative can benefit the community and our customers. We want to ensure that this project continues to add value, improve the quality of content and allow our users to engage with the people that are building/supporting the technologies they use. Therefore we’ll continue identifying features that are needed from an organization and user perspective so we can build them into the roadmap in the coming months.

Launch customers

We are excited to announce that we’ll be launching with Go & Google Cloud. These two organizations already have a huge presence on Stack Overflow through their tags. They are well-positioned to take advantage of the collective page, recommendations, and articles in order to improve the Stack Overflow experience around their tags and engage with their communities more directly, in a central place. Both of these organizations have proven to be great partners during the process of creating this initiative, being involved in many research sessions, understanding the Stack Overflow and the Collectives project, and providing us with valuable feedback on how to make this a success.


We’d like to give a huge shout-out to the group of users that have been participating in our research sessions. We’ve learned a lot from these conversations, and we really enjoyed them. Thank you so much, and we look forward to continuing these conversations with you.


We know that you will have questions on Collectives on Stack Overflow. We’ve summarized several that we’ve received from community members who have participated in our research sessions, as well as a few questions we anticipate hearing from you.

Why didn’t you ask for feedback on Meta earlier?

Because this initiative involved potential customer organizations, we could not speak publicly about it until we were ready to launch. However, we have been running weekly research sessions with a group of 12 moderators and high-rep Meta users under NDA to gather their feedback and thoughts on different aspects of the project. We've shared a more in-depth post on these research sessions and our findings on Meta.

Why have you been working on this, instead of this or that?

We believe this project can have a positive impact on the user experience on Stack Overflow by providing a dedicated space where people can collaborate more directly around technologies and products. While the research and development of this initiative was largely driven by the Reach and Relevance team, they coordinated closely with the Public Platform and Community teams. The Public Platform and Community teams were key stakeholders on the project to provide insight, guidance, and input.

Wait a second. Articles sound familiar. How is this different from the Documentation project?

Good question... We’ve done quite a bit of research on what went wrong with the Documentation project. At the time, we didn't have the resources to fully support Documentation, but the research done then, and more recently around this project, has consistently validated an appetite for content beyond Q&A on Stack Overflow.

A second concern around Documentation was around the content quality. We feel that initially limiting posting of Articles to a small subset of users and expanding that later on to a bigger group through an approval process should mitigate these problems.

But does this mean that these organizations own the Q&A content?

No, all questions and answers will remain on Stack Overflow. Nothing changes here. Moderation rules, code of conduct, etc. will all remain the same. The license of the content will remain the same as described here.

Does Stack Overflow become a support portal for large organizations?

No. Even though we might see more of our customers' clients coming to Stack Overflow for help, the rules around Q&A on Stack Overflow remain the same, and we'll continue to set appropriate expectations with our customers & users.

How will this affect the workload for moderators and curators?

We don’t want the workload for our moderators to increase significantly due to this project. However, there is no way to know for sure. This is why we are testing the concept with only two Beta Customers. We will be in very close contact with the moderator team to gather their thoughts and make adjustments - if and when necessary. Our community team is closely monitoring this and providing feedback to the project team. We have also provided clear instructions to the organizations about the best ways of engaging on Stack Overflow, making sure that their contributions are meaningful and valuable.

What content is part of Collectives?

We create a collective around a set of specific tags relating to the technologies that an organization builds, supports, and has an authority over.

What type of data will be shared with the organizations in the reporting section?

All the data will be aggregated, therefore we won’t be sharing any PII (personal) information with the organizations and will comply with all data privacy laws (GDPR, CCPA, etc.). The organizations will have access to different types of reports. These will include metrics such as page views & unique users per day/country, the total number of questions/answers in a specific timeframe, and calculated metrics such as the % of questions that got an answer within 24 hours per topic tag.

How does this relate to the rest of the Stack Exchange Network?

Right now we're working with Stack Overflow in mind, and our launch will be focused there. However, if other organizations show an interest outside of SO, we will keep an open mind and consider making it available more widely.

How will recommended answers affect the order or the answers and the rep system?

Initially, it will not affect the order at all. We are looking into one particular use case where answers that have the exact same score are currently randomly sorted. In terms of rep: it will have no effect on the reputation you get from answers. You will continue to earn rep as usual by answering and voting on responses to questions.

What were the criteria for selecting a launch customer?

We applied several criteria:

  • We wanted to launch with one open-source and one commercial organization, as we feel those are both very relevant to Stack Overflow users. To hit the ground running, we wanted to launch with an organization that already had a good amount of activity on Stack Overflow through their potential tags. Therefore we looked at the number of tags that their technologies have and the total number of pageviews these questions get per month.

  • We selected the organizations that were eager to actively work with us on the Beta launch and were willing to commit to providing resources to support their Collective and to provide us with feedback on what features would be useful for them.

Will recommendations affect the sorting of answers on question pages?

No, we have no plans to do so in the foreseeable future. We'll revisit this if we learn that recommendations prove to be a consistent signal to identify the most relevant answer.

What’s the benefit for organizations to actually participate?

We’d like to split this into two categories:


We know from our research that, when evaluating platforms, engineers look for technologies that have a well-supported, thriving user community. The social proof that comes from these communities helps drive adoption and engagement for the products & services of these organizations.


We know that our customers are looking for insights and engagement with their core audience to help support their own product development cycles. We feel that the features included in this Beta release will allow them to make better strategic decisions on growing and driving adoption of their products.

What is the Reach & Relevance Team?

The Reach & Relevance Team focuses on building and operating product features that address real user needs while enabling relevant technology providers and employers to build awareness and engage with interested users on our products such as Collectives on Stack Overflow, Advertising, and Employer Branding.

  • 103
    I wonder how this is gonna destabilize the rep economy in the long run Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 13:52
  • 157
    I wonder how this is gonna impact the credibility of answers from people who don't participate in the collective, or who are not Recognized Members
    – blackgreen Mod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 13:57
  • 42
    Innovation, like this, is very very welcome. Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 14:48
  • 91
    so, effectively, sponsored tags 2.0, now with more strings attached. I hope this never comes to the tags i frequent.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:02
  • 90
    So private companies can essentially buy moderator rights on SO, within their "collective"? And censor uncomfortable content such as posts pointing out bugs in their products?
    – Lundin
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:05
  • 56
    @Lundin erm, no? This doesn't give any diamond moderator rights. Moderation is fully under diamond mods control.
    – Cesar M StaffMod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:14
  • 23
    I realize that the addition of ™ to the title is recent in the edit history, and may not, therefore, reflect official position(s). I doubt that the term "Collectives" is valid, in this context, as a trademark. Typically, common words are acceptable as trademarks when the word is not descriptive of the company or its product. I.e.: "Apple" for computers or school books is valid while "Apple" for a company which sells apples (fruit) would not be valid. It should also be ℠ rather than ™.
    – Chindraba
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:44
  • 29
    I think this is a really cool initiative, with a lot of potential. I say potential in both directions– it has the propensity to add a lot of value and new expertise to the site, making it an even more valuable resource; but it could also possibly wreck the site balance in several key ways if botched or handled poorly. Regardless of what the future holds, it sounds like y'all have done a ton of research and homework to back this initiative up, and that's really exciting to me, and makes me really hopeful that it'll work out for the better. Best of luck!!
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 17:02
  • 74
    I really do not like this.
    – JonH
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 21:07
  • 24
    @Philippe Is "Collectives" an actual trademark? Have you applied to the United States Patent and Trade Mark Office to register it as a trademark?
    – PM 2Ring
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 22:03
  • 30
    @tripleee The original images were cribbed from existing answers posted to Stack Overflow by completely different users. In other words, their usage here was not in compliance with the CC by-SA license because it did not provide attribution. Presumably, they copy-pasted legitimate answers from live SO into their testbed instance, from which they took the screenshots. The new images are also of actual answers posted to SO, but they're both answers by SO staff members, and the attribution (i.e., user cards) is now correct (//stackoverflow.com/a/2493719 and //stackoverflow.com/a/9684357).
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 7:26
  • 20
    @PM2Ring -I’ve consulted with the appropriate legal-type folks in the office (who manage our use of things like the ™ symbol) who have told me that it is being correctly used in this instance, and that Collectives™ on Stack Overflow is the name of the product, and the correct way to refer to it.
    – Philippe StaffMod
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 13:58
  • 40
    I'm deleting comments and the reason is that there are some folks trying to malign Teresa for things unrelated to this post. That's not the purpose of comments and any comments not related to the topic at hand are subject to deletion. If we need to hand out suspensions to make that clear, so be it. Consider this an official warning.
    – Machavity Mod
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 13:38
  • 55
    If software companies want to comment on answers or post answers to questions they can already do so. Judging from the quality of answers on StackOverflow, there is no need for this feature. You just need to look at Q&A forums hosted by software companies to see that they are far inferior to StackOverflow. Maybe they don't have access to the company developers, I don't know, but many answers are not helpful and just put there so they can claim they "answered" the question.
    – John D
    Commented Jun 27, 2021 at 4:11
  • 32
    This feature, especially the "recognized" member feature, to me spells the end of meritocracy on this site and the final nail in the coffin of what was once one of the world's greatest open source websites. Now, despite that I have a 400K reputation, if some mega tech company doesn't like me or recognize me, then my contributions will be rated and valued less than someone who has that badge of recognition. This is not meritocracy, it is corptocracy. Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 10:41

62 Answers 62


You know, I kind of like the "recommended answer" part, but I can see it going wrong, fast.

The reason I like it, is that I've been fantasizing about a way to highlight quality answers for a while. I have thought about proposing a review system, in the sense of established users properly reviewing a post on points like readability, applicability, compatibility, security, correctness, maintainability and so on. Something more than just up- and downvotes.

This "seal of approval" does that in a very basic way: it gives a visible "trusted +1", so to say. But just as with votes, you'll have to look out for the abrupt devaluation of this seal.

Or: who trusts the trusters?

If, for example, a given collective mass-employs recognized members who in turn approve any answer that even remotely seems to answer the question, then it's borked by design. It'll become equivalent to the decades-old Microsoft forums joke (there's a tautology in there somewhere):

  • User posts a question
  • Moderator / independent contractor / power user posts their default boilerplate canned answer they post to every frigging question that hits a certain keyword ("Try running system restore, don't forget to like and subscribe")
  • User has seen this before and gives up, sometimes tries responding which is usually ignored
  • Moderator returns after a few days, marks thread as inactive, marks their own answer as best

You don't want that seal to hold that little value, now do you?

So how can a company manage all questions in a tag as large as Go, let alone Java or C# or JavaScript (and who can manage the latter)? Is the UI efficient to filter and sort through new and existing questions and answers? Is someone (Stack Overflow staff, moderators, users) watching what those collectives and their members do, now and in the near and far future? What about duplicate questions that are still open, and duplicate answers where some or all of them receive a seal? Can users flag a marked post to tell a moderator, or the collective's users (or both) that the answer shouldn't be sealed, as it's promoting a bad practice or incorrect?

  • 12
    Also how do recommended answers play with outdated answers?, e.g. Your "recommended" modern JS answer isn't worth anything to me when I'm running IE11, what's the recommended old answer? Or what when the recommended answer is too old to be recommended? Do the recommendations decay or get reviewed periodically? The recommendations appears to just be an additional checkmark, and the potential to be equally useless. Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 21:22
  • @Nick my thoughts exactly, hence the questions. :)
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 21:58
  • 3
    I kinda don't like this, because recommended answers can age just like anything else and if not constantly watched and moderated, after a while we will have huge problem on our hands, even worse than accepted answers because now those answers will have "quality" seal attached. Not to mention, that quality seal can be misused by company employees. So, I wouldn't exactly start answer with "like", but I pretty much agree with the rest.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 7:23
  • 2
    @Dalija yes, that's why I start my answer with why I like it, followed by way more text explaining why I could see this going entirely the wrong way.
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 7:41
  • 3
    I figured as much... but people tend to read "like" too literally, so I felt the need to emphasize the dislike ;)
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:25

The "Read the post on Meta" button at the bottom of the /collectives page links to https://meta.stackoverflow.com/ instead of where I would assume, which would be this post.

For reference, I'm talking about this button:

Picture of the Read the post on Meta button towards the bottom of the Collectives page

Could you update this link to link to here?

  • 8
    @PuneetMulchandani In addition, the text says "feeback" in stead of "feedback" (missing a d). Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 14:42
  • 3
    @g00glen00b 🤦‍♂️ thanks for catching that. On it! Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 14:47
  • 9
    link is updated! looking around the office for a spare 'd' now...
    – David Longworth Staff
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 14:53
  • 16
    @DavidLongworth Sorry I can't help, all I've got are "Ctrl", "C", and "V" keys.
    – Spevacus
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 14:57

I like the idea about clusters of tags that are somehow relevant together and I like the idea of having additional content in form of articles but I'm not sure if collectives will be a good influence. It's somehow a social network features where people and connections between people count more than actual content. I feel that there is a great risk of bias and lower quality in the end (a rigged system).

I could imagine that users would actually like to opt out of this feature, i.e. do not see recommendations, badges, labels, invitations and other spaces related to collectives, as this may enhance the focus on the content.

What are the ways to opt out? If there are none, could you consider adding some?

  • user-script in your browser? Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 23:47

Why corp-only?

Entry barrier could be as low as knowing you can promote chatroom members to write&tag for the room. Nothing Google-specific or requiring corp structure about:

  • managing watched tags together
  • using that to focus on a group of tags more easily
  • live & more accessible metrics
  • flagging where vote rank is unexpected for like-minded
  • long-form writing that would not qualify as a great Q&A
  • and any sort of easily (un)subscribable notifications for all of those

All welcome building blocks to increase quality across topic/technology groups not necessarily aligning with our current network boundaries. Only some sub-features need be gated to paying customers:

  • customize one contributor role to publicly say spell "employee"
  • adblockable public icons/text on flagged posts

Everything else about CollectivesBETA, both implemented or only hinted at features, sounds useful to everyone - with matching moderation cost.

  • 4
    because this feature is a combination of some teams features, and sponsored tags. the sponsored tags bit doesn't really jive with it being free. If you want the teams features, you can already have them, at least in a private scenario.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 21:42

Downvoting an article results in an inbox notification with a URL that doesn't work.

-1 on an article

Which links to https://stackoverflow.com/articles/68104924/listen-for-authentication-state-in-android instead of https://stackoverflow.com/collectives/google-cloud/articles/68104924/listen-for-authentication-state-in-android.

There's also no record of the vote (mod/CM-only link) under "votes" on my profile

  • For me, it links to the second (working) link. I'm not sure what the -1 means though, since it doesn't affect the rep or anything.
    – 41686d6564
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 11:43
  • 1
    @41686d6564 it does affect rep for me and the poster. Upvoting or downvoting articles behaves just an equivalent vote on a normal post in terms of rep for the poster and voter. See also stackoverflow.com/users/209103/… Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 11:49
  • Yes, I can see the rep change now. Not sure why it didn't work before. So, it works exactly like downvoting answers.
    – 41686d6564
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 11:59
  • shouldiblamecaching.com - and yes, just like downvoting an answer. My bad Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 12:00
  • 16
    Paying with reputation on regular answers makes sense, to prevent abuse from other answerers. Paying with reputation on Articles does not since there are no competing answers. We need to be able to judge the quality of Articles, without being punished for it.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 6:44
  • 1
    I can't reproduce this, but let me know if you're still seeing issues!
    – Aliza Berger StaffMod
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 19:08
  • This is arguably more likely to be [status-complete] than [status-norepro]. The URL seems to have been corrected now at least Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 20:35
  • @AlizaBerger I've been able to repro it again by clicking the notification on meta rather than on main. Redirects correctly if I click on main SO, not if I click it on meta Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 6:42
  • 1
    I can repro it on any site that isn't SO Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 15:46

Is the widget on the (right) sidebar temporary?

I just noticed that there's a widget on the (right) sidebar listing existing Collectives and pushing down Hot Network Questions:

Widget on the sidebar with 3 collectives

Considering that there's already a "Collectives" item on the left navbar with a link that says "Explore Collectives", and that when I join Collectives, they get listed there, what's the point of that widget to the right? Is it just temporary to get people to notice the launch Collectives? Or is it permanent and will list more Collectives as they're added?

  • 3
    Even if this were intended to show only for the Collectives a user is in, I can't see how it would scale well at all. Certainly they don't foresee a scroll bar?
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 21:17

Will moderators/the community have any way to fix/flag these

Answer recommended by (company name)

suggestions if they are clearly incorrect/out of date?

If not, this feels like the sort of system that will work well for a while, but eventually become unmanageable. It seems quite comparable to the problem with outdated accepted answers, if you only have a small number of people capable of fixing something, having a way to bring it to their attention seems vital.

Clarification: By "flag", I mean bring it to the attention of the company endorsing the answer, rather than the traditional flagging to close.

  • 1
    This seems covered by the explanation that user moderation capabilities on Q&A will not be affected, so if you see an incorrect/out-of-date answer you can edit or downvote it or leave a comment explaining how it is incorrect/out-of-date.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 14:00
  • 3
    @TylerH That's true, but assuming the answerer and the person who marked it as "recommended" aren't the same person, the company who endorsed that answer have no way to know about the downvote/comments assigned to it?
    – DBS
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 14:13
  • 1
    If a company is that concerned, hopefully they're continually monitoring their own recommended content to make sure it is always up to snuff. Nothing so far indicates users can't delete negatively-scored answers even if they are recommended by some Collective...
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 22:00
  • 2
    I just think it's highly unlikely that most companies will check back in on old recommendations once there are a significant number of them, unless it's pointed out that something needs updating. To be clear, this is not relating to standard moderation, downvotes/deletions are fine for "bad" answers, but a "good" but outdated answer that is recommended could easily convince people not to use a new "better" method.
    – DBS
    Commented Jun 30, 2021 at 9:07

Particular Articles don't have a direct link for opening. I can only access it by clicking on the comments link.

Enter image description here


Apparently, when the Recognized Member is also an employee, the label/badge is not shown on their user card. For example, this is how Jon Skeet's user card looks under a question that is tagged :

Compare that to the user card of a non-employee Recognized Member in the Go Collective:

The post above mentions that the employee label should be displayed:

An Admin/Recognized member can have the employee label. This will not affect any of their permissions but would show this on any post they make

So, it should probably show the same badge but with the Employee label rather than Recognized Member.

Note: This could end up being a different problem specific to the Google Cloud Collective. I couldn't verify because:

  • The only non-employee Recognized Member in that Collective doesn't have any related posts.

  • The Go Collective does not have any employees.

  • 10
    The Recognized Member badge only appears on posts that were written while they were a Recognized Member. The badge won't be added to posts previously written by the same user. The badge is tied to the post. Employee labels behave similarly with a slight difference: if the Employee label is removed from the user (no longer an employee), any previous engagement/posts by that user will now show the Recognized Member badge instead. We didn't want to label a user as an Employee unless it's current.
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:39
  • @Carog Yeah, I think you're right. But in that case, their older answers should not be highlighted as top contribution in the Collective. That's what confused me in the first place.
    – 41686d6564
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:47
  • 1
    Additionally, the leaderboard label is displayed on all posts for Recognized Members, but not for employees as shown above.
    – 41686d6564
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:49
  • 2
    Thanks for catching that! Looking into this now.
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 16:23
  • 2
    Ok I see what's going on @41686d6564, in the leaderboard we highlight all contributions from any Member of the collective. In the screenshot you provided, the answer displayed is the top contribution that user made (before they were labelled as an Employee) but still considered the 'top' within the 'Last 12 months' (filter).
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 16:34
  • 2
    The trophy icon is attached to the user card (instead of the post). Those icons are given to the top 3 users of the leaderboard while actively in those positions.
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 16:38

I'm a member of the Stack Overflow community.

I'm not a member of any new (or any to-come) communities like:

enter image description here

I suppose (aka strongly hope) that this should read "More from the Google Cloud Collective".

Please fix.

  • 7
    Thanks for pointing this out, You're right, this is a bug. We'll be fixing it.
    – JD-Stack
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 10:37


Collectives on Stack Overflow adds the ability to create , longer form content that lives on the collective page. We first introduced this feature within our Teams product last year, and we have seen strong adoption and usage. Articles give Recognized Members the opportunity to provide deeper knowledge and insights through how-to-guides, knowledge articles, or announcements. Initially, Articles can only be posted by Admins and Recognized Members of a collective, but we’re planning to release a feature (in the near term) that would allow any member of a collective to submit an Article for review.

Articles seem to be different from normal Q&A (even self-answered Q&A) although they also seem to give reputation and allow voting on. What exactly is the relation between the two kinds of content? Where are the differences?

For example, can articles be duplicate targets of Q&A and vice versa? Can articles be edited and if so by whom? Can I close or delete vote on articles? Do articles need to be focused or clear or not primarily opinionated? Or are they more like random blog posts? If I disagree with an article, can I add to it, provide an alternative version? Do articles provide shared authorship and shared reputation maybe? Are articles completely separate or how do they integrate with Q&A?

  • Initially, Articles can only be posted by Admins and Recognized Members of a collective, but we’re planning to release a feature (in the near term) that would allow any member of a collective to submit an Article for review
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:34
  • 2
    There is no "edit" button on articles, so presumably only the author or someone Up In The Collective can edit them. And they cannot be used (at least currently) as dupe targets. (And I hope it remains that way).
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:37
  • 2
    There are UI elements to vote, comment, and provide author feedback to articles. So "disagreement" can already be provided. In theory in the "future" you could submit an article disagreeing with another existing article, but it would be up to the Collective admins to accept it and publish it.
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:38

Questions and Answers will be posted to Stack Overflow, as usual, and the collective page will aggregate all the relevant content from selected tags.

At first I expected that the collective-question page was build using a simple OR of all tags registered by the collective but the word "relevant" tells me there are more to this than the tag-system, right?

Please share information about how relevant information is found.

  • 2
    Collectives are based on tags indeed. From OP: Collectives are based on a set of specific tags relating to the technologies that an organization builds, supports, and has an authority over. So that's the way we define relevancy here.
    – JD-Stack
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 9:40
  • 1
    @JD-Stack So you define relevancy as everything that has a specific tag!? So why put the word "relevant" into that sentence if it's really everything?
    – 4386427
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 9:54
  • 2
    @4386427 Why would a question tagged with [go] not be relevant to the [go] Collective? What else is required for relevance?
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 13:20
  • 1
    @TylerH All tags I follow get irrelevant questions. For instance homework dump with no effort. Typos preventing compilation, spam, etc.. all kinds of crap. I assume the GO tag gets the same. Also I assumed that "relevant" indicated a filter to remove such post. Now a know that there is no filter. They just used the word "relevant" to make it sound good but there is nothing to it...
    – 4386427
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 17:00
  • 2
    @4386427 Preventing people from mistagging their questions (or asking off-topic questions) is an issue, sure, but it's one that is way outside the scope of things Collectives is trying to do.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 17:41

Is Google cloud a bot or script like Roomba or something?

Its URL is https://stackoverflow.com/users/groups/-1002... The last time I saw a user with a negative UserId it was a bot:

Processed Meat with https://chat.stackexchange.com/users/-589/processed-meat


Feeds with https://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/-2

If it is a bot then what does it do? Does it add "Endorsed edits by ..." if an employee tries to add some specific tags to a question?

Also, why is this happening? Is it a ?

Google cloud doesn't seem to able to decide


You mention having a different "pricing structure" for open-source projects, but I'm struggling to see why an open-source project (which typically have limited to no budget) would pay money for this feature. It seems relatively straightforward to duplicate the "User Roles" functionality by writing up a browser plugin or a Greasemonkey script that decorates answers by project members when they post on questions that have specific tags. The metrics seem to be things you can already figure out by using the Stack Overflow API or SEDE, just with a pretty UI on top of it. You wouldn't have the landing page, but that doesn't appear much different than a normal tag page. You also wouldn't have the 'Articles' feature, but most open-source projects already have something to meet that need (project webpage, blog, GitHub wiki, etc.).

It doesn't seem to me that there's much here to justify an open-source project spending their limited funds on. "Collectives" simply wraps this functionality up in a nice ready-made package. That's a viable product strategy for a lot of markets, but we're talking about experienced software developers who are members of a movement that has a history of taking proprietary solutions and rebuilding them in a nonproprietary format. These seem like the exact people that would be more inclined to put this functionality together on their own than to try and fundraise to pay for it. In its current state, "Collectives" seems to lack the sort of "killer feature" that would make open-source projects want to subscribe.

  • 3
    The browser plugin likely wouldn't be that widely distributed and in case for example that recommendations influence sorting order it could become quite complex. If anything you would have to reprogram the whole of SO, I think. But I share your concerns about pricing. Most open source projects I know are so poor they can't even pay their programmers, they won't pay for collectives either. But then, maybe that is the pricing structure. After all more activity directly translates into more income by making the content even better and more valuable. Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 6:19
  • 2
    "I'm struggling to see why an open-source project (which typically have limited to no budget) would pay money for this feature." Moreover, we already have software authors here who monitor the tags related to their product and answer questions. They typically do a disclosure when answering questions "Author of X here...". So, for some tags, we informally already know who the "recognised users" would be. I don't know if those people would find value in paying SO to get that label officially.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 9:50
  • 1
    @Trilarion That sounds like yet another reason why the nametag decorations shouldn't alter the sort order in the first place.
    – bta
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 21:12

What about questions with tags across multiple collectives?

If I were to ask a question about using Go to interact with Google Cloud, does this mean those from either collective can mark answers as recommended?

  • Does the latest recommendation overwrite the earlier one?
  • Do both get displayed?
  • Would one collective get priority over the other in some way in choosing the recommended answer?
  • What if one collective thinks an answer the other recommends is a bad solution?
  • What if 2 recognized users from different collectives both try to post their own recommended answers?

For now it's probably not a huge issue (both owned by Google), but once this expands to multiple organisations (e.g. asking about using Google Cloud with Java), this will probably quickly become a problem.

  • 1
    Was there anywhere written that only one answer per question can be recommended by a collective? I thought you could have multiple recommended answers anyway, from the same or from different collectives. Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 0:02
  • 1
    @PaŭloEbermann I might've assumed it's one per question (because usually there'd only be one "best" solution to a problem, allowing multiple recommendations would likely just add more noise in most cases and they refer to the singular "most appropriate answer" when mentioning recommendations). But either way that's something to clarify. Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 9:53

Allowing a company, say Google, to mark an answer with "Recommended Answer" is a great idea. Until it's not.

Marking certain users as employees or with certain recognition isn't earned because it wasn't assigned by the community.


I have doubts the big firms, like Microsoft, or established companies, like DevExpress, will run here to give you their money.

Because they already have all the necessary tools for support and documentation. And accessing those tools is a kind of filter to reduce the load on the support department.

Does anyone sane want to have more help requests from thousands of SO "hamsters"? Does anyone want to spend more money on support (because more requests require more request handlers)? I don't think so. This department doesn't earn money by itself. Will SO collectives become a sign of high-quality support so that everybody will have to get it to compete with the others? I doubt it.

There are dozens of products to create documentations and to offer support already. Why would someone want to create articles instead?

I believe established firms aren't going to shift it here. I believe successful companies aren't going to benefit even a tiny bit from collectives. You'll get a lot of random startups here (unless it's too expensive) and I have a strong feeling if they ever succeed, they will likely move away to establish their "base" elsewhere, similar to Microsoft MSDN/support.

Perhaps I am too pessimistic.

  • 7
    I do agree that (big and successful) companies should run their own support and marketing/promotion. It's not what SO is for. But... hmmm... apparently Google is interested and isn't it fair to say that Google is pretty big and successful ?
    – 4386427
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:29
  • 1
    agreed with 4386427 here - Google has been interested in SO for a long time, and they seem to be on board with this. Although that brings a question: if big companies are interested the value proposition should've been substantial. Which makes me a little paranoid. Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:32
  • 3
    @OlegValter Things don't have to have value for Google to invest money in them. That's the downside of having more money than god; even a low level manager is authorized to spend millions of dollars with no checks/balances.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 14:14
  • 2
    @TylerH I only referred to the "I have doubts the big firms ... will run here to give you their money." - apparently they do. And that's what a bit worries me - checks and balances or not, one has to convince another that the money they spend brings them value - which makes me a little worried because if the feature's going to play out as promised, there is little value I see (and that's what makes me a little paranoid) Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 14:20
  • Even if big firms are willing to finance this collective adventure of StackOverflow, does it imply that employees are more clever than the community? Somehow I doubt this, because that the reason why StackOverflow became successful in the first place. And if you like to do it right, because the current is it not, then open Collectives to Open Source initiatives and, e.g., make each Open Source Community a Collective. Here we would have at least the certainty that the Open Source-driven answers have a value. However, I fear that this will invite, e.g., the company marketing person "answers." Commented Jun 27, 2021 at 11:36

Currently user profiles have an Articles section (shown below in the screenshot).

I think the Articles section shouldn't currently be in user profiles because the majority of users haven't authored any Articles yet. I also think the Articles section should only be shown if a user has in fact authored an Article. In its current state it doesn't add any relevant information (using a programming term we could say it's polluting the user profile visually.)

image of Articles in user profile

P.S. This had previously been reported in this thread and solved when Articles first launched for Teams.


The members page doesn't support time span filter values in the pagination controls navigation links.

For example, starting from Page one with a time span filter of a one year, the Page # and Next Page links are missing the TimeSpanFilter parameter and will show data with the default seven-day interval.

Screenshot showing page 2 link missing the TimeSpanFilter=Year paramemter


  • 4
    Thank you for reporting this bug, it has been reported to the developers and prioritized.
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Jul 5, 2021 at 19:00

Why is there no Admin label/indicator?

Currently, there are labels for Recognized Members and Employees. However, unless I visit their profile or check the Collective's admins, I have no way of knowing that this user, for example, is an Admin:

Even in the Members tab of the Collective, they're listed just like any other Recognized Members:

I think the user card of an Admin should say something like "Admin in the Go Collective" instead.

  • 6
    I guess it depends on whether there's a useful distinction, in terms of answer quality or "authoritativeness", between a "recognized" user and an "admin" user in a collective. I would imagine that there isn't such a distinction, but maybe that's incorrect. (Unless I'm misunderstanding you proposal)
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 15:50
  • 2
    I think the answer is more or less already given by @zcoop98. We feel that whether somebody has some additional permissions within the Collective (downloading reports, user management) doesn't affect their association with the content. Therefore we've introduced the labels. (Recognized by & Employee of) which both give some additional context. Feel free to tag me if this needs more clarification :) I'll try to provide it
    – JD-Stack
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 9:36

On the collective page there is this segment "Top answer scores": enter image description here

This indicates something plural (because of scores), but there is only a single user here, is it possible for multiple users to show up here?

Also the text states:

"[user] scored 80 answering questions this week"

What did this user score, unicorns, waffles, reputation, post score? Please clarify.


Will there be an API to interact with the collectives?

Currently, the user resource on the API does not contain any information about the collectives a user is a member of.

Also, there does not seem to be a method to list a collective, its members, its tags, etc...

There is a use case to be able to manage collectives through the API. Any company (i.e. the existing "Google Cloud" collective) could use the API to set and remove "employee" status to members through an internal client that verifies they are indeed an employee, rather than have admins manually manage the status of hundreds of members.

  • 3
    hehe, this sounds as a question we've gotten from (potential) customers.. A lot :). The answer is: yes, there will be an API for customers to manage this stuff through their internal systems
    – JD-Stack
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 9:48
  • 3
    @JD-Stack What about non-customers? Will regular users be able to get information programatically about collectives? i.e. Just listing members of a collective seems like something that should be public (it is already accessible through the web interface). Also, joining/leaving collectives through the API seems like something a regular user might want to do (not sure in which situation, but who knows...). I'd like to be able to do everything I can do through the web interface to be doable through the API, since scraping the web does not seem like a sustainable solution.
    – Jofre
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 10:20
  • 2
    @JD-Stack Indeed, will this be exposed to SEDE, at least?
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 13:18

So... I just finished reading this. I won't go over some of the weird results of this idea, like giving some users a "more equal than the others" status that could either be good or go horribly wrong. For that, there are already many other answers.

I will only point out another aspect of this resource dispersion.

I used to be pretty active on SharePoint questions. SharePoint has its own site, but SharePoint questions are plenty on SO too. So, right off the bat, I got two sites with separate privileges I would have to earn. Since SO is oversaturated by fast answerers (often using the "post quick fix later" technique someone mentioned in another post), I decided to just focus on SharePoint.SE. But then I got a different problem - a dead site with low traffic, low voting activity (a site with three great questions in its whole history is not a healthy site)...

I lost hope to make my contributions relevant in any way that could give some actual gratification from posting. The few questions I posted had no answers or even "I know this doesn't reply to you, but is similar so I post either way - please upvote" ones.

Why is this relevant? Because if a SharePoint Collective gets made on SO, that is the final nail in the coffin of SharePoint.SE. A big "know what? This site outlived its purpose - start farming again on SO" hand-wave.

But I suspect this is not just for SharePoint. Where would a Blender collective be built at? And a bitcoin one?

For years SO told us that smaller sites for a single product/tech were great, even if that dispersed your rep gain and made you struggle in low traffic zones. This new product now feels like a 180° turn in the opposite direction. Pull in the smaller communities to SO and give them "private" prestige while still on SO.

I ask a rhetoric question...

Is there any plan to let us/me migrate my work to SO if a SharePoint collective was really made or do you expect me to start from zero again?

  • 4
    You should really be posting all SharePoint questions to SharePoint.SE, not here. We should at some point do a tag cleanup for SharePoint tags on SO and edit the tags to say 'go ask on SP.SE'... questions about programming for SharePoint sites might be OK here if they're applicable elsewhere (e.g. they're not unique to SharePoint)... and in those cases it shouldn't be necessary to mention SharePoint at all.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 14:16
  • 1
    @TylerH Yes, you should. And that was what I did before getting burnt out from the experience. Dead site, no one votes, has 33 over 10k users, last moderation election was in 2017... all the problems I mentioned above. And tell me, if you where Microsoft, where would you go to open a Collective? on the well-known site or the second hand child no one cares about? Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 14:41
  • @TylerH to be clear, I agree with you on paper, but this feature seems to go in the opposite direction. Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 14:42
  • 1
    the critical part that is missing from this description is that interested parties open a dialogue with the company to create a Collective; it requires input and consent from both parties... hopefully the company will take steps to avoid fragmenting communities like this. Or maybe this is a good idea that version 2.0 of Collectives should get a roadmap started already and the first feature should be "cross-site Collectives" for this very reason.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 14:53
  • meh, if a dead site goes away, that community coming back to SO would be a benefit to them, not a curse.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 16:28
  • 5
    @TylerH I really wish that SO would develop better cross-site features for us normal folks before doing so for Collectives (eg: Build and strengthen the Stack Exchange community with "crossover questions" between sites), but we'll see what comes I suppose.
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 17:38
  • 2
    It's possible to move content between SE sites manually, so if SharePoint.SE closes you could at least save the valuable Q&A from there (with attribution) if it's ontopic here and not yet existing. But crossover questions or even crossover tags or cross-over searches would be very much welcome. Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 17:45

You can see that the 7-days members list and the 30-days members list are not perfectly consistent with each other.

For example, some users who:

  • do appear in the 30-days members list
  • and do have positively scored posts in the last 7 days

still don't appear in the 7-days members list. (Even after a couple list updates). Is this intended?

Also I would expect the 30-days members list to be somewhat consistent with the 30 days top users list. Excluding question askers and top users who didn't join the collective, the rankings are still bit different.

Please can you clarify how this works?

  • 1
    We've looked into this, and found that this is due to the fact that lists get cached separately(which is a deliberate choice). Even though there are options to make these lists match, this is not something we feel is worth prioritizing, for now, therefore we've changed it to status-declined.
    – JD-Stack
    Commented Aug 24, 2021 at 11:07

enter image description here

Push the search option more!

Companies will probably link to their collective pages as a type of help center. Other users have expressed a general concern that this might lead to even more duplicates. Right now the search option is even more hidden than on normal pages as it says collective:"Google Cloud" instead.

My recommendations:

  • At the very least remove the collective:"Google Cloud" text and return it to just "Search..."
  • Redesign the Collective page for users that are not logged in (similar to how stackoverflow.com looks different). For not logged in users highlight the search functionality and present yourself as a repository of knowledge rather than a forum.
  • (Research whether there is a way to get users to search on Google Search as it's significantly better than StackOverflow search)
  • 3
    This should probably be posted as a separate feature request based on how the post asks for feedback.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 13:16
  • 2
    Putting the current context into the search bar is consistent with the rest of the site (for better or worse). If you go to a tag, it will put that tag in the search bar. If you go to someone's profile, it will put their user ID in the search bar. Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 9:52
  • @BernhardBarker Neither of those are landing points within the site though. And in contrast to what you're saying this does not apply when you open a question which is the most likely 'entry point' aside of collectives (assuming collectives become popular). Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 10:00

Why does the 'Badges' column show different counts than the profile page? If it's collective badges, there there is no information about such badges in the question.

enter image description here

Member's profile:

enter image description here

  • 2
    I'm going to guess it's how much they earned in the past 7 days. So izca got an additional 5 silver and 4 bronze badge, but no gold in the last week.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 16:49
  • I would've guessed it was how many tag badges that user earned within the collective's domain of tags, but even after poking around a bit, I'm still not sure what it means.
    – zcoop98
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 16:56
  • 1
    @Scratte It shows same in all 3 date filters.
    – turivishal
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 16:59
  • 3
    I wouldn't expect this to be retroactive. I'd expect it to be the same until 7 days have passed. Then the "Last 7 days" will differ from the "Last 30 days". Not until 30 days have passed will the "Last 30 days" differ from "Last 12 months".
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 17:10

So, effectively SO created a bunch of new features for the Q&A community, but isn't going to allow us to benefit from them without some 3rd party company paying to unlock it and us deciding to let that company live on our profiles/questions/answers.

Am I missing something?

  • 3
    "Am I missing something?" It's all for the best of the site and keeping the lights on and making money (or a subset of these). I'm personally not sure yet what I should think if I know that a user is for example a Google employee. I'm rather confused by it. I wish I could go back to a state of ignorance, which allowed me to judge content just by itself. Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 17:37
  • 1
    the "something" i might be missing is that no actual features other than articles were introduced. O.o just opportunities to display the collective name and the company's logo.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 17:56
  • That's it, I think. And a bit of recognition of answers and people and further gameplay (you get a trophy if you answered lots of question within a certain time). And there are tags and collective tags now, which are a bit redundant unless it's actually possible to find a "Go" question that doesn't belong to the "Go" collective (an independent, underground Go question maybe). Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 18:00

I really don't like how collectives/companies are choosing "recommended answers" and "recognized users" (biased), instead of the Q&A software recognizing them by score (proof of worthiness).

It makes sense to highlight good answers and people who are proficient in the technology the question is about.

But why should the collectives award those labels?

There is a system to highlight good answers - the score. If the collective thinks a particular answer is really great, they should upvote, like everybody else.

And there is a system to highlight experts - again the score, now in combination with the question's tags. Award any account a "recognized expert" label for all tags where their average score of best answer per question exceeds some number X. If we want to highlight people who are expected to give great answers, we should highlight those who have proven to do that in the past, not those who someone else said they allegedly will.

  • 1
    This answer is a little unclear in terms of how it refers to 'badges'. There is a first-class object on the site called a 'badge' and it is broken down into gold, silver, and bronze badges. You appear to be talking about the graphical indication of a user being identified as a 'recognized expert' by a collective... while that graphic might look like a real-life badge, it's not a "badge" in terms of what Stack Overflow defines a badge to be... I'd recommend rephrasing the post to fix that issue.
    – TylerH
    Commented Mar 3, 2022 at 15:28
  • Yeah, you understood it correctly; so what could be an unambiguous single-word term for that "recognized expert" thingy?
    – LWChris
    Commented Mar 3, 2022 at 18:04
  • 1
    Maybe something like "the 'top user' label" or something?
    – TylerH
    Commented Mar 3, 2022 at 19:06

I've been noticing an increasing amount of "collective" results that are specific and often only applicable to a single product which my query does not even mention or remotely relates to.

The prevalence of these inapplicable "collective" results on any broader type of search makes for a very frustrating experience. My problems with zsh and its readline command idiosyncrasies is not going to be solved by Google Firebase or Twilio Sendgrid, and none of those "collective" results even contained any mention of the other words in that query.

This initiative is being presented as something of great benefit to your end-users whilst it's really just a revenue stream for StackOverflow and a marketing channel for BigCorp. This lack of honesty is very off-putting and wearisome.

Bottom-line: Sponsored content is getting in the way of finding relevant results, the possibility of corporate influence having been exerted over the content this website serves me has irreparably damaged its credibility, and I've lost all interest in community engagement now that my behaviour has been turned into a product.

  • 1
    "I've been noticing an increasing amount of "collective" results that are specific and often only applicable to a single product which my query does not even mention or remotely relates to." Without sharing your query and a sample of your results it's impossible to read this as an anything other than an anecdote. The issue may be with your query or your understanding of the search results, not with the system.
    – TylerH
    Commented Apr 27, 2022 at 14:12

Good for recognizing our unspoken Conflicts of Interest (law), a resounding problem here.

If we were academically-backed by/like say Harvard University then we would have earlier had to profess that is how to solve part of the problem.

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