I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Highlighting the SEND button in MFMessageComposeViewController
I asked a specific question on how to highlight a UI component within a predefined UIViewController
in Swift for iOS. I gave background to what I have done, what I have tried, and what I think the solution might be. I then ask how to solve the issue, as I can not find sufficient evidence or code examples in the documentation.
I'm not sure why this is classed as opinion based. The Stack Overflow help page suggests posting here, as I'd rather not have to wait 5+ days for it to enter the re-opening queue after I've edited it (slightly). Can anyone help?
is a well-known, standard component (or whatever terminology they use). From what I know of it, it's possibly a case of there being no real good "official" solution for it – e.g., no explicit public API, but people have found hacks – so maybe those vote reasons were considered the closest to "not really (supposed to be) possible, technically", without having to get into the same old discussion about it again for the umpteenth time.new thing(); thing.foo = bar; thing.doYourThing()
and there substantial functionality hidden in parent classes (millions of lines of implementation code). The ansewr is "what you're looking for doesn't exist" and that's not documented anywhere it's just general general platform knowledge. Perfectly reasonable question IMHO, and likely someday what he's hoping to do will be possible. I don't see why it should be closed.