A generic tag that replaces the specific tags is not useful, and might actually be harmful.
Let me start with:
There is nothing wrong with answering a question with a "different tag" technology, as long as it can be reasonably inferred to be available.
When a question is about using a tool to solve a problem, it is fine to point out the tool is not appropriate/ideal for the problem and offer a different approach. This is not restricted to text-processing – it is the same as proposing a different data type, a different library, a different algorithm, or a different programming paradigm.
In any of such cases, there are two important things of note for this:
- The question asker does not have to anticipate the solution. They do not have to know their approach is flawed, and that a more generic approach is needed.
- The question topic and problems do not change. People with a similar issue will still search for the issue, not the answer.
Neither the asker nor the answerer should change the question tag to reflect the solution. Tags exist to categorise questions, not answers.
Just because some questions can/should be answered generically is not a reason to tag them generically. By extension, it is not enough to motivate having a generic tag.
If the problem is formulated using/for a specific tool, then it should be tagged with it.
When people ask an on-topic question on StackOverflow about practical issues like text processing, then they already have a programming problem – meaning they already have committed to a tool. This is not comparable to the situation on, say, Unix.SE, where the text-procssing tag says
Use this tag when your question is about processing text files and you're not sure which tool to use.
Selecting a tool in the context of text processing is the absolute basis to even having a programming problem, and basic research should turn up candidates for tasks that can be solved by "awk, sed, perl or other standard tools". If a question asker is not sure which tool to use*, then there is an extremely high chance the question is off-topic.
There should not be tags that endorse asking off-topic questions.
* Even if what they are sure about turns out to be wrong.
Now, of course there are going to be some questions tagged bash, or shell, or any other tag, when these tags are not appropriate to the specific question. They might be tagged too broadly, or too tightly, or with unrelated tags.
Problem is: If people are mishandling tags, then more tags is not going to fix that.
People use the wrong tags because they do not know better tags exist, or they do not know tag wikis exist, or they just do not care. Adding a "more correct" tag will not let them know that tag exists, it will not let them know what is written in tag wikis, it will not make them care.
It will just add another tag that can be used wrong.
When folks are having an issue piping things through sed
in bash
on linux
, then linuxbashsed is just much more obvious to use than unix-text-processing.
As some comments and answers to this question argue, there is a hint of using such a tag to quarantine the trash, so to speak.
That is not the point of tags. If the kind of trash is okay, then it is okay in any tag. If the kind of trash is not okay, then it should not be declared okay-but-only-over-there.
If there is a significant issue with trash that should not exist in the first place, we need to talk about that, darling. Not apply a bandaid.
is required, isn't it already too broad? That is, it is a work order (here are the requirements; write a script for me; it doesn't matter which tool is used; thanks in advance), not a question.cat, tail, head
, PS users useGet-Content
and CMD users usetype
or other tools available in the Windows Resource Kit. *UX users havegrep
, PS users useSelect-String
and CMD users usefindstr
. As you see text-formatting might attract the wrong interest group. It should be combined with a particular OS-tag minimally, or a particular suggested tool (PS,shell,sed,...)