Could we please lift this restriction from edits by users with a significant amount of reputation?
Ref: What triggers my title rejection?
In other words, I am proposing a new privilege "use prohibited words in title when editing (low-rep?) posts".
I have repeatedly given up on editing low-quality but salvageable posts with titles like "newbie need help with simple program" because no title that I could extract from the post was acceptable to the system. In this situation, it would clearly be better to put something actually actionable like "weird output from printf" but ... I can't. (And the fact that the useless title was not rejected feels slightly offensive.)
I have 140k reputation on Stack Overflow; I'm thinking 100k would be much too high a threshold for the proposed privilege, but don't have a good intuition for when exactly this should be awarded. 1
Obviously the privilege should not extend to users editing their own posts.
1 Generally 20k already feels too crowded and the lower rep levels might be too low. I vaguely recall that reaching 50k was disappointing because it didn't bring any new privileges.