I'm writing up the point I made in my comment a bit more verbosely here.
Firstly, however, I feel that the context of the question the answer was provided to should be given, as that is actually really important here. The question the answer is posted to is asking for a method, using Microsoft's Kinect product, to determine the gender of a person the device can see. Depending on the gender then different advertisements would be displayed.
I am working on an advertising application using Kinect, and what I want to do is when a man comes within a range of Kinect, it should display ads related to mens products and same goes with women.
Can it be done? Where should I start?
Now onto the answer quoted above (which was also provided 9 years ago and I think that is important and I come onto later). For the question I describe above, this is not rude (in my opinion). It is actually a real attempt to answer the question, with a methodology idea; you can determine the gender of the person by the detecting if they have breasts or not. If they do assume female, if not male.
Now, I'm not saying that is a good answer. Assuming someone who visibly has breasts is female and thus someone who visibly doesn't is male is likely to yield the wrong answer for many reasons. Clothing can easily hide the shape of someone's body, breasts come in many different sizes, people's bodies change as they age, someone who identifies as female might psychologically be male and have no breasts and vice versa, men can have breasts or be a shape that could look like it at a glance, people can have their breasts removed for medical reasons, the list goes on. But does, in a simple boolean statement and programmatically, is "has breasts = female" rude? I would strongly suggest no; it's wrong and rudimentary and I can see some being offended by such a device assuming their gender incorrectly, but it's not rude.
Also, as I mentioned, this answer was posted 9 years ago. In my opinion, Gender Identity has changed a lot over the last decade; both in acceptance and the the way people identify themselves. This doesn't make something that was said 9~ years ago that was "ok" then but isn't now "right", but it I do feel that a "pinch of salt" needs to be taken when reading something that might be seen as "not ok" but permissible then.
Certainly, however, I don't doubt that there will be some that find that the above quoted answer is rude, for the pure reason that assuming that if you can see someone has breasts they are female, however, on the whole this I would guess isn't going to be many. If someone really does feel that it isn't appropriate for that reason, a custom mod flag should be raised explaining in more detail (however, without disrespect I would hope the flag to be declined). A flag as "low quality" though would most likely get accepted, as the answer is at best a comment and not an answer.