I subscribed to the Stack Overflow Podcast because its description matches me and my interests perfectly:
The Stack Overflow podcast is a weekly conversation about working in software development, learning to code, and the art and culture of computer programming
As a person who really enjoys teaching folks how to make software, and keeping abreast of new developments in the software engineering world, I have been enjoying the past few years of episodes as ways for me to enjoy hearing how people work together and develop software to make new and interesting solutions to real-world problems. Y'know, the whole reason Stack Overflow exists
Blockchain as a distributed, cryptographically-signed ledger is a very interesting technology that has the capability to solve lots of cool real-world problems and make folks' lives better. Building atop that a way to track ownership is interesting, too. However, as I currently understand it and as is described on the show recently, Ethereum NFTs are not that; they're basically fancy URLs that anyone with enough Ethereum can claim ownership over.
On the show they only talk about Etherium NFTs, and sometimes tangent into discussing cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin. These discussions don't involve any software engineering, nor development, nor coding; just Etherium NFTs, how to create and use them, what they are for, supply-and-demand, returns on investment, etc.
This all doesn't seem to fit the show very well; it's ostensibly a show about the kinds of problems that Stack Overflow solves. If someone goes onto Stack Overflow and asks a question about Ethereum or NFTs or similar topics, their question will be closed as off-topic. If the hosts of this podcast love this topic and want to talk about it, I think they should! But perhaps on a new show, maybe create an Ethereum Stack Exchange podcast.