It is basically a 6-year-old problem on Stack Overflow. See this topic: Help removing rtl tag
Where it seems there is a constant fight to tag the questions correctly, and even now you can find questions tagged with register-transfer-level instead of the correct rtl tag.
As you can see here: Questions tagged [register-transfer-level]
Of the first 10 questions, six of them belong to the right-to-left tag.
I became aware of this issue with this question which was tagged incorrectly and fixed: How to change direction of text to rtl by aspose.diagram
I personally believe that the majority of developers will think about right-to-left when reading the tag rtl and there I would suggest to make the change.
Sooo, 7 days have passed since the last activity, is this problem solvable or do we postpone it for another 6 years?
register-transfer-level [RTL]
andright-to-left [RTL]
an option? this way users typing rtl, in the list of tags, should get both tags and hopefully pick the correct one.[gas]
take that away from the[gnu-assembler]
, looks like it's time to give this one up. (unlike [gas], I've never wanted to tag a question [rtl], and the [gcc] tag covers GCC's flavour of it if we do have questions about RTL)