I am not asking a lot of questions on Stack Overflow, but for about 2-3 years I feel that I need to wait for more (and more frequently place a bounty) to get an answer.
This made me think if it is me or this issue of mine is more general. So, I tried to understand if the time required for fairly experienced users (I picked 1000 reputation as a minimum to reduce the record count considered in the heavy queries).
What I have tried
As suggested by Laurel is to compute the ratio between all questions asked by "experienced" users that received an answer in less than 7 days and all the questions asked by the experienced users.
Something like this.
Exported and made a very simple graph in Excel:
It seems that more and more experienced users got their question answered in 7 days at most. It would be interesting to know if they needed bounties for that or not.
I am interested in feedback about the assessment of how are things evolving for fairly experienced users (including the correctness of my queries).
by 8, which means that your data from (say) 2015 will range from 201512 to 201596 instead of 201501 to 201512. There's still a larger gap between December-January than between any other two months but it is not nearly as confusing to look at. (Of course it would be better still to plot these against a true date axis but you might have to resort to gnuplot/Excel for that)