The question was "What is the difference between data mining and text mining?" and the answer I was reviewing looked like this:
Data Mining refers to scraping or mining data from large amounts of information. The term is really a contradiction. Thus, data mining should have been more suitably named as knowledge mining which emphasis on mining from huge amounts of data. It is a computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets including methods at intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, statistics, and database systems. Alternative Names of Data Mining Here are some alternative names of data mining that you should know:
- Business Intelligence
- Data Archeology
- Data Dredging
- Data/Pattern Analysis
- Information Harvesting
- Knowledge Discovery (Mining) in Databases (KDD)
- Knowledge Extraction
Key Properties of Data Mining Let’s go though some key properties of Data Mining:
- Automatic discovery of patterns
- Prediction of likely outcomes
- Creation of actionable information
- Focus on large datasets and databases
Data Mining Process Data Mining is a process of determining different summaries, models, and derived prices from a given collection of information. The general experimental procedure modified to data-mining problem involves the following steps:
State Problem and Formulate Hypothesis: - In the given step, a modeler generally requires a group of variables for indefinite dependency and, if possible, a common sort of this dependency as an initial hypothesis. In effective data-mining applications, this support does not stop within primary phase. It endures during whole data-mining procedure.
Collect Data: - This step cares about how data is produced and picked up. Usually, there are two separate potentials. The main is when data-generation procedure is under control of an expert (modeler).Also, it is important to use data later for applying and testing a model come from an unknown, equivalent, sampling distribution. If this is often not the case, expected model cannot be effectively used in a final application of results.
Data Processing In the observational setting, information is frequently “gathered” from data warehouses, data marts, and prevailing databases. Data preprocessing generally includes at least two general tasks:
- Outlier Detection: - Outliers are unusual data values that are not according to most observations. Normally, outliers’ result comes from coding, recording errors, measuring errors, and, sometimes, are natural, abnormal values. Such non-representative samples can really affect model process later.
- Encoding, Scaling, and Selecting Features: - Data preprocessing contains some steps like differing types of encoding and variable scaling. For example, one feature with range [0, 1] and other with range [100, 1000] will not have a comparable weight within useful method. They are going to inspire vital data-mining results inversely.
Data Mining Challenges Enlisted below are the various challenges involved in Data Mining.
- Data Mining requires data collection and large databases that is impossible to manage.
- The data mining procedure needs domain specialists that are again difficult to find.
- Integration from varied databases is a complex process.
- The organizational level practices need to be modified to use the data mining results. Restructuring the process requires effort and cost.
I don't know much about data mining myself but the only thing I didn't particularly like about this answer was it didn't mention text mining. That being said, I learned something about data mining by reading it. Certainly not "readers will find it offensive or repulsive rather than helpful" as the "STOP! Look and listen" banner suggested after failing the audit.
Web Data Mining Service
by something calledScraping Intelligence
which is the same as the username. As a reviewer, this should raise a red flag