Every day, we see hundreds of questions asked that are of such low-quality one might wonder why Stack Overflow even allows to post it. We keep closing and downvoting them, but the problem doesn't end. New users arrive and the ones that get banned just create another account and repost the same question. We need something to stop it.
I propose that Stack Overflow implements an entrance exam. Every account must go through such an exam before being able to post any questions.
It could look something like this. We present a user with a question and they must select one of few options, e.g. "Answerable", "Duplicate", "Unclear", "Not about programming". When a user answers correctly 5 times they gain a privilege to ask questions. We could sample questions automatically like we do in audits or we could have moderators select a range of questions. If every moderator selects 5-15 questions it should be enough to present a viable challenge even to returning users.
This would have several benefits:
- Stop users who are in hurry.
- Show examples of good questions to new users. There is the tour, but it is useless at this task.
- Inform users what Stack Overflow is about. This is not a personal help assist. We are trying to collect a repository of questions and their answers.
- Deter voting fraud. It's too easy to create new accounts. This is not a primary reason, but I hope it will help in a fight with users who create multiple accounts to answer their own questions.
- Reduce the occurrence of the pattern: Ask, close, ban, recreate the account, ask again.
- Maybe even reduce spam.
This is just an idea, but I would like to hear everyone's opinion. Would you like to see something like this being implemented and if not, why?