This is linked to Should Docker questions go on Stack Overflow, Server Fault, or Super User?
I am dealing with Docker and docker-compose for a few weeks only, still rather a beginner. Thus, I might be wrong in my view here.
Up to now, I have not had a single case where I would have seen the questions arising from that work as on-topic on Stack Overflow, in the sense that it would be about programming. It is just the management of parameters and commands. You can, of course, ask questions about real code inside Docker, and then it should be on-topic. I have not seen any such code up to now.
The question arises from this meta discussion in the comments below the question of How to run docker-compose with custom filename [duplicate].
(Please note: the question here is not about whether there is a wrong duplicate assigned or not.)
The question: Is an easy Docker question about a command parameter and which does not have any programming in it off-topic? And as a side-note, you could add where it should be placed. I am curious where this question would have to be put, is it
- Stack Overflow
- Super User
- Unix & Linux
- Server Fault
- (Ask Ubuntu makes no sense to me as it is already a too-detailed choice of what Docker can do.)
docker-compose --help
, and I'm not clear it'd be a great match for any SE site.