This might seem obvious, but the best way to avoid the question being too broad is to narrow the scope of the question as much as possible. You have to be more careful when it comes to language comparison questions, because there might be a lot of differences, and those are not questions that can be reasonably answered in a Q&A format. To be on-topic, the question would have to be about a specific keyword, or specific functionality in those languages.
Your question is asking about the difference between how two languages specify objects and classes, which is basically asking how the two languages deal with Object Oriented Programming, and that's too broad. Also, avoid asking things that can be construed as opinion-based, such as "What can one do that the other cannot?". This is a little hard to answer objectively, and could very well lead to the question being closed. A similar question that is also too broad would be What are the differences between the type inference of Scala and C++11?
There are some examples in the language-comparisons tag of questions that are sufficiently focused to be on-topic. For example, What is the difference between the const qualifier in C and the const qualifier in C++? asks how a specific keyword is different between two languages (that are admittedly more related than the average pair of languages). Another example would be What is the difference between Java's equals() and C++'s operator ==? which is about different syntax that appear to be doing the same thing in different languages.
The tag info actually covers the intended usage quite nicely, so I won't repeat it here. Unfortunately, most of the questions with that tag are actually asking how to implement feature X in a different language, which seems to be a misuse of the tag, since they are code translation questions. There aren't actually many on-topic language comparison questions probably because it's in fact, fairly hard to ask an on-topic question of this nature.