Here's the question: Can someone explain what this batch file do?
Valuable Answer:
This asks for elevation, then instructs Windows Defender to skip analyzing *.exe and *.srt files, then decrypts a virus payload and starts it. Boo!
And a comment stating:
Just search the web for "75095_VTS" and you'll see why it's a bad idea to run arbitrary executables from torrents. Stack Overflow is not the place to reverse engineer batch files
So - it's how to bypass Defender
and implement a virus.
Now, being a little slow on the uptake as I am, I believe that it's not a really good idea for such information to be made so easily available for use. Sure, the question has been closed - and that is all we mere users appear to be able to do.
AFAIAA, to have the item removed, as I believe it should be, requires the intervention and action of a moderator.
So I flagged the item with a comment "Given the evaluation/answer and comment, this is a virus installer & hence should be squished moderator-like."
The response to which was "declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention"
Therefore, this doesn't require moderator intervention - right? It doesn't need to be deleted (a moderator, not a user privilege). So instead, I've brought the matter to Meta.