As someone working with Vue on a daily basis, I would say that Vue 2 has become the de facto standard for anyone using this framework. Originally the vue.js-tag was meant for Vue 1 but that version has been discontinued nearly five years ago with version 1.0.28 and is no longer supported by the Vue team. That is why its tag has long been used for nothing but Vue 2 questions and has therefore become synonymous with vuejs2. vue.js is also by far the more popular tag (~75k questions vs ~22k questions) for questions about Vue 2.
I'd therefore propose merging vuejs2 into vue.js to have a better representation of the current state of Vue. vuejs3 on the other hand does make a lot of sense and should be kept. What do you think?
The Vue team is doing something similar with their domains: (v2) and (v3). I bet in some distant future where Vue 2 is deprecated, will host Vue 3 just like it happened with Vue 1.
(and even avue3
) tag.