Meta is the place where the community gathers to talk through problems. It doesn't matter if those problems have been talked about ad infinitum, if someone brings a topic up, we should honor that.
Wrong. The fact this is not the case is why we have a duplicate system to begin with.
Communities can and do change; and if we shut down conversation moments after it happens, all we're saying is that we're hostile to ideas being revisited
No, it means we're hostile to rehashing the same arguments over and over and over. And we are. No online community should subject its users to that sort of repetitiveness. If someone has a new point to bring to the table, they should first make sure they're informed of the basic history of the issue and then should interweave that knowledge into the discussion. And they should be fully open to finding out that their point has been brought up before.
...and if that's the case, aren't we as a community then guilty of the culture people have ascribed to us?
No, it means they don't understand our history and culture as a community and should learn more about it instead of deriding it. The great irony of the "welcoming" ideology is that its advocates refuse to extend its principles to themselves. It is pure hypocrisy.
The system this platform was built upon is not perfect, but there are very good reasons why it has the features it does. Anyone trying to enter this community should first be willing to accept that. If they have a desire to change some feature of it, they must acknowledge the problems that led to the creation of that feature as well as how the community's usage has adapted to any shortcomings they have. Only after they have done so should they begin to think of what changes they can propose that would solve both those problems and additional ones, and they should be willing to explain how the change still accounts for the original problems and how it would solve additional ones. We're not opposed to improvements here; we're opposed to regressions.
SO as a company has failed to do so since the beginning of "welcoming." That's why we're frustrated with them. This wasn't a bunch of new people integrating themselves into what we were doing and trying to make it better. This was a bunch of new people with totally different values who have no interest in our original problems coming in and taking over in a hostile manner, and then tell us to leave if we don't like it.
It wasn't hostile. It spoke of a problem without castigating the people.
And this is just ridiculous. This question is a dumpster fire of sanctimonious invective.
Seriously, the author left it all over the post and comments:
It's just a lazy alternative to substantive engagement, leaving no beneficial artifacts for the poster nor the community.
Downvoting is often used as a cheap, fast, and untraceable weapon in a cowardly drive-by micro-aggression without having to own up to it.
I'm holding down the fort waiting for backup. LOL! I agree about trying it out, but I wouldn't hold my breath given the response here.
Sorry if this sounds blunt, but I think you inadvertently revealed the real purpose of downvoting--it's Pavlovian conditioning!
Whatever benefit there is to downvoting, is it worth all the turmoil?
(Do take note of Nicol Bolas' insightful reply)
If the poster is a person of color, how is he or she supposed to discern your downvote from a racist asshole's downvote?
Have you ever considered a downvote may have nothing to do with the quality of your question? Perhaps, I downvoted your post because you're from Texas.
And the original version of the question contained even more:
Unfortunately, it overlooks how some of the platform's features promote a toxic community culture with downvoting as a primary instigator. Consequently, it's time to remove the feature, or at least for questions.
At best it's meaningless, at worse promotes the very toxic culture SO seeks to reform...
This user has repeatedly cast baseless aspersions on the motives and character of downvoters. They have made it quite clear they're not here to discuss the issue, but to castigate this community for something they view as morally unjust. There is no evidence that engaging with this user is going to be even remotely productive. Deletion is the best option for everyone. If you think there's some content to be salvaged, then salvage it in a new, improved question.
It appears to me that your biases in favor of the "welcoming" ideology have clouded your ability to judge this situation, but you'll have to determine for yourself the reasons why you could not see that this asker and the way in which they presented the topic are inherently hostile.