My knowledge was that I cannot delete a question if it has an answer, because members of the community have invested their effort in answering it. Also, the question can still be of value to future visitors to the site with the same/related problems, as mentioned here -
I answered a question yesterday, mainly describing why the problem is occurring and mentioning an alternative. The answer had an upvote, possibly from the OP themselves. The OP asked me in the comment if there is a workaround. I replied, there might be a solution that I'm not aware of. I also told them that I'll try to update the answer and notify them if I can find any helpful information.
Today after finding a better solution, I was trying to update my answer to include the solution. But, to my surprise, in the middle of my editing, the question got deleted. I can still see the post marked with:
This post is hidden. It was deleted 8 hours ago by the post author.
I am just curious. Is this a bug, or can it be done in some way that I'm not aware of?
I did edit the answer once more after the upvote, before adding the solution today.
tab showingunupvote
for the question. The link -…