appears to be an exact duplicate of . Tag descriptions are identical and posts are often tagged with both. Should they be merged or synonymized?

Should we retag all Apache-related questions as , and clean up the rest of the questions?

1 Answer 1


As the term "superset" has a distinct meaning in set theory, I think that having it apply specifically to Apache Superset, when we have a more descriptive tag already available, can be misleading.

There are a few questions tagged that do not relate to Apache Superset. Here are a few examples:

There are also many questions with both tags (over half the , and over 60% of the questions).

So my proposal is to retag all of the Apache related questions as , then either burn superset, or retarget the tag for one of the other meanings for "superset" (with appropriate wiki edits).

  • 3
    The second and third examples are Apache Superset questions. Second one involves an Apache Superset installation. In the third one, Airbnb Superset is the previous name of Apache Superset.
    – mck
    Commented Feb 18, 2021 at 8:24
  • 2
    I think that this answer only shows evidence that a [superset] tag shouldn't exist.
    – Braiam
    Commented Mar 5, 2021 at 17:59

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