I posted this question which was downvoted straight away and closed.
For less 10k reputation points:
I'm not sure why it was downvoted, nor why it was closed as "off-topic."
Stack Overflow's help pages on closed reasons states that:
- Off-topic because… - each community decides which specific topics are and are not allowed on their site. You can see this list of off-topic subjects for this site by viewing this help center article.
This question doesn’t appear to be on-topic for this site.
Meta Stack Overflow doesn't have a direct list of what is on topic or not. Instead, it redirects to Stack Overflow's What topics can I ask about here?
I think that my question was perfectly on topic. I asked what was the fastest time for a user to get blocked. Meta Stack Overflow is, after all, supposed to be about Stack Overflow. And if this is off topic, why should What are the most upvoted/downvoted questions and answers on the sites? be on topic?
In the comments, some notable comments were:
I've personally deleted spammers' accounts within 5 seconds of the spam being posted. I think that's sufficiently fast. I don't see how hard numbers would be any more useful to you. What problem are you actually trying to solve? - Cody Gray
The same could be said for the "most upvoted/downvoted" question. It's not trying to solve anything, and it wouldn't usually be considered useful.