Ran across the delay tag today. It seems like a meta tag, especially given its laconic wiki description. Lets go through the criteria:
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
No, this tag is ambiguous. Specifically it fails to differentiate between specific sleep-like function calls and the higher level unresponsiveness of a ui or system. In addition, even if it were scoped to only deal with the former, it is not language specific, so it would still be too broad.
Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?
Mostly, both sleep-like function calls and unresponsiveness are indeed characteristics specific to programming.
Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?
No. There are many causes of a delay in a system, and they are likely to have many different causes and resolutions. The addition of this tag does not help differentiate a question.
Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?
Absolutely not. As mentioned, a delay question could be about system responsiveness, both in a ui or system level manner as well as being about purposeful delay calls, like sleep. It could even be used to describe network delay, ie lag.
The last, overarching criterion is whether this tag is actively harmful. I'm not sure it is. However, I do think that the individual concepts present in this tag could better served through more specific tags.
Additionally, I notice is that there is a fair bit of use of this tag. There are almost four thousand questions using the tag. So that has to factor into things as well.
There are no gold badge members for this tag. There aren't any 'experts' — one person has answered 18 questions, another 10, but everyone else has answered 4 or fewer questions. One person has asked 4 questions; everyone else has asked 2 or 1.
My Suggested usage
So I went through the two hundred or so questions that used this tag and categorized them into several groups classified by whether I think they should be using this tag. Arduino, pygame, C# and flutter have an explicit function called "delay", so they're the closest to being correct. I'd edit this directly into the tag wiki but the edit queue is full or something.
Usage | Tag to use |
Delay of execution in arduino | This |
Delay of execution in pygame | This |
Delay of execution in c# | This or possibly thread-sleep |
Delay of execution in flutter | This |
Delay of execution in c | sleep |
Regularly spaced delays of execution | timer |
Network delay | lag |
Unexpected slowness of execution | optimization or performance |
Delay between electronic pulses | Likely pwm, make sure the question isn't about general hardware |
Delay differential equations | differential-equations |
Pause in media playback | Do not add this tag |
Unresponsive User interface | Do not add this tag |
Additionally, the following related tags are probably ambiguous as well: waitresumeuntil-looptimedelaylagdelayed-execution