The Quarantine Hair hat is quite clever
Yeah, I agree. It is pretty awesome that the team was so thoughtful to include a hat that was close to real life events for a lot of people, had grim consequences, yet brought some light in these dark times.
is this hat gender-inclusive?
The jury is still out on that. There was no prior art or experience what quarantine hair looked like so the team faced the challenge to come up with an image that communicated the message, appealed to enough users and was relatively easy to produce. Going by the several Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and webex meetings I've been in I would say that hair fits everyone.
Realized this isn't racially inclusive either. The image below is what we suggest messy hair looks like for the majority of the Stack Overflow community.
It certainly is an artistic expression of messy hair. I'm sure there hasn't been done a ton of user research among diversity groups before the final design of this "Hair" went live. From that angle you could argue it might not leave much room to apply alternative explanations for shape and color.
I personally think "Quarantine Hair" and the "Social Distancing" were fine attempts to bring some joy to dark times.
Going forward, it might be beneficial to have design criteria up-front that guarantees an image conveys all intended messages, including inclusiveness. Coming up with such criteria is hard but we have at least 11 months to do better. The Suggestions for Winter Bash 2021 is already open. Your ideas and suggestions to make this event even more awesome are welcome there. This 2020 bash comes to an end soon-ish.