I agree with you; that's a bad audit, compounded by a series of lazy reviewers.
While there are almost certainly some issues with the question, as yivi pointed out, those issues are not at all obvious upon first inspection. I intentionally looked at the question before looking at any of the answers here, and it did not appear to me as something that needed to be closed. You might call me an idiot, but:
- I'm not.
- As you said, review audits are supposed to be obvious. This one wasn't obvious. Not by long-shot.
- The issues noted with the post require too much domain knowledge to determine. That is more than we can reasonably expect a reviewer to diagnose.
- Nobody who was involved in the question took the time to point out any of these flaws or ask any clarification questions.
I won't argue with the issues that yivi pointed out… I changed my mind. I went back and read the question more carefully, alongside yivi's objections, and I think most of them are specious. Let's go through his bullet points:
- the "special characters" are not defined anywhere but on the code, and the code can be the problem, so that's not good enough.
This is a reasonable objection. The question probably needs some clarification about what, precisely, is meant by "special characters". That would have been a good question for someone to ask in the comments.
Still, I think it's reasonable, based on the examples that are shown and standard usage of the term, to assume that the asker meant "anything that is not alphanumeric". You could argue that we shouldn't make assumptions when answering questions, but: (A) we do it all the time, (B) fine, but someone should have at least asked, and (C) the question wasn't closed for being unclear.
- the regex does the opposite of what I'd expect, because on testing their regex I see it "matches" invalid entries instead of matching valid ones.
Hmm, okay. Seems like an irrelevant nitpick. The "direction" of a regular expression can be trivially reversed, and whether it matches or excludes seems to be largely a matter of taste, not a critical issue with the question's clarity. (And don't forget that the question wasn't even closed for lacking clarity.)
Furthermore, there's nothing inconsistent between the regular expression and the description provided in the question. They say that their regex "doesn't allow any special character in the name". What's the simplest, most straightforward way to implement this? A regular expression that would "match" on invalid input, thus signaling that the input should be rejected. Huh, so that's exactly what they have.
Also, it's unclear why they are not using the same approach to detect this than the one they are using to detect a "username" starting with a comma, a period or a single quote (^[,.']
You mean, it's unclear because the answer is obvious? That's a weird argument. It's almost as if that could have been posted as an answer to the question. Or at least a comment requesting clarification if they were looking for something else. It definitely doesn't make the question too broad.
The approach seems inherently wrong ("forbidden" characters vs "allowed" characters can open the door for problems down the road.)
That's not a reason to close a question. Ever. Full stop.
I'd let you get away with that being a reason to downvote a question. Or maybe even a reason to leave a pointed comment. But it's not a close reason. If you think it is, you need to re-read the list of close reasons.
If pared down, the problem of their question (match a dash only on the first or last character, to detect the "invalid" entries), is certainly a dupe.
This assessment of "the real problem" is just flat wrong. They aren't trying to match a dash only on the first or last character. They want to modify their existing regex to allow interior dashes, but not leading/trailing dashes. That's probably still a duplicate, of course. Yet, no one suggested any duplicates! The question wasn't closed as being a duplicate.
I do not understand why none of the people who identified these problems with the question saw fit to point them out. (Note: I'm not saying that the question shouldn't have been closed. Any time you think a question is unclear, too broad, or whatever, you should immediately vote to close, without waiting for clarification. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for clarification! Otherwise, how does the asker know what they need to provide in order to make the question eligible for being answered?) Had there been comments pointing out these flaws with the question, then I would have expected you to read them, judge whether the edits had solved those problems, and vote to re-open or leave closed accordingly. But in the absence of any indication that there were serious quality issues with the question, the closure seems misguided.
In particular, it seems like yet another closure triggered based on the presence of certain keywords and/or a general revulsion that the community has developed to questions asking for, um, help. While it's true that "Can someone help me?" is not an actual question, if you think that's all that question said, then you need to take a remedial reading course. What it actually said was the following:
Can someone help me, how can I modify the pattern to allow the hyphen(-) only in between the characters
Granted, the author's grammar was poor, but if you think there's not a question in there, then you have a far weaker grasp on the English language than the asker. What they are saying is:
Can someone help me to modify the pattern to allow the hyphen (-
) only in between the characters?
Now, are you seriously going to tell me that that's not a question? This wasn't someone asking for a tutorial. This wasn't someone throwing up their hands and just saying, "I need help!" So put away all of your canned comments and pent-up rage at these types of questions, because this ain't it.
I'm growing very tired of comments like:
It's a no-effort "gimme teh codez" question, but that close reason was removed because it's "not nice". Hence, other close reasons were used for the express purpose of getting it relegated to the garbage where it belongs. Now it is deleted, and all is right with the world.
At best, perception that a question lacks effort is a downvote reason. It's not a close reason. There has never been a close reason that had anything to do with effort, so it couldn't have been "removed". Furthermore, even if there were such a reason, it wouldn't have been removed because it's "not nice". It would be removed because it's fundamentally inappropriate. The purpose of Q&A is to answer questions, not to reward effort.
If you are abusing other close reasons for the purpose of getting questions closed because you think the asker didn't put in enough effort, you are literally breaking the rules. Don't be surprised if you begin to see consequences for that abuse of the system. You'd better start doing the analysis that yivi did, and identifying actual, concrete, fixable problems—tangible areas where the question lacks clarity—because this "no effort" excuse just isn't going to cut it anymore.
Whether or not one agrees with me that the question was appropriately closed in the first place, or one thinks it still lacks clarity in its problem definition, or one is ready to strangle me for having re-opened it, it's an inconvertible fact that you should not have failed this audit because of voting to re-open. In your case, your reviewing privileges are not suspended for having failed that audit. Failing a single audit is not enough to earn a suspension from review—which is a good thing, because there are bad audits out there, and they do catch even good reviewers.