It seems someone has created a vanilla in reference to Vanilla Javascript, which isn't a thing. The language is Javascript, We don't have vanilla-c# or Vanilla-Java so it makes no sense to have vanilla js or the vanilla at all. This is related to this question Synonymize or blacklist [vanilla-js] tag, so I'll repeat some of the arguments from that here:
There has been a website in the past, about "vanilla-js" ( because of the multiple open source libraries/frameworks got founded during that period. That was not something serious. Just a "gag". There is a "legitimate" SO question about that here: What is VanillaJS?
and also the response from Bolt-clock:
One of javascript's synonyms is vanilla-javascript, so having an additional vanilla-js synonym seems like a no-brainer. Done.
I propose that the vanilla is blacklisted to "so that this does not occur anymore".