Are answers that simply link to other answers acceptable?
The audit process says they are. What are your thoughts on this?
Are answers that simply link to other answers acceptable?
The audit process says they are. What are your thoughts on this?
Are answers that simply link to other answers acceptable?
In order to be immediately helpful to readers (and avoid link-rot), we prefer answer that provide at least a summary of the solution directly, with links used to offer additional information.
This is a bad audit - it should be flagged as Not An Answer.
If an answer on a different question fully answers the question, the question should be flagged as a duplicate of the question that has the answer. If it does not fully answer the question, then a link to the answer won't fully answer the question either. (In this case, the answer should, at a minimum, explain how to adapt the other answer to the unique circumstances of the question at hand).
It may depend on the context. Off site link only answers are severely frowned upon. They should be flagged and deleted.
If the question is really a duplicate, that means if the answers to the other question answer this one, then again an internal link only answer should be flagged and deleted because the correct action should be to close the question as a duplicate.
But there are real world questions, where a link to a different answer can have value, even if the question is not a duplicate. IMHO, the term workaround has to be considered. If the answer in the link do not really solve the question, but can be used as a short term workaround, then there is no solution a part from a link to that other post. Of course it would be better to have a little explaination in the answer itself and not a raw link. But deleting the answer could be worse for future readers than leaving it.
Disclaimer: I have not read the real question and answer so I cannot know whether this apply to the specific question.
Disclaimer2: The point is not whether a link only answer is a good answer (obviously it cannot), but just whether deleting it will make the site better.