Yesterday after I finished posting my question/answer to a problem, I closed my computer and went to bed. The next day (today) I come back to Stack Overflow to see that I was logged out. Okay, not that big of a deal maybe my login data was cleared by my browser, I have had that multiple times already. I log in, and I see the message "You are about to create an account from Stack Exchange" or something along those lines. I continue, and my account is cleared.
Reputation, answers, questions, etc. gone. (I didn't really have that much reputation anyway, only 31, but my questions and answers are gone too I think) I checked this question (My Stack Overflow account is deleted), and I saw that a moderator had answered with that he had multiple duplicate accounts with similar names, but for me this can't really be the problem, because I only have 1 account (At least I think I only have one, but maybe I have an old account as well.)
It is not necessarily a big deal but I just want to know why my account was 'cleared'