I recently discovered a rather severe bug in 64-bit VBA and asked about it on Stack Overflow. Because I guess this constitutes a significant and interesting question, it was quickly among the most upvoted unanswered questions of the tag.
Now, a fellow investigator on the subject posted some interesting new insights as an answer which according to this is, of course, a good thing, despite not actually solving the problem. I upvoted the answer because it is "useful" and contributes to the research about the bug.
What I didn't realize was that even without accepting the answer, just by upvoting alone, my question no longer counts as "unanswered" and thus loses potentially important exposure. I did report the issue to Microsoft wherever I could but considering it's VBA, a fix may take a while.
Was it right to upvote in this case? Isn't it counterproductive that such a question doesn't count as "unanswered" anymore?
Edit: To clarify what I mean, the following filter will no longer include my question:
Edit 2: It can be found by searching for [vba] hasaccepted:no
and sorting by votes but obviously between lots of questions that actually do have a valid answer without a green checkmark. So I guess this is just a limitation of the system we have to live with, since forcing green checkmarks would come with other problems and I know this was already discussed in the past...
[vba] hasaccepted:no score:10
and then sort by newest