A protocol
can be used by many languages and frameworks - their usage is fundamentally generalised to some extent.
If the key part of the question is not regarding the development of the protocol itself, can questions about implementations using a protocol be generalised to improve answer availability?
Meta question: When should a question be generalised?
I'm new to SO and considering how best to draft a question about an implementation of the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol in a project I'm working on. One way to ask the question might be to talk about it from the perspective of the language (Swift) and the specific OSC library I'm using in order to provide a minimal reproducible example. However, the question I'm asking relates more to guidance in testing and debugging systems that use the OSC protocol itself and may get better quality answers in being more generalised. The documentation itself doesn't give great insight into implementations of sync with OSC bundles for instance, where examples from developers showing their approaches would be very valuable for learning.
For instance, I'd like to know how to test synchronisation methods and measure drift in OSC systems, which relate closely to the schedulers being used - in my case schedulers in Swift. However, there are likely to be some heuristics/methods for implementing sync and drift measurements when using an OSC implementation in other (more common) languages like C or C++ which I could learn from and port into my implementation.
In searching, I haven't found these answers on SO, so in developing the question I have considered writing an example in C++ in order to get more attention to my question. In the outcome that a comment or answer from another framework or language leads to a new or more robust implementation in my specific case - this would be supplied and recorded as an answer for others to find also. However, this feels perhaps against the intentions of the SO question/answer design model?
My understanding is that SO is designed to focus toward specialised questions in order to better deliver specialised answers. However, I've found that works differently when searching for questions regarding say a protocol rather than a language or framework, in that they can be deployed in many different languages/frameworks. Rather than getting my question downvoted, edited or closed - I'm hoping someone from meta might provide some insight on best practice here.
to help you? What would a[C++]
expert that doesn't know a thing about OSC have to offer you? Sounds like your question would just make them loose their time. If you think your question could have specifics because of the language you are using, then explain clearly in the question your situation. If an OSC expert that doesn't know a thing about Swift answers that it's dependent on the language and you have to check how schedulers work in Swift, then open a new[swift]
question about schedulers.