I saw this question just now:
Newly downloaded Eclipse installer is making me use Java 11+
This wouldn't be a problem for a lot of people, but I NEED to use Java 8 (jre1.8.0_261). Whenever I launch the installer (I also tried installing the DSL kit all at once) it is forcing me to use Java 11+. Mind you, I don't have any version of Java that is 11 or higher. the only installed version I have is Java 8. What the installer looks like for me. Any help would be appreciated!
Another user wrote a comment to the quesiton, which the questioner then copied verbatim as self-answer. The OP did make it clear though that another user wrote that comment.
This feels very wrong, but well, it isn't plagiarism, as the original author is clearly identified?
So, is such an answer a good thing?