My journey on to Meta Stack Overflow started today after I asked a question and not five minutes after posting, it got marked as duplicate and closed. I tried asking it differently, but I quickly learned that I had been banned from asking questions because I had asked too many bad questions.
I am a self-learner who's working through some courses and books online and since I don't have access to many people who are programmers, I took to Stack Overflow to look for help in my quest to become a better programmer.
Some of my questions were truly bad like this one about Git (forgive me I didn't know better!), some were genuine confusions I had and didn't realize the mistake until days later (at that point I did come back and answer my own question clarifying where the confusion had been).
The question that got me banned, however, was one "homework" question that I wanted some feedback on (in my view, it did follow the guidelines for asking a good question). I think I could have searched better (I also think the Stack Overflow search engine is not super good at finding helpful questions). Like I mentioned above, this question got quickly flagged as a duplicate and closed. Not only that, but the question that I got redirected to didn't help me, and as a beginner it only raised more questions about new things I didn't understand!
Now, I know there's been a lot of debate on asking homework questions on Stack Overflow. I just spent some time going over how to ask/answer homework questions, as well as this duplicate.
I even found this (unfortunately, in my opinion) downvoted question about the teacher's formula, which led me to this poorly named one, and then to learn about the XY problem. At this point, I have read enough to understand where I could have done better.
However, I am still left with a bitter taste in my mouth because as a self-learner who doesn't have access to professors or professional programmers, I feel like Stack Overflow might not be the friendliest place for me. So it leads me to ask, is Stack Overflow a good place for self-learners? If not, then what is the place for a self-learner like me who tries his best at answering his own questions, but isn't always able to? foo bar
when looking for duplicates to existing questions. Of course it helps tremendously to already know the answer, so I can use search terms that I expect to see in a useful answer but weren't in the question. (And maybe I'll even have a memory of a specific canonical Q&A in mind. In the lower-traffic tags I follow like [assembly], maybe even remembering who wrote it so I can include their username in the search. Often myself; it's convenient having a fairly rare last name :)