
I want to write a PHP code snippet in the question or answer. I searched that but Stack Overflow can insert only HTML, CSS, JavaScript snippet code.

How can I insert a PHP code snippet like below?

JavaScript snippet example:

console.log('hello world');


3 Answers 3


Stack Overflow has no features for executing live demos of PHP code in questions.

You should format a Minimal, Reproducible Example as a regular code block:

    echo "123";

You might additionally link to a live demo using a third-party demo hosting service. (Google finds PHPFiddle, I can't speak to the quality of the service).

  • it doesn't run the PHP code, just showing. I want to running code like the js code in question!
    – Nothehi
    Commented Oct 22, 2020 at 9:46
  • 10
    @No.The.Hi — I refer you to the first and last paragraphs of this answer.
    – Quentin
    Commented Oct 22, 2020 at 9:47
  • why SO does not add this feature?
    – Nothehi
    Commented Oct 22, 2020 at 9:50
  • 11
    Probably because the cost / value ratio is poor.
    – Quentin
    Commented Oct 22, 2020 at 9:51

If you understand the difference between client- and server-side code and the security implications thereof, you will understand why this is not, and probably never will be, a feature on Stack Overflow.

  • 3
    Okay, fair enough. Can I keep asking for this feature until I do understand the difference?
    – rene
    Commented Oct 23, 2020 at 12:03

There isn't any way to run PHP code. You have to insert an additional link in your question/answer to share your PHP code snippet with fellow members.

A PHP code snippet can be shared by using the following websites:


http://phptester.net/ - [My choice]



And many more. You can also google for this using "PHP code snippets online" keywords ;)

  • thank you @Peter Mortensen for wonderful editing Commented Oct 28, 2020 at 6:06

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