I just found a related question Burninate this tag a[sap] which concerns the sap tag, asked 3 years ago. There's an attempt to generalize it to make it valid for all "company tags", but it still remains specific to the SAP tag.
I prefer not tagging this current question as duplicate because I think it's worth discussing it again today.
The most-voted-so-far answer from Shog9 says:
"If everyone (within some small margin of error) refers to SAP ERP as "SAP", then the tag is both descriptive and unambiguous."
"Completely removing the tag from the system when nearly everyone using it agrees on what it means... Is counter-productive"
So, 3 years ago, some people considered that the sap tag was not ambiguous, and this year, few people forced their views to make the sap tag ambiguous.
Today, maybe the majority of SAP professionals at Stack Overflow think that the sap tag is ambiguous.
Personally, as a SAP professional for 20 years, I saw the SAP products evolve dramatically. While the ERP solution still remains the flagship product, many other ones are well known, like the CRM solution, SAP GUI Scripting, RFC SDK, SAPUI5, Fiori, SAP Gateway, Cloud, etc.
Today, my opinion is that the sap tag is ambiguous and should be made obsolete. I can't automatically think that a question tagged sap
is about the ERP solution anymore.
It's not a problem to me of having a long favorite URL to display all questions related to my SAP knowledge: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/abap+or+opensql+or+rtts+or+alv+or+badi+or+function-module+or+bapi+or+cds+or+sap-basis+or+saprfc+or+sap-dotnet-connector+or+jco+or+sapjco3+or+pyrfc+or+sap-dotnet-connector+or+sap-data-dictionary+or+idoc+or+sap-bw+or+sap-bsp+or+webdynpro+or+sap-gateway+or+dynpro+or+s4hana+or+sap-erp+or+sap-r3+or+sap-hr+or+sap-crm+or+sap-bw+or+sap-gui+or+hana+or+hana-sql-script+or+netweaver+or+sapscript+or+sap?tab=Newest.
- I'd like to get rid of the
tag. I currently re-tag all new questions with a more specific tag (for instance, I re-tagged sap-basis the latest question about SAP archiving)
- NB: by the way, that's not the question but I'm skeptical concerning the need of keeping the tag netweaver (a solution stack), the need of having multiple version-specific tags for the ERP product (s4hana, sap-erp, sap-r3), as most of the questions are valid for all versions, and the tag sapscript is used incorrectly by 95% of people instead of sap-gui for SAP GUI Scripting (there are only 10 questions tagged sapscript, so I'd opt to remove the tag, people could use sap-basis instead).
But I see a problem for people searching answers by entering the tag, which doesn't prevent the sap
tag to be made ambiguous, but users may suffer from a lack of assistance in searching. For instance:
- The general search field doesn't propose the possible tags, and it doesn't indicate that the entered tag is ambiguous while typing:
- It's indicated only after pressing Enter but I'm afraid it's not visible enough to catch people attention, and the substitutes are not proposed:
- And while asking the question, it's visible that
should not be used, but latest questions prove that people still use it, and the substitutes are not proposed:
So, I would keep sap ambiguous but would complete the tag description with "(for instance s4hana, sap-erp, sap-r3, sapui5, sap-fiori, etc.)"
PS: To help discuss the SAP tags, I created a separate answer listing all of them and the corresponding number of questions as of today. By the way, I didn't find such a hierarchy of tags at Stack Overflow, that would help to know what the possible tags are....
I don't think people will use [oracledb] or [oracle-server] or even [oracle-rdbms] because most oracle folks think that [oracle] means the database
and the solution supposedly should be the same as for oracle, and that's what I proposed in the question