I'm blatantly creating a derivative work of the question As 10/20K+, what moderation task helps most?, which is a great question for the 21,943 users at that level. I, along with 58,240 other users, have reached 3K but have not yet achieved the reputation level relevant for the answer to that question to be applicable.
As 3K+ to 9999 rep user, there are several ways to help out with moderation.
The Review Queues are obviously a good place to start. But looking at the stats, the "reviews today" exceeds the "need review" value in all but the close vote queue, indicating there are ample members of the community keeping up with all but the close vote queue. So after tending to close votes, it's less clear.
One can also flag, upvote/downvote, edit, edit/create tag usage guidance, or exercise one of the most powerful moderation tools, post on meta.
The Moderation Badges have helpful targets for users new to moderation, and provide good moderation training in the process of achieving them. But after achieving these goals, I'm motivated to be as helpful as I can to the community. I've reviewed questions asked of candidates in recent moderator elections for priorities that appear to be of value, but the level of commitment for moderator candidates seems to be higher.
If I have 10-30 minutes to spare, doing some moderation tasks, what moderation task should I focus on that provides the most value to the community and most help to the ♦ moderators?
Some more specific fine tuning questions:
- Is using close votes in the First Posts or Triage queues more helpful, or less because it adds to the CV queue (but still removes close-able posts from the site)?
- Given a limited number of downvotes, is there a strategy to using them on posts more likely to feed the Roomba?
- Given a limited number of flags, does adding a NAA flag to a post someone else has already flagged have any value at all or is it better to conserve that flag for a more deserving target?