According to the tag info is the tag neat intended for discussions about thoughtbot's Neat framework (a semantic grid framework built on top of Sass and Bourbon). This project is no longer maintained.
The tag however is mainly used for discussion about the 'Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies' algorithm, also called NEAT. 20 out of the 21 questions tagged with neat that were asked in 2020 were about the NEAT algorithm and not the Neat semantic grid framework. The one question tagged with neat but not about the NEAT algorithm was about a topic that had nothing to do with either the NEAT algorithm or the Neat semantic grid framework.
I would therefore like to repurpose the tag neat to be about the 'Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies' algorithm instead of the Neat semantic grid framework by thoughtbot. Am I even allowed to do that and if so, what is the correct procedure of doing so? Is there a plenum that allows for a veto when changing the topic of a tag or should I simply edit the tag info and let it be approved by someone with more reputation?
tag toneat-framework