Currently is used for azure language understanding. However, the Microsoft standard for azure related tags is using the [azure-] prefix, which Microsoft Q&A also uses. My suggestion, therefore, is to change the name of to .

Link for reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/topics/azure-language-understanding.html

  • 12
    Once renamed should it have a synonym azure-luis? Seems like that's how it's known, at least to some. Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 11:47
  • As of the recent proposal Microsoft Azure Collective launch and proposed tag changes, the [luis.ai] tag has also been merged into and made a synonym of the [azure-language-understanding] tag.
    – V2Blast
    Commented Apr 10, 2023 at 22:44

2 Answers 2


This can be done easily, however there's a small problem in here. is a sponsored tag, and therefore the tag sponsorship would also need to be moved to the new tag, post rename. For this, we would need to contact a Community Manager.

Additionally, as Trevor mentioned, we need to add as a synonym, in order to add to the visibility of the tag, which I can do as a moderator.

I'll ping a CM, and inform them about this request.


The current sponsorship is running till the 24th of October. Given that moving the icon would require quite a bit of operational work on the backend, I'd like to propose to wait till that moment and then change the tag name.

Disclaimer: I'm an employee of Stack, working as a Product Manager in the Advertising team


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