Note that this post is similar by title topic, but it is really quite different.
I'm a product owner for a product that has over 150K developers, and have been using Stack Overflow for well over eight years as an additional Q&A forum for technical queries from developers (as Stack Overflow was intended to be used). We have our own technical forums elsewhere and separate process for general support queries, which doesn't really align with Stack Overflow 's goal, that we manage separately as well. We came to Stack Overflow because we saw developers were already here asking technical questions about our product and wanted to support the community and make sure they got the answers they needed regardless of where they were asking them.
Like many before me, we have encountered a host of headaches when it comes to helping users on Stack Overflow. I don't want to dive into this too much as I don't want to start a heated debate, but a few examples:
- People deleting posts who aren't familiar with the product or don't understand the question (although someone who is using the product would completely understand the question).
- People who don't understand the answer, or the question, and marking the correct answer to be deleted.
- People who do know the product and tried to answer the question by pointing to official resources being hounded/blocked because they added a link to an outside source rather than embedding everything into the post.
Now, my question/request. Can we have tag owners who are the main moderators for a specific tag? I built my reputation up as needed to unlock the moderator tools, but even then I find that I'm occasionally blindsided by someone closing a perfectly acceptable question. I looked at tag sponsorship (we were willing to pay to address this issue), but that only gives us ads, which is nice and all, but it doesn't help address the issue here. Ideally, someone who is a top answerer on a tag and has moderator privilege's would have more control over posts for that tag than a regular moderator who has never posted on that tag before (a super Stack Overflow moderator of course having more privileges than anyone).
tag should probably be upgraded significantly to help users know what to ask and where and what not to ask here. I saw one roadmap type question with comment from high rep user voting to close and for good reason based on SO guidelines. Your answer there is basically a link to docs which is fine from a help desk perspective but is a "link only" answer that by SO standards on most language tags would be flagged to be closed quickly