What exactly has been tried in the past to address new question quality, what is currently being done, and how are the current tactics being assessed?
This post is to highlight my experience as a user who:
- cares about improving the content posted and maintained on Stack Overflow
- likes helping others and interested in increasing personal reputation on the network
Observations over the past 18 months of participation:
- zero improvement in the question quality
- users who contribute their time to assist in tedious moderation tasks such as "REVIEW QUEUES" and flagging posts get little to no value from these activities
- increasing trend for "troubleshooting" questions
- new users continuing to post the same low-quality questions which are often not relevant or off-topic for SO
- earning reputation has turned into a grind, given the lack of legitimate questions
- "low-hanging fruit" usually are duplicates or have some other defect, often resulting in deletion (which is good for the community but creates a problem for the user who spends time answering a now-deleted question).
- wasted energy and useless, distracting behavior from moderator and Stack Overflow management politics