Remember we're all volunteers, our time is valuable, we're extremely lazy.
Here are my tips:
- Separate the Xpath from the code to make it instant visible. Now I have to scroll to the right to see your XPATH.
- Explain what you think that XPATH does
- If I want to test your code, why do I have to type all that HTML myself based on your screenshot.
- Take smaller steps and debug those.
- Could you reach / find the correct node with the first part of the XPATH?
- What happened when you added the next part?
- Nail down your actual problem and describe that for us.
- You did verify that code (in the first revision) actually runs? (as in: If I copy that code in an IDE and add the needed imports myself it will run. That is what is meant with minimal reproducible example)
- It works with any Python / Selenium version?
- It behaves the same on all browsers?
- Those css classes look suspicious. Are you sure those stay the same each time the page is loaded? Because then your code might be fine, just not suited for this particular html.
- We know you're thankful, you can remove the Thank you at the end of your question. See Should 'Hi', 'thanks', taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?