My suggested edit of the Python tag wiki was rejected for the following generic reason:
This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.
Now, I'm not here to complain. I'd like to know how I can prevent this going forward as I still would like to help where I can around SO. I've looked at related Meta questions and I can see why most of them were rejected; e.g. 'polishing the unsatisfactory', but this is different because the Python wiki is pretty well composed.
My current understanding is that minor edits; such as my suggestion, are discouraged for questions and answers, which makes sense as those are volatile in the sense that they could disappear on a whim. However, the tag wiki is a more persistent brief for established tags. Therefore, it would seem logical to me that perfecting that text is desirable where it does not harm readability. After all, it's a community-driven wiki.
The rejection reason seems to suggest that unless an edit makes a substantial difference, it should be rejected. This mindset really harks back to the 'mean' days of SO as, in my opinion, while the edit does not do much for the tag, it certainly isn't detrimental to it and subjectively is an improvement; albeit if only for minor grammatical amendments and slight revisions. I still took the time to go through it and make the edits.
Really, my question boils down to: is SO a better place for having rejected the minor edit? And should I not suggest edits that don't change the text fundamentally in the future?
Edit I see the issue with my suggestion and I'm grateful to those who reviewed it and agree with it being rejected. My question now is, if the issues with the suggestion were fixed and it was resubmitted, would it be rejected for being too minor?