This topic was already discussed here, here and indirectly here. However all those threads are from several years ago, so I hope it's okay to reopen the discussion.
I have a little more than 500 rep on StackOverflow, so I recently got access to review queues.
Since then, I've been presented with several review audits (with random frequency, it seems), and, if I recall correctly, failed two of them. After the second one, I got banned from review queues for 2 days.
Now, I would say my overall track record is not bad. In fact I only failed two review audits with many passed ones in between, and raised a total of 68 helpful flags out of 142, with only 2 declined.
So why does someone's positive track record have no weight whatsoever in determining review bans?
I think this would be only fair, also considering the lack of a proper way to dispute bad audits.