Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a strong signal both to future readers and the author of the post that something is wrong and the experts on this site deem the post to be of little value for future readers.

The new tooltip popovers contain the following explanation:

Downvote this question if you find it unclear or not useful.
Downvote this answer if you find it unclear or not useful.

As everyone knows we rate content, not the users. Votes are not meant to be friendly or offensive. There's no shame in using the downvote button just as there is no shame in using the upvote button whenever you like. It is our own personal choice how we rate the content and what we do with our votes as long as we do not abuse the rules.

There will always be two extremes possible. Some users mostly downvote:

Some user's vote stats

However, there's a number of active users who decided to never cast a single downvote or use them very sporadically:

enter image description here

While we value contributions from both groups of users, it sometimes feels like downvotes are treated as toxic behaviour. It could be very much the reason why some people decide to never cast a single downvote even if it seems like it is easier to cast downvotes than upvotes. There are almost 8 times more upvotes on Stack Overflow than downvotes.

Downvotes are very important and necessary for this site to function properly. If a user posts an answer and the answer is wrong then we must downvote. It is not enough to just ignore and never upvote it. Without our downvotes, users might never know that their 0 scored answer was not useful. 0 score means nothing.

Upvotes and downvotes are the community's way of separating the cure from the poison. We must use both of them.

Many new users get very offended by a single downvote on their question, yet they have completely no objection for the upvotes. Why is that? Why so many users demand that the downvotes be accompanied by an explanatory comment yet nobody demands an explanation for the upvotes? Do people really value the fake Internet points so much or is it about acceptance by strangers? Why is their perception of our voting systems so skewed?

It's true that the ratio of upvotes to downvotes is often driven by the tag, but I am pretty sure that we all encounter bad questions and answers in every tag. There's always something to upvote as well as downvote. If we see a badly asked question, then we should downvote. If we see a wrong or outdated answer then we should downvote.

Do we have any ideas about what we could do or change to encourage people to spend a little bit more of their votes on downvoting posts?

  • 61
    The solution to this problem is the holy grail of Stack Overflow. I can't overstate how important and crucial this subject is and how much effort the company should be investing in bringing downvotes as the widely admitted form of curation without the poor recurring stigma.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 16:26
  • 32
    ++, but I'll be happy starting off with fewer upvotes. I swear there is an upvote bot running on the tags where I hang. These stray, single upvotes prevent bad questions from being deleted.
    – toolic
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 16:30
  • 15
    I thought that current SO stance was that downvotes are unwelcoming and therefore discouraged.
    – Kreiri
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 18:47
  • 14
    @Kreiri that was never the case, although the misconception emerges fairly often. Relevant reading: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/366889
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 19:22
  • 8
    Getting things closed that really deserve to be closed should also be encouraged. Seems harder and harder in the current "be nice" environment to get more than one close vote sometimes even when the question is pure garbage
    – charlietfl
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 19:32
  • 32
    For anyone who decides to post an idea here: Do not delete replies under this post if they are met with disapproval. Even bad ideas bring something to the table. If your answer starts to gather downvotes, please leave it, don't delete it.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 20:23
  • 10
    There's definitely no stance at the company level that downvotes are "unwelcoming" or discouraged in any way. What's unwelcoming are snarky comments, which many users post in lieu of downvotes. A silent downvote on problematic content would be far better.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 21:25
  • 31
    Downvoting an answer is usually -1 rep. Sometimes I just let it go... I'm not proud about that either.
    – TGrif
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 21:54
  • 12
    there is much to much downvoting already,and not enough upvoting. the peolple should be encouraged to get a silver and gild medal for there favourite tag, but it is quite hard to reach it, when nobody upvotes, only acknowledged thh answer. we should so encourage more upvotes and less downvotes
    – nbk
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 0:27
  • 29
    @nbk Did you see this link posted in the question? "There is almost 8 times more upvotes on Stack Overflow than downvotes." I see a lot of bad questions with upvotes. Some of those are pity-upvotes where users admit in comments they upvoted because "we shouldn't be mean". This needs to stop. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 5:07
  • 19
    No, @nbk, downvotes should not be based on the skill level of the user. That has no relevance whatsoever. Votes are on posts, not on users.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 8:23
  • 5
    Does the SEDE query pickup downvotes on deleted posts? I know the vote timeline in profiles doesn't. I'm asking because I see users in the table who are no strangers to curation, and the ratio for them makes no sense to me. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 8:26
  • 6
    I don't think that's true, @nbk. As you can see from my previous comment, I cast a lot of downvotes, yet I also receive plenty of upvotes. While some users may follow a "tit for tat" sort of rule when it comes to votes, that's something that we strongly discourage, and extreme versions of that "tit for tat" approach are considered voting fraud. However, it stands to reason that answerers would upvote the question, so that in itself is not particularly suspicious. After all, if a question is good enough for you to take the time to compose an answer, why would it not be worth an upvote?
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 9:40
  • 10
    @LearningFast so you trust humans when it comes to asking good questions, but not when it comes to downvotes? Interesting stance
    – Patrice
    Commented Jul 5, 2020 at 10:50
  • 5
    @EgorBEremeev here is a proof - content rating is at the core of the website philosophy. It's mentioned in the tour. Also see Why is voting important?, vote up and the vote down privileges, as well as Expected behaviour under Be honest. Voting makes SO what it is - a good place for getting valuable answers. Downvotes are for content rating, ergo they are part of the core philosophy of SO.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jul 16, 2020 at 14:26

73 Answers 73

1 2

To me, downvoting seems brutal and is hard to take as constructive. Rather than downvote, couldn't we have more prominent tags to raise issues with the post - that would overall diminish its score?

Duplicate, unclear, polemic, subjective, RTFM, language/style, wrong, dangerous side effects, misses edge cases, etc. Those are attributes that would properly convey that they are not directed at the poster, but at the post itself.

I would find it useful to tag posts this way, while I find it hard to downvote any, but the most obviously spiteful questions or answers. Noobs will ask stupid or ill-worded questions, and answers will be wrong or overly simplistic. Still, most of the time that deserves an explanation. You don't want to just "slap away" a curious 12-year-old, and have a potential Linus Torvalds switch his interest in programming to something else!

  • 4
    "You don't want to just "slap away" a curious 12-year-old" - unfortunately, curious 12-year-olds aren't actually allowed to use Stack Exchange, as per the site's T&Cs. You have to be 13 or over (16 or over if you're in the EU), due to data protection issues.
    – F1Krazy
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:40
  • 7
    That is quite an emotional weight you're giving to the act of downvoting. A downvote isn't a slap. Regarding the proposed feature, similar ones have been proposed before: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/328037 and meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/357702 to enumerate a few. They don't encourage voting, only makes it harder. The reasons for downvoting suggested here are easily contestable too.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:46
  • 9
    I'm sorry, but in what universe is "RTFM" is going to be less personal than a "-1"? Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:49
  • 5
    Downvotes are not meant to punish users. They don't necessarily mean that there is a problem with the post. Downvotes are our way of showing which content we think is going to be useful for other readers and which is not. We rate content, not users.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:56
  • 4
    Nothing is stopping you from posting an explanation in the comments. Downvotes are not a replacement for it. We ask that you use your power of votes to tell us which content you think helps and which is less helpful. If you have a way to improve the less helpful posts then add a comment.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:58
  • 5
    Comments are often seen as more hostile feature than downvoting. People tend to post rude remarks in comments e.g. RTFM. That does not help OP ask better questions or post better answers in the future. We have close reasons to say that a post is unclear or a duplicate. If it's a duplicate you do not need to downvote, sometimes you might even want to upvote. If there are problems with the wording then edit the post. Everything has its purpose.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:01

I think the downvote algorithm gets something right.

There is evidence that people gain pleasure in creating pain in others. I'm not talking about abnormal people; it's apparent that normal people feel this pleasure too.

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/their-pain-our-gain/ uses the word, schadenfreude, which from my limited German, means "the joy you feel causing someone else pain".

So, if Stack Overflow is to be a place where positive feelings succeed, downvoting should have a negative consequence; however, I don't think that downvoting a question is the same as downvoting a reply.

It gets really complicated quickly.

  • Downvoting questions can create an elitist culture, where only the "best" questions are accepted (let's not focus on what best means at the moment)
  • Downvoting answers can create a negative feedback, where those who assist are pushed into not assisting unless the answer meets some imaginary bar of "good enough"

As the two categories are different, I'd recommend differences in the downvoting cost.

  • A question that is downvoted should incur a cost, but not a great cost, because the asker may be naive, learning their way through a new technology. For this, I agree with the current costs, -2 points to the downvoted is acceptable, as is -2 to the downvoter.

  • An answer that is downvoted typically bears one of a few hall marks. It is wrong, it is a generalization of what is typically right, or it is correct, but a person is attempting to gain position for future upvotes.

For an answer that is downvoted, I would adjust the scales, such that downvoting a blatantly wrong answer doesn't hurt too much, but downvoting impacts the voter more than the person being downvoted (to avoid the gaming of people attempting to gain position).

In my mind, a downvote of an answer costing more points to the downvoter than the answerer is an acceptable solution, as it penalizes the gaming of multiple answer-ers attempting to gain. I'm not sure what the cutoff should be, but maybe -6 to -2 might be ok. In any case, we seem to have most of the initial downvotes come from other people answering the questions.

  • 7
    How would that help to bring in more downvotes? Penalizing voters does not encourage more downvoting, it does the opposite.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 18:35
  • 9
    "Schadenfreude" = the joy you feel watching someone else feeling pain. No need to be the cause for it Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 18:35
  • 5
    "In any case, we seem to have most of the initial downvotes come from other people answering the questions." [citation needed] Also...so what? Presumably if somebody tries to answer a question, they'll have some expertise in the subject. So, chances are that answerers would be able to spot other bad answers. Sure, some may downvote for "personal gain", others might do it to signal that an answer has problems. Which is what downvoting should be about.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 18:54
  • 2
    The word schadenfreude (not capitalised in the loan word version) has made it into English: "1. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune." Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 11:09

Looking at my own voting, I'm at 1000 vs. 100, which I consider a nice rate.

To me, the problem isn't with the downvoting itself, though with the implications for the OP. Adding a downvote just feels rude. You have the power to say: This is bad! Without having to explain why you consider this being bad.

I often add a comment or verify if there is already a comment, though, that's more work than upvoting where the message is often implied.

This leaves me casting close votes instead of downvoting.

A second thing preventing me to do the actual downvotes, on questions and answers, are the previous downvotes. There's a difference between telling (especially new users) this isn't helpful and telling them there effort isn't appreciated. This looking from the perspective that it actually can get fixed. Knowing I won't be coming back to check on those improvements and undo that downvote if done.

So, to encourage someone like to add downvotes:

  • Give reputation if downvotes are considered valid
    • After a post reaches a threshold, like 5 or 10, give the original down voters a confirmation
    • If the post gets updated, inform the downvoters. Possibly reset the downvotes and consider the downvote a correct incentive to force an update. Possibly to be verified via the queues
    • The post gets deleted (which isn't possible at this point when someone answered on the bad question)
  • Improve the way that downvotes (and upvotes) are presented
    • At the moment, the vote count is right there in your face. Having a better way to indicate the message, like -1 -> -5 becomes: Needs improvement; -11 -> ... This is considered unhelpful/unrelated. We might have to, instead of downvote, have to pick a reason. Though, if we have an easy to do so without too much overhead, I see some improvements.

Looking at some other answers, I saw suggestions like badges or removing the downvote penalty, however, for me, that wouldn't be helpful.

  • 10
    "If the post gets updated, inform the downvoters. Possibly reset the downvotes" do you know just how many posts that have very serious issues get updated with at best some spelling fixes or other corrections that are ultimately not related to the issue? Removing votes on update seems like a terrible idea.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 8:26
  • @VLAZ I can agree with that, that's the hard balance. That's exactly why I prefer the close votes. It ends up in a queue, and can get reopened when correctly fixed. That same system for downvotes sounds to me like a good idea.
    – JVApen
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 8:29
  • 6
    Are you fine with resetting upvotes too? I mean, the post changed, so whose to say the upvotes are still well deserved as well? Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 8:53
  • @StoryTeller: if the update ruins the answer, yes. As mentioned in the previous comment of mine, some queues can help with deciding if it needs to be reset or not
    – JVApen
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 8:59
  • 12
    So, more workload for reviewers? More rubbish to wade through? When this idea comes from someone who has only done 162 reviews in all their time on SO, you get how it sounds, right? Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:01
  • Yeah, I know. I'm just sharing some ideas that pop up in my mind, assuming they might trigger some improvement by someone else. Talking about my limited reviews, that's most likely a good indicator of a flaw in my proposal. (Maybe we need some improvements there as well?)
    – JVApen
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:05

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

I don’t think questions should be voted on in general, but I wonder if removing user attributions while the question is still in an infancy stage?

Many new users get very offended by a single downvote on their question, yet they have completely no objection for the upvotes. Why is that?

To me, this reason is because it’s difficult to make permanent objects of type shame.

Why so many users demand that the downvotes be accompanied by an explanatory comment yet nobody demands an explanation for the upvotes?

Because sometimes people downvote when another answer is better than theirs.

Do people really value the fake Internet points so much or is it about acceptance by strangers?

One way or the other every person has a threshold for passiveness.

Why is their perception of our voting systems so skewed?

I suspect and maybe myself have been guilty of misunderstanding the voting system. Part of the reason for this is simply its similarity to emotion-conveying toggles on social media sites. People are emotional by nature and it’s natural for us perceive something and construct an emotion about it.

It's true that the ratio of upvotes to downvotes is often driven by the tag, but I am pretty sure that we all encounter bad questions and answers in every tag.


There's always something to upvote as well as downvote. If we see a badly asked question, then we should downvote.

  1. Yes. 2. No, edit or flag or mark as duplicate!

If we see a wrong or outdated answer then we should downvote.

Will do!

Do we have any ideas about what we could do or change to encourage people to spend a little bit more of their votes on downvoting posts?

I don’t think questions should be voted on in general. Maybe just edit or flag or mark as duplicate questions. For voting on answers I think the current system is quite nice. If I have any reasonable idea to contribute (which might exist already) to this question beyond my personal thoughts it would be removing user attribution on a question or answer. Why do questions and answers even need user attribution?

I’m just going make a general edit section below to post related points:

This question is similar to the following- “How do I verbalize to someone not wearing a mask that they are participating in public society in a suboptimal way?”

  • 5
    Editing and marking as a duplicate are orthogonal actions. They can and should take place alongside potential downvoting based on the overall quality and usefulness of the question. Editing may not be enough. Better watch out for the scarecrow arguments in the answer, by the way. There are much better arguments for why we don't demand explanations to upvotes than that.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 10:18
  • 1
    Re "Why do questions and answers even need user attribution": They don't, but it is part of the ego-centric design of Stack Overflow (not of the designers, but the system). Commented Jul 12, 2020 at 14:04

What can we do to encourage downvoting?


At the same time, I've been fielding complaints from folks regarding downvoted posts for many, many years now. Authors, readers, even voters have claimed that our scoring system is fundamentally broken because of its transparency - that by making the score immediately apparent, it invariably influences how people vote, how they edit, how or whether they answer... In ways that are susceptible to unconstrained feedback loops or even outright manipulation.

Our response to those complaints has generally been some variation on, "nuh-uh!" And I'm concerned this has started to wear a bit thin. It's time we listened and, with as little disruption as possible, tried to collect some actual data on all of this.


...another approach would be just to rely on (up)votes, with the system then targeting answers with the least votes for potential deletion.

One simple way to do this would be to assign a half-life to votes, similar to those for radioisotopes:

  • Very popular answers would experience the most vote-decay, which shouldn't be a problem if they remain popular and continue to attract new votes;

  • Because they would have so few votes left, the vote-decay on less-popular answers would be slow, giving their authors more than enough time to improve their content;

  • Assuming its vote-count have reached some defined threshold, an unpopular or abandoned answer can be expunged from SO immediately, with the option of being mailed back to its author (depending on SO account preferences e.g. a suitable email address).

Some points of interest:

  • The vote-count for each answer would remain visible at all times, which allays the concerns raised about them being potentially misrepresented e.g. in What were the results of the A/B experiment where negative question scores were clamped to 0?

  • More than ever, authors must keep their questions and answers relevant to maintain their popularity - will most authors be happy to make the extra effort?

  • Just as importantly, will most SO users accept their votes no longer being permanent, and the ongoing need to cast new votes on existing answers to maintain their popularity? Rewards for voting (e.g. increased reputation) may need to be restructured as well.

  • The deletion of a question or answer cannot (so easily!) be attributed to the actions of a particular user. The gaming (as opposed to gamification) of the system is made more cumbersome by the absence of rapid gratification - if there is no moderator intervention, then the algorithm (this or another) decides what to expunge and when. Of course, unhappy SO users can always put forward their own algorithm...

Will this solve all the woes of downvoting? Based on my experience: no - it's more likely to be just another small step along the way...

For those who are interested, an investigation of various decay models used in storage management research can be found in On Models for Object Lifetime Distributions by Darko Stefanovic, Kathryn S. McKinley and J. Elliot B. Moss.


Make the amount of upvotes/downvotes separate and compute it based on previous votes and other things

Let’s say it starts with 20 upvotes / 20 downvotes.

When you spend more upvotes than downvotes, next time you'd get fewer upvotes to use and more downvotes instead. The same works vice-versa.

Let's call it the ying-yang correction.

Given how useful features Stack Overflow added lately, this might also give some impact!

  • 15
    That would reduce the number of downvotes even more. Consider users like me who mostly downvote. When I find a useful post I will upvote, but that is much rarer than stuff that needs my downvotes.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 0:26
  • 5
    But this means that if only bad post come in then after a while, we'd have to decide which bad posts to start upvoting.. unless we just go off and upvote random stuff to get our downvotes back.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 0:33
  • 2
    Sorry would like to upvote, but had only downvotes left. :) Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 8:28

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Nothing. Downvoting shouldn't be encouraged. It should be used as a last resort, when the Q&A author doesn't answer on a comment. I actually believe it would be wise to remove downvoting completely.

People will not learn to write better questions / answers through anonymous downvotes. They learn this by reading on Stack Overflow. They learn this through experience.

So, if your intent is to increase quality, write a cheat sheet. Give examples of good questions/answers. Explain which things should be avoided and why. Make it easy to find. This will speed up the learning.

  • 5
    "Give examples of good questions/answers." we do - it's called the scoring system. How do you make it clear what's good, without also outlining what's bad? Also, you seem to overestimate how much a poster is willing to read before writing something. From my experience, the average is very little. Often it's even "none". You might not be aware of exactly how many posts suffer severe quality issues. If you look through the review queues or monitor the most recent posted questions, it becomes a painful daily reality.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 17:28
  • 4
    That means you would also want to get rid of upvoting. How would we then decide which posts are good or bad? Your whole reasoning is very flawed. I hope that after some time you will see that we need a voting system to separate good from the bad.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 18:45
  • 2
    Re "it would be wise to remove downvoting completely": That will probably happen eventually, unless Stack Overflow starts to be innovative. It has been nearly 12 years with the tired old Q&A model without much innovation. It must be possible to solve the tension with beginners on Stack Overflow by augmenting and/or radically change part of the software (small tweaks here and there will not cut it). Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 21:34
  • 3
    Example from today. That is 3 unnecessary downvotes. It should never have been exposed to voting, but simply not accepted until in an answerable state. For example, why can't there be a private draft phase where questions can be worked on without the fear of downvotes? Perhaps even collaborative work on questions. If micro work can work for answers and moderation tasks, why not for this? Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 21:43
  • 1
    @PeterMortensen The question asker should get the question into the proper state before posting on Stack Overflow. Once they post on Stack Overflow we can give them further feedback, but the majority of responsibility is on them. They need to do research, spell check, create MCVE and so on. We can't do this for them. If they don't do this then we must close the question. Once they improve it, we can reopen it. The problem is that many people do not improve at all. If they don't improve the question without and with our feedback then what else can we do?
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 14:57
  • 1
    You are right but even in this thread you can see the blaming down votes against those who think down votes without explanation are bad. Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 4:57

Constructive Update

While commenting other posts I have realized that community may achieve both securing ourselves from increasing of hating behavior and transforming downvotes into a constructive mechanism.

Only by achieving both these points can we encourage to downvote a lot of community members.

The key is to make downvoting having no publicity visible attributes.

The reasons and how it could work.

I noticed from comments that downvoting supporters aim:

  1. to improve content quality
  2. to prevent other users from lower-quality content
  3. ones want to focus efforts in their tag feed on a high quality question

Also it seems, among supporters there is an old consensus that downvotes are not aimed at helping authors to improve content.

Also I noticed that downvoting unsupporters aim:

  1. to keep the balance of community activities on a creative side, to avoid the increasing of expressing hide hate behavior via easy downvotes
  2. to keep new users welcoming and mitigate the risk of unclear criticism of their mistakes
  3. to do not destroy implicit searching effects, when fewer quality answers attract search traffic by the same kind fewer quality queries

Comparing these it is interesting that

  1. Unsupporters prefer to not affect authors by downvoting and supporters realise that authors are not the primary target for downvotes
  2. Supporters clearly eager to make their best for the community, but feel narrowed in their efforts because of the strict Code of Conduct and anti-hatering consensus.
  3. Supporters treat quality as a factor of usefulness, unsupporters point the quality is not only one such factor

If so, community could rethink and remodel the downvotes entity.

Currently downvotes are used as subordinate to entity content usefulness to measure it. In this aspect downvotes are totally duplicate the entity upvotes. It is mathematically clear that one such subordinate entity is enough to build the scale and measure usefulness , and construct above it any type of ranking mechanism.

On the other hand current discussion shows the second usage the entity downvotes, namely as subordinate to entity content quality to measure it.

This dual usage design leads all the problems.

Practically it can be solved via the following steps:

  1. Create new action button on Q and A to mark exactly low quality. This should be the same manner aggregative tool as downvoting now. The votes should be aggregated totally separately from upvotes without any comparison in GUI. Moreover, probably, it should be visible only to moderators or users with some level of privileges.
  2. There should be no such restrictions for low quality votes as for current downvotes.
  3. The downvote arrow should be eliminated forever from the GUI. The ranking mechanism should be adopted to [0-infinity) log-scale or with regularly rescaling.

Having this we can dramatically encourage ourselves to label exactly the low quality content. These efforts then can be used build large-scale datasets to train artificial tools for different tasks starting from matching and linking duplicates, suggesting fixes, interactive guidelines while posting to authors, etc. And in the same time, there will be no undesirable consequences in increasing hating, subjectiveness and unwelcoming.

Initial thoughts

The wording of the question is absolutely manipulative, since the question asserts without any evidence that downvoting is a useful and necessary tool for the community and improving the quality of content.

On the example of ordinary social networks, it is clearly visible that Facebook, which offers a negative rating for content, is much more polarized and subject to hate than, for example, Instagram. Not to mention Stack Overflow! Of course, this is a subjective user's observation, however, it would be very right if the author of the question were to give us the results of such an objective study of social networks and their content rating systems before making statements about the extreme usefulness of the downwashing tool.

In my opinion, it is quite the opposite. The downvote tool by its nature contradicts both the key principles and the goals of the community to create an open, friendly resource, especially for new members, rich in community content.

Firstly, it is unreasonable that "poor-quality" questions and answers are not useful. So I was repeatedly helped by the answers left to questions with a negative rating. Questions with a negative rating and high marks for answers are regularly met. Not the most popular answers are regularly found useful. The secret is simple - users, including me, formulate "low-quality" search queries that are relevant to "low-quality" questions! If I’m not mistaken, then the Stack Overflow blog even had a post about this effect.

Further. Downvoting is an anonymous tool, and for this reason it is especially attractive to haters. Especially, if he/she begins to be encouraged or restrictions would be lifted.

The number of people who want to remove restrictions and the tonality of answers to this question gives me the impression that supporters of lifting restrictions do not like Stack Overflow. They are not happy with the content, and it is not convenient for them to use Stack Overflow. We need to understand the reasons of such dissatisfaction.

Otherwise, they are ready, under the slogan of improvement, to begin to destroy the "bad" content in their opinion.

However, those who wish to downgrade are completely unacceptable to strive to decide for other members of the community that the content is of poor quality and that the content is not needed by others.

A reasonable question: Why does someone think that they have the right to deprive me of any content that could help me tomorrow? On what basis will anyone censor the content?

Maybe on the contrary, it is precisely the one who constantly experiences difficulties in finding content useful to himself/herself that needs help? In new tools for searching, filtering, matching, recommendations, etc.

Further. Downvoting sets up a critical attitude and distracts participants from other forms of improving content: writing new questions, answers, editing, and setting flags. Downvoting is worth nothing in comparison with that. Actually, it is a surrogate, an imaginary feeling of participation in a common cause.

Therefore, the presence of participants exclusively engaged in downvoting is a serious signal to analyze why people spend hours of their time to downvote many thousands of answers. In general, it looks like an attempt to sweep the beach. Perhaps the efforts and energy of these participants should be redirected to some new constructive forms of activity. At least in the form of manual labeling of data with special flags, for subsequent consideration by search algorithms and composing datasets.

  • 4
    Do you suggest we remove voting altogether? Downvoting does not mean deleting or hiding. It means ranking content. If you find something that helped you, you should upvote. If you find something that did not help you or even caused you more confusion then downvote. This way it will be easier for other users to find answers that are more useful than others. I don't understand why you think that downvoting is worse than not upvoting when it comes to ranking content.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 22:46
  • 8
    It looks like you are a brand new user. Maybe you need some time to get to know how voting and content ranking works. Popular stuff rises up to be more visible. Less popular posts go down so that less people waste time reading them.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 22:49
  • 6
    We do delete terribly bad content, however, but this is not done using downvotes nor upvotes. They are used purely to rate content. We delete posts using delete votes, but only the ones which are beyond hope. It actually makes finding things easier on Stack Overflow.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 22:50
  • @Dharman, I'm very old more than 7 years a passive user. Long time I did not answer and so have not enough reputation to make actions. And as a passive user who only search I can proof that downvoting never meant something and helped. Just because you either come to very high scored Q\A where upvoting plays or your happy to read any available ideas. If you state that downvoting improve ranking search result then it must be proof with research and numbers. More likely that it is a myth. Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 23:11
  • And I worth very much the stackoverflow's restrictions to act critically, because I was many years a tester and know how it is hard to switch youself from critics to creativity. The flag systems, delete voting and restrictions for general voting I fill as awesome approach. I would stay everything as is. Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 23:13
  • 4
    Seem to have a warped perspective that down-voting is only personal and is about hate. Hover over a downvote link and reasons are given in a tooltip for it's purpose and they are neither personal or attack related. The word "hate" appears numerous times in your answer
    – charlietfl
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 20:26
  • @charlietfl, сonduct a thought experiment: if you consider your advice necessary for me, a participant who has tried to reasonably express his concerns, is it worth it to assume that users who are prone to be haters will not read and follow the tooltip? For my part, I’ll suggest you join Stack Overflow in Russian in order to feel to what extent Stack Overflow can be distorted. Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 18:52
  • 4
    Well I have been around SO for many years and am not familiar at all with the hate concept you espouse. Perhaps it's cultural perspective differences but I see people helping people every day here and getting thanked for it
    – charlietfl
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 20:11
  • @charlietfl, exactly! SO is so unique with it's grown friendly and helping culture, that it will be very sad to step on the very well known rake as downvoting content. Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:32
  • 3
    There are so many things wrong with this answer that I don't know where to begin ... Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 9:46

Downvotes are not necessary imho, if the content is "bad" or off-topic enough it will be flagged or closed pretty quickly. I have used the site long enough to know even the upvotes hardly matter, especially for difficult questions. Three upvotes to me indicate that at least three other people thought or understood the information to be useful. Whether is that truly the case? The next user has to judge for himself.

In summary: the votes don't make much of a difference to general user experience in the long term (except for some people who are more interested in the moderation process). It is similar to accessing information over the internet, it clearly works without a voting system.

  • 9
    "It is similar to accessing information over the internet, it clearly works without a voting system." - The sheer fact that Stack Overflow needed to be invented is evidence, that the internet (where "Everyone's a publisher!") simply didn't work. The information is published, without even an attempt to rate it. In a time, where a "left-pad" package is among the most successful "libraries" developers use, we surely need a place where content is publicly rated. Unbiased. And downvoted with extreme prejudice, where necessary. Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:04
  • 6
    "it clearly works without a voting system." this is wrong. There is no explicit voting but SEO serves as the same mechanism. The information you see has already been automatically moderated and presented to you in a particular order. On this site, we are doing the same job.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:04
  • @vla I hope not. SEO rates based on popularity (among others). Stack Overflow rates based on quality (in theory anyway). Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:06
  • 4
    "if the content is "bad" or off-topic enough it will be flagged or closed pretty quickly" you cannot flag or close answers. They can be wrong for any amount of reasons and still be on-topic enough to not warrant flagging. So, your proposed solution doesn't help with those.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:06
  • 1
    @IInspectable it's still a content rating system. So, "accessing over the internet" is not a process where everything is equal, as the answer here suggests.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:07
  • 1
    @VLAZ it has nothing to do with SEO, but everything with having a brain and using it. Voting on SO is part of the moderation process, but ultimately it is not necessary for content access.
    – prusswan
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 12:11
  • @prusswan it's necessary if you want to access good content. As already mentioned, that was a driving decision behind the conception of Stack Overflow. The success of the platform is an indication that it's the correct approach.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 12:15
  • 1
    @VLAZ so what is "good" content now? +30 or +3 or 0 or -3? You see value in these numbers, but I don't, at least not enough for the determination of good content
    – prusswan
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 12:18
  • 5
    "You see value in these numbers, but I don't" - Neither do I, as I explained elsewhere. The numbers are biased towards upvotes. Ideally, a good answer should have a positive score, a bad answer a negative score. That's not what we see, though. Downvoting doesn't happen nearly as often as it should, for many reasons. This Q&A attempts to eliminate one of those reasons. Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 12:54
  • @IInspectable they never will. This is just another useless attempt to moderate for the sake of moderation, by people who think voting is more important than content
    – prusswan
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 1:30
  • Voting isn't part of moderation. Voting is part of curation. In my experience, the latter doesn't work reliably. I cannot remember a single day where I didn't come across a highly upvoted answer, that's (ever so subtly) wrong. So I leave comments, explaining what's wrong, and while the comments receive upvotes, the referenced answers simply will not attract the same number of downvotes. Even years later. You can see this yourself. This is a Q&A that was viewed 137k times. Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 4:30
  • @IInspectable, what are the search trafic sources to Stackoverflow? I only use Google search and rating of Q\A never was criteria for me to search and choose. I don't think that google search engine pay attention for votes. Otherwords downvoting does not help to search rigth content at all. But downvoting tends community to be subjective and express implicity hate behavior instead. Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 7:28
  • @IInspectable, where this understanding of bad should have negative score come from? Could you prove it? To my mind it's obviuosly that reference point and coordinate system can be absolutely arbitrary chose from maths and any ranking mechanism. Attemps to affect ranking by subjective indirect action as downvoting will not have any positive effect. Because the direct actions to mark relevant content are: upvotes and redirects from search engine. But reference point has a huge matter from the human phycology aspect, the zero ground prevents of expressing hate and broad criticism. Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 7:43
  • 1
    @ego "where this understanding of bad should have negative score come from?" - Read the tooltips ("This answer is useful"/"This answer is not useful"). Do you now understand, why bad answers should have a negative score? Voting should not be subjective, either. But that's likely a much harder problem to solve, namely that practically all non-native developers lack a number of prerequisites, that generally (as I perceived it over the course of close to a decade) prevents them from making good (i.e. judicious) decisions. Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 14:59

Make downvotes less direct

Getting a -1 with no context feels personal. I want to know why someone thinks my question or answer is bad so that I can fix it- and then be rewarded for fixing it. The goal of downvotes is to filter out and fix bad questions and answers, so maybe more focus should be put on that instead of a number next to a post that gives a vague idea of quality/usefulness.

You used to be able to start comments with -1, but that was banned some time ago because it was mean or something. I contend that it was a very useful thing to be able to do and that the policy was a mistake without a proper replacement.

Instead of making downvotes taking effect immediately and rarely being converted to upvotes after an edit, I think it would be better to add a feedback field to downvotes and delay their effect on reputation for 7 days so that the poster has a reasonable grace period to fix problems. Instead of being a fully public comment (as with the -1 comments), these criticisms would be anonymous (except to moderators) and visible only to users who can edit the post. Moderators would have the power to singlehandedly mark criticisms as bad, removing their effect and penalizing the critic; high-rep users could do the same with 3 votes (similar to close votes). The poster would have the opportunity to edit posts and be given a small reward for addressing criticism, also reversing the effect on post rating unless critics explicitly indicate the post has not been fixed.

Rewards/punishments would be something like the following:

  • +2 rep for giving feedback
    • The reward is turned into a -3 penalty for criticisms later flagged as bad
  • +5 rep if the post is edited in the next 7 days
    • The user who edits the post receives +1 rep for each addressed criticism: the user who made the criticism is given 7 days to indicate whether or not it was fixed. If the critic does not respond in that time, no reward is given to the editor, but the criticism is still cleared.
  • +3 rep if the post is deleted or closed in the next 7 days
  • The downvote penalty kicks in if the post is not edited within 7 days
  • 11
    Starting comments with "-1" was banned because it is altogether not useful, and we are trying to actively discourage people from leaving comments to accompany their downvotes. There are almost no circumstances where it is beneficial to do so. Votes should always be anonymous, and never connected to specific users or comments. If you want to leave feedback in addition to your vote, you can do that, but they should not be connected. The "replacement" for such comments is the detailed explanation in the tooltip on the downvote arrow, which explains why the answer was downvoted.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 16:38
  • @CodyGray If the goal is to close/delete bad questions/answers, just get rid of downvotes and rely on flags to get the job done. If the goal is to fix bad questions/answers, then constructive criticism is the way to get that done.
    – Beefster
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 16:42
  • 4
    @Beefster Flags serve a different purpose, as well as closing questions. To rate the quality and usefulness of a post, you cast an upvote or a downvote. A question can be bad and still get answers (the lack of attempt is a common reason, for example). If a question is in a poor condition to be answered here, it should be closed. Flags are used for cases where the post is spam, abusive, or otherwise not what it pretends to be (answer), in a way that needs to be removed and not brought back.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 16:46
  • 9
    Downvotes are an important mechanism for facilitating closure and deletion of bad questions/answers. Furthermore, downvotes are a signal to other viewers that the post is problematic, even though it is not (or, perhaps, should not be) deleted. Constructive criticism is great, but it has nothing to do with downvotes.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 16:46
  • 3
    @CodyGray why do I get "Please consider adding a comment if you think this post can be improved." when I downvote if "we are trying to actively discourage people from leaving comments to accompany their downvotes"
    – Beefster
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 16:50
  • 3
    @Beefster That is a good question. I suppose new users still confuse votes with comments. If there is something that can be easily improved then let the author know. You can also downvote and follow the post so that when it gets improved you can take the downvote away. Voting does not need any more explanation than is provided in the tooltip. If people wanted to point out a mistake or a problem they can always do so in the comments and the two things are not connected.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 17:20

Why not have two sites?

  1. Stack Overflow
  2. Stack Overflow Overflow

On Stack Overflow, instead of downvotes, any question or answer can receive transfer votes (visible to the author and higher rep users, invisible to lower rep users).

A question or answer which receives 5 transfer votes will be moved across to Stack Overflow Overflow.

Stack Overflow will be a serene garden.

Stack Overflow Overflow will be a weedy jungle.

A sort of Reddit for those who like to go a-weeding (or who wish to machete their way through a random jungle of code questions and answers).

Questions and answers on Stack Overflow Overflow can receive upvotes, downvotes and transfer votes. But the transfer votes (even when there are 5 or more) don't initiate a transfer back to Stack Overflow so long as the net vote total remains below zero.

N,B. For the avoidance of doubt: it wouldn't be possible for anyone to post questions or answers to the second-class site. Posts could only ever be transferred there (and, if they were ever cleaned up enough and achieved a positive vote total, transferred back again). You wouldn't even need a separate domain. A purpose-built subdomain would do it: overflow.stackoverflow.com.

  • 1
    I liked this. I've often thouight we need HomeworkOverflow for similar reasons; a place where questions are not answered directly, but teaching is given
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 5:58
  • I like what this answer is attempting, but I don't think having another place to go will end up helping. It's not like users don't have plenty of other options of sites where they can ask questions -- Quora, Reddit, Yahoo! Answers, Cnet Forums just to name a few. I believe the reason why people come to Stack Overflow is because they know in those other weedy jungles where the rules aren't as strict, they just don't get the same quality answers (and often, don't get an answer at all).
    – Davy M
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 6:17
  • 1
    On the other hand, it is probably a lot more welcoming to the user to receive a notice saying "Hey, your question is welcome over here on StackOverflowOverflow" instead of just "Your question isn't useful or it was poorly researched or it's just not clear" like the downvote tooltip conveys. Having two sites might not be a solution, but thinking about it could help us come up with better ways to "make it more obvious to new users that downvotes on the main site are not insults and in fact can help them help themselves.", so you got my upvote.
    – Davy M
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 6:21
  • 27
    That site already exists. It's called Yahoo Answers. Or perhaps Reddit. Or Quora. There are plenty of unmoderated or less-moderated places where you can go on the Internet to ask a question. Stack Overflow is not interested in being such a platform, and it doesn't need to be. Our niche is quite different: we focus on quality. Why compete against Reddit for a "random jungle of code questions and answers"?
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 7:02
  • 4
    The trouble wit the two-site idea is neither askers nor answerers will see much value in posting on the "second-class" site. Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 17:17
  • 2
    @snakecharmerb indeed. Why would I ever want to go to the garbage dump site when it's literally where we dump all the garbage posts? It seems like just another way to effectively delete a post. Just banish it elsewhere, so you don't have to look at it. Only with this proposal, in some cases it would be easier to banish posts.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 17:32
  • This will never be accepted on meta. Instead, it is much more likely that 1) Stack Overflow Inc. will never innovate (the acquisition by Microsoft will not change that), 2) downvotes and close votes will be removed, 3) it will be increasingly difficult (but not impossible) to find anything of value of Stack Overflow due to the noise, and 4) Stack Overflow will become the new hyphen site (in a different kind of way). Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 22:08
  • @CodyGray - Perhaps I could have explained my concept better above. StackOverflowOverflow (or whatever it would be called) wouldn't be a different site. Just a different domain for "the rest" of Stack Overflow. This would leave StackOverflow as questions of guaranteed quality and answers of guaranteed quality. Which, unless I've misunderstood, is what Stack Overflow wants to be.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 13:24
  • @snakecharmerb - It wouldn't be possible for anyone to post questions or answers to the second-class site. Posts could only ever be transferred there (and, if they were ever cleaned up enough and achieved a positive vote total, transferred back again). You wouldn't even need a separate domain. A purpose-built subdomain would do it: overflow.stackoverflow.com.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 13:33
  • 2
    @Rounin How is this meaningfully different from closing bad questions and then re-opening them if they get cleaned up/brought on-topic? Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 17:16
  • @JohnMontgomery - You raise an excellent point. Being "moved" is a meaningfully different UX from being "closed". The semantics of "close" are quite negative. Something being closed indicates that it's "beyond redemption" or "unsalvageable". Whereas being relegated to a second-division subdomain strongly suggests that there's opportunity for redemption. Can you name something else on the web that you can "close" - your website, your email account, your social media accounts, your Netflix subscription etc. - but you can later bring back? "Close" definitely has an air of finality about it.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 12:43
  • 2
    A high quality Q&A site is what the entire network wants to be, not just Stack Overflow. There's no place for a Garbage.SE.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jul 2, 2020 at 4:16
  • @CodyGray - I wouldn't automatically write off any question or answer which is less than high quality as "garbage". That's quite the binary outlook. I think there is value in having a range on the spectrum labelled "not good enough to be amongst the high quality questions and answers but not garbage enough to be worth deleting." I'd contend there absolutely is a place for NeedsImprovement.SE and that isn't the same place as HighQuality.SE. Trying to force high quality questions/answers and those that need improvement to co-exist in the same place ends up leading to more problems.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jul 2, 2020 at 13:35
  • 2
    If it's not garbage, then we welcome it on Stack Overflow. We just have quality standards here, and they're the same quality standards as you find across the entire Stack Exchange network.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jul 2, 2020 at 17:54
  • 1
    Re: the name - perhaps "StackOverflow Drafts" would be more appropriate?
    – atravers
    Commented Jul 16, 2021 at 22:29

Consider adding the ability to contact the downvoter(s) with comments along the lines of

@downvoters, could you please clarify your reasoning?


With the recent edit, does the @downvote still apply?

making this comment appear in downvoters’ inboxes but leaving them anonymous unless they choose to respond.

  • 28
    Oh no, not even more "why the downvote" comments! Those are already posted by the hundreds. Not to mention how annoying it would be for the downvoter to receive a notification every time that happens. If they wanted to leave feedback, they would've done it from the beginning. They don't need to be reminded or forced to comment because of the poster's plea.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:34
  • 7
    Last note, this question is about how to encourage downvotes, not how to discourage them.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:35
  • 21
    @E_net4likesdownvotes apparently I’ve already succeeded :-) Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:40
  • again, the reason is already given inside the tooltip of the downvote (like for upvote). Simply assume that everyone is giving a downvote for that same reason and nothing more. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:45
  • Not like you can claim that you got all reasons for the downvotes, but nevertheless, this could be yet another sign that we don't need that system. ;) Although feedback isn't mandatory, the percentage of downvotes without comments is not that large (usually less than 30% according to rene's SEDE query).
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:46
  • 11
    Happens with enough frequency: 1. I see a post with a problem 2. I don't downvote but instead start writing a comment to mention the problem. 3. by the time I finish and post the comment, somebody downvoted. 4. I get an angry message back "but why did you downvote?" or even occasionally a revenge downvote (an educated guess - happens very soon after I post a comment on the newly downvoted answer). I've taken to sometimes avoiding commenting for this reason alone. If I see a post gets a downvote before I've finished writing a comment I sometimes just discard it.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 15:55
  • It doesn't matter who downvoted. Often unfair votes are immediately compensated, e.g. if I see downvoted correct answer I am simply upvoting it. If you get multiple downvotes, you are likely to be wrong and the system should tell you why, as well as researches (read help section, search meta, ask meta, etc.) not downvoters who are right..
    – Sinatr
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 13:09
  • 2
    @VLAZ: Perhaps a system would be nice where you could give anonymous feedback ... Revenge downvoting would then be no problem.
    – testing
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 9:35
  • To me it does not make sense that downvoting costs something - points. If downvoting is the result of a serious thinking process with the result of a constructive critics it should be honored. One way could be that, if a downvoter also adds a comment, he should get as many points as for an upvote.
    – MarBlo
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:09
  • If everyone I ever downvoted could ping me whenever they felt like it, I feel like that would deter me from downvoting. People would likely use that kind of a feature to harass people for downvoting. Whether less downvoting a desirable effect or not is another topic, but the question was how to encourage downvotes. Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 2:26


There is no bad question. (Ever heard of that? Isn't it a good value to have?)


  • Do not allow any downvotes on questions.
  • Instead make some non-hurtful button(/buttons?) that has the meaning of "not useful"/"lacks research effort"/...
  • This should not affect any reputation of the user. It should not have any direct negative effect on the user to ask a question even if it is ill-posed, not useful and so on (indirect effects like the system classifying the question as cold as ice, is ok, as it hurts the user only slightly).


My answer is not well written, I haven't researched enough and I didn't explain well and I know I could do it better and be much more convincing if I may say so. But I lack the effort and just want to answer. Please let me do it and tell me, hey thank you for the answer by a score of minimum 0, then click on the "lacks effort"/"badly written" button and I see a 26 on that button, which means I need to improve the answer very much.

Dream outcome

I feel so welcome and in a warm hug by the community who just wants my best and wants me to improve my answers and questions. They don't put a mark on my forehead that says "-349" in red. No, they have other means. They are more "polite" and care a lot for my feelings. Which can be hurt by the slightest minus. I put myself out there and am very vulnerable.


  • Feelings of users are important.
  • Downvoting can feel for some/many users like the soft version of calling them an "idiot".
  • "There is no bad question."
  • Use a button for improvement of question, but do not call it "downvote" and do not punish the user for a bad question.
  • 13
    "Instead make some non-hurtful button(/buttons?) that has the meaning of "not useful"/"lacks research effort"/..." the downvote button is not meant to be hurtful. Yet it apparently is. Why would these new buttons also not be hurtful if they convey the same meaning? Yes, instead of, say, a -5 you'd have 5 "this is bad" marks. What's the difference?
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 8:29
  • 5
    There is no bad question: Only true if you want to teach a single person. If you want to build a library where people can find almost everything without having to ask new questions, there are bad questions. Poorly phrased, No research, Does not included the slightest bit of information. SO is somewhere in between these extremes. But there are definitely questions that are not acceptable.
    – BDL
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:06
  • 7
    And honestly, I don't want to welcome every single question where op didn't even bother to run a spellchecker or show the slightest bit of effort. There are way too many questions each day already and way too few people answering/curating, so why care so much about the low-effort users?
    – BDL
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:09
  • 3
    Regarding the part where you say that users feelings are important, that has been disagreed with several times: there are plenty more visitors than active users, the system optimizes for those by upholding quality standards. Relevant meta question: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/311837
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 9:58
  • 7
    When I'm looking for answers on SO, I really don't care at all if any feeling of any wannabe answerer might have been hurt. I want good, useful answers, and the bad ones gone or largely downvoted, so that I know that I shouldn't use them. Pretending to "be nice" to a few people who "just want to help" just hurts everyone that tries to make use of the site. Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 11:58
  • 4
    Feelings of users are important. Ehhhhhh. In some scenarios, yes. In a highly detail oriented field (like programming or engineering), details matter. Buildings don't stay up because someone feels hurt their best didn't meet standards. Same with here; we're building a repository that's supposed to withstand the test of time. Can't do that if we just allow everything because of feelings.
    – fbueckert
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:17
  • 2
    @VLAZ I think that "downvote" is sadly and subtly interpreted as a personal downvote. When it is not a downvote, but an encouragement to improve, then I could similarly feel as if there are 5 people who wanted to tell me im a not that smart or something("hurtful"). Being "downvoted" and given a negative number instead of getting a positive number of let's say complaints is not a big difference, I would say. But instead of complaint, write "encouragement to improve". I think it's a difference and sends a better message. I still have to work out arguments for my point though...
    – colorblind
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 13:15
  • @BDL "so why care so much about the low-effort users?" potential effort improvement? I personally dont feel hurt if i have -100 on this answer, because my mindset is, hey, great, people are talking to me and I can improve based on their criticism or in turn change opinions. Also, I can separate myself from my question. I think that we could cheer on people that ask, and improve their effort. It's a big potential, they could make leaps and become better users. But yes, with a 1-for-all solution there is more to consider, e.g. your valid points. Im working on my arguments.
    – colorblind
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 13:34
  • @fbueckert If you say the priority is on good questions and answers and not on feelings, I agree. You also say in some scenarios feelings matter. I want to work in that direction. A direction of not discouraging a part of online users, which are sensitive and have a lot to learn. I'm not sure how big this part is. Does everyone want only to improve from the start or are some insecure and sensitive at first? Some that put their thoughts out there and get discouraged by downvotes. Some people just need to get encouraged to try again and then could get very productive. I want to encourage them.
    – colorblind
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 14:09
  • 6
    I mentioned other scenarios to make a distinction. To clarify: none of those scenarios apply here. Our focus is on the content, and the content alone. We try to ensure that new users understand what we're all about, and try to familiarize them with us beforehand, but there's only so much we can do. At the end of the day, content trumps people here.
    – fbueckert
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 14:18
  • @BDL, "didn't even bother to run a spellchecker" - it's absolutely definetely that community get more high quality content if integrate any javascript spellchecker into post\comment edit boxes, instead of encouraging users to downvotes for spelling errors Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:35
  • 2
    @EgorBEremeev: Don't get me wrong, I would never downvote a posts just because of a spelling error. But if I read a title like "Plesae help me I have code are not campilig", then that doesn't show a lot of effort on ops side. Yesterdays favorite: "C++ programm changing bahavior with debugger"
    – BDL
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 14:07
  • Re 'put a mark on my forehead that says "-349" in red': Yes, this is a kind of public shaming. The least they could do would be to hide (but still accessible) the user name for negatively scored posts. But it is more likely that downvotes and close votes will be removed altogether. Commented Jul 12, 2020 at 13:51
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