
We just announced a new feature test for the "thank you" reaction on The Overflow blog.

We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers. Although it's less common on questions, the percentage of “thanks” comments has continued to slowly increase over the last few years.

chart showing the percent of comment on Stack Overflow with a "thank" in them, over time

Using this data and user research, we're introducing this clutter-free way for users to just say "thanks" to others for taking the time to answer questions.

Share your thanks

On the left of an answer post, you'll find a hands icon underneath the usual voting controls. By simply selecting the icon, you can share your thanks to the post-author. As reactions are added by users, a count of the reactions will appear below the icon.

This feature is available to all registered users, regardless of reputation (unlike voting, which is only available for users with 15 reputation or more).

Test variations

We’re testing two versions of the “thank you” icon:

We hope that this test will have a positive impact on our community and reduce:

  • Friction for users whose comments are deleted,
  • The burden on moderators, and
  • The time active users spend flagging/deleting comments.

Other details

  • Users will only be able to award 30 reactions during a single UTC day, like with voting, and you'll get a notification if you are approaching the target.
  • Users will only be able to award reactions to 5 posts by any given post owner during a single UTC day. You'll get a notification if you have reached the limit.
  • Reacting to an answer doesn't impact reputation so if you can vote and the answer solves the problem in the question, don't forget to vote as well.
  • Reactions don't notify the person who wrote the answer.

You can find more information about this in the Help Center.

What's next

We’ll be monitoring usage and other data over the next month and will use those results to inform how we may move forward with this experiment. If you run into any issues or bugs, please share them here.

Update: Please see Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test for more details on the plans for evaluating the results of this test, and for responding to the feedback given here

  • 128
    The frst step to transform this community to a Social network? This seems to me the "Like" of facebook. Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:31
  • 165
    Would it not have been a better idea to suggest this idea to the community first, get feedback and possible better solutions, and then test it? Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:42
  • 83
    Oh no. Whatever next. Allow users to mark posts with emoticons? I really don't need to see clapping hands everywhere. Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:44
  • 127
    I've just seen the feature and after reading the explanation page ... what exactly is the purpose? Isn't voting covering everything mentioned there?
    – akuzminykh
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:46
  • 32
    Surely this is what an upvote is for!? Why not just reduce that "1 in 6 coments says thanks" and do a "if comment.contains("thanks") && user == OP then upvote" and it might cull those 1/6 stats down a bit.. Are we soon to get a wired telephone, cobweb or maybe netscape navigator logo to mark answers as obsolete?
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:50
  • 74
    (I can't help but think that changing the upvote tooltip to "This was useful, thanks" would have saved a lot of dev..)
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:53
  • 65
    I thought Stack Overflow was done with forcing unpopular changes on its users
    – pppery
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:01
  • 109
    Could we have a "No-thanks" button for this post so that I can downvote it twice please?
    – Turnip
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:03
  • 24
    Why can't I thank myself? I tried to give myself a good thanking but I couldn't. Thanks! Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:09
  • 69
    Please note that most people use the "two hands touching palm-to-palm" emoji exclusively to indicate "praying" rather than 'high five', putting aside any addtional issues of trying to connote "upvote by providing +10 reputation and +1 score" with the act of giving someone a 'high five'.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:18
  • 57
    @LisaPark Please also study votes cast on questions affected by this as I suspect we'll see fewer votes cast on this as people thing a "high five" is adequate. That will have the unfortunate side effect of people spending their clicks and effort on actions that have no effect. I don't care if a post has 500 positive reactions, because that doesn't help me or the system classify it. If a post has 500 upvotes, it directly affects the status of the post within the Q&A page, and it directly affects the status and privileges the author has.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:25
  • 47
    Personally, I am not able to find the wisdom in introducing a second "meaningless-to-the-system" act which I can only see as diverting attention away from the method we already have for saying thanks, giving high fives, providing kudos, awarding chili peppers, etc: the upvote. I think such efforts would be better served by trying to point people more clearly to the up/down vote options.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:27
  • 50
    Was there some outcry for this "feature"? Why are SO devs wasting there time with this when there's a long list of other problems and features that have been hanging around for ages? Stackoverflow's founder already told us how to say thanks (2). Stop wasting your time and fix other things.
    – j08691
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:27
  • 49
    On Stack Exchange sites the way to say thank you is to upvote helpful answers and accept the most helpful by clicking the tick mark on the left. You're free to switch later when a better answer comes along.
    – Vickel
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:41
  • 38
    How are reactions supposed to be different than voting for the question? As a contributor and user -- why would I want a clapping hands icon instead of an upvote? Very confusing and bewildering what practical purpose these things are supposed to serve? Looks more like a gee-whiz widget looking for some place to be used rather than a solution crafted to solve an identified problem. How many years have we nuked "+1" comments? We'll go with it and see with where it goes... Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:36

102 Answers 102


I'm not in favour of this idea, but regardless I would like to point out that the icons chosen (on my system at least) are effectively unreadable and so give no clue as to their intended usage:

enter image description here

  • 43
    I could see this one as "washing hands" due to Corona pandemic. ^^ Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:23
  • 17
    Seing it in real use it looks like a face-palm to me. Now that would be useful for many questions.
    – Mr. Boy
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 15:23
  • 2
    @RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio: Perhas "I am washing my hands of this entire affair".
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 19:32

Here is another example of that the feature does not work as expected:

enter image description here

The OP didn't use the new feature. He accepted, probably upvoted and said "thanks" instead by comment. No triggered "Thank you" reaction.

Either for him it was just more personal to say "Thank you" by comment or didn't know about the new feature. Either way, this is an alarm sign.

Also here is an example that the new feature is redundant, this time just the Activity Log of the answer:

Enter image description here

After feedback communication between answerer and OP, s/he said "thank you" by comment, accepted the answer and triggered another "Thank you" reaction.

These are one of many examples that it doesn't work in practice as intended.

I personally think it is just more usual to say "Thank you" in personal, not through a reaction button.

Furthermore, the feature is only implemented for comments on answers. What about "Thank you" comments for comments? (Note: Link is broken/The question has been deleted. But I still let the link alive for moderators and developers.)

Enter image description here

Here the question was closed. The OP thanked helping hand Tom for the information by another comment.

Side note: That the specific question has been deleted does not change anything at the fact the comment was thanked by a comment. The question also had been kept closed but undeleted.

It does not make sense to implement the feature in such an inconsistent way. Either your idea is proper or leave it.

I have another answer, which focuses my personal opinion about this feature here.

  • 14
    "Either for him it was just more personal to say "Thank you" by comment..." - Exactly. If I want to thank someone, I am not going to click a button that doesn't give anything (ie reputation) and doesn't even notify that person.
    – Michael T
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 13:44
  • @MichaelT It is something about being a human with feeling empathy for someone who has helped. You can't make the people to robots. Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 13:53
  • @MichaelT And yes, that seems to be a brain-fart, when the poster is not notified about the action. Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 13:54
  • 4
    Thanks! ... for catching this example.
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 16:27
  • @einpoklum I updated another one. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 14:32

So, if I'm counting correctly, that would be a 6th way to show thanks, after upvoting, leaving a comment, accepting the answer, giving it a bounty and sharing it.

I know it's meant to replace leaving a comment for thanks, but it's not going to replace that (as discussed in other answers) and even without that there are still many ways to show thanks (especially upvoting).

Have you considered changing how some of the existing mechanisms work or are presented instead of adding yet another one?

Some examples of things you could do: (some already mentioned in other answers)

  • Replace the vote triangles with something else (what is a triangle even supposed to mean?, rhetorical question), like thumbs up or thumbs down (which functionally work the same).

  • Rethink the bounty system. For example, have how many bounties you can give depend on your reputation, but have bounties not actually use your reputation. It could also be made more prominent. It could be a button on the answer instead of (or in addition to) on the question. If you're rewarding an existing answer, it's kind of like a "super-upvote", yet it's shown at a completely different place from and works very different than regular upvotes.

  • Rethink the acceptance system. For example, just get rid of it entirely and, if you really still want the asker to be special, give a small reputation or ranking bonus to any answers upvoted by the asker. Possibly won't help with this issue, but I'll take any opportunity to get rid of a flawed system that probably adds little more than clutter.

  • Rethink commenting. "Add a comment" was temporarily replaced by "suggest improvement" on some sites. I think that idea was far from perfect, but it could be iterated upon and people have suggested variations and alternatives.

  • Make the buttons for voting more prominent and more clearly something you can click on. A featureless gray triangle doesn't really scream "click me". And the fact that it's at the top left of the post might also not be ideal (since you're usually at the bottom right after you're done reading it). Not that I'm proposing putting it at the bottom, but the current layout is certainly something to think about.

  • Decrease the reputation required for upvoting, and possibly make it not give reputation if the vote was cast by a low-rep user (or delay giving reputation until the voter gets the required reputation), to prevent abuse.

  • Check for "thank you" comments and suggest to users that they upvote instead when they try to post such a comment.

  • Educate users better about how to use the site.

Maybe not all amazing ideas, but there are probably many feature requests here on Meta suggesting how to improve the existing "thanks" mechanisms. The point is: let's fix what we have instead of adding new things that serve the same purpose.

  • 1
    changing the add a comment to suggest improvement is a great suggestion, as well as the educate users better
    – Icepickle
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 22:36
  • 1
    So many good suggestions here! I especially like the one about rethinking the acceptance system.
    – EJE
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 13:00

We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers.

So your metric is comments containing "thanks".

we're introducing this clutter-free way for users to just say "thanks"

But your solution is for comments consisting only of "thanks". This seems really weird, as that has nothing to do with the metric used to justify the new feature.

Good comments that additionaly contain a "thanks" are not an issue. Skipping the "thanks" e.g. when asking to clarify something can appear a bit rude (dare I say 'unwelcoming'?), so it is not always an option to comment without the "thanks" and click the button instead. I'm quite sure there will be just as many comments containing "thanks" as before (and I'm ok with that).

What also bothers me is the placement of the icon. The feature is supposed to fix an issue with comments. But the icon has been placed next to the voting feature. It's already hard enough to get new users to actually vote on an answer. Yet another button next which can easily be confused with a voting feature is not really helpful in my opionion.

I have the feeling new users would be much more likely to click on a button labeled with "say thanks" next to the "add comment" button in the comment area, because that is where they go to when they want to say thanks.


We hope that this test will have a positive impact on our community and reduce:

  • Friction for users whose comments are deleted,
  • The burden on moderators, and
  • The time active users spend flagging/deleting comments.

This is a good problem to discover, but you're solving it in an irrational, unbelievable, ridiculous way.

Reduce friction for users whose comments are deleted

Great, then just don't delete them. If these comments don't belong in the first place, they should not come out in the first place. Make it harder to post, such as when "thanks" is detected, prompt the user to vote up or accept instead. This extra step of confirmation is beneficial in two ways: To reduce the number of useless comments, and to guide users onto the right track.

Reduce the burden on moderators, and the time active users spend flagging/deleting comments

If these comments don't come out in the first place, then there's nothing to delete.

... will have a positive impact on our community ...

Decades later, two old people chat about their technical careers and lives.

  • Alice: I have accumulated 100k reputation on Stack Overflow.
  • Bob: I have accumulated 100k "thanks" on Stack Overflow.
  • Alice: Pardon?

And... Can we anticipate more buttons like "Happy", "Sad", "Confused" should similar comments stack up in the future?

  • 3
    One button that may receive more support than this would be one to indicate that we think the answer, though possibly well-presented, is just plain wrong: ❌ Oh, I forgot, we have the downvote button for that (or those of us with sufficient reputation do, anyway). Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 20:37

The problem: Users say "thanks" in a post, which on SO is considered noise and not-useful.

The solution:: Create a button that allows users to say "thanks"

The fatal flaw being that it assumes the "thank you" button is a substitute for the comment. There's no reason to suspect that's the case, and in fact they could become complements, someone both posts "thanks" in a comment and clicks the thanks button. Seems like that just adds noise...

The button says "say thanks for this answer". If the intent is to deter comments from users who don't understand the SO rules how does this additional button teach them that "thanks" comments are inappropriate?

  • 3
    Plus, some people don't even find the button. They put a thanks comment.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 18:44
  • 4
    Users without the ability to submit a comment,ignore multiple prompts and statements,that indicate they should NOT submit an answer in order to get around their inability to submit a comment. What makes this feature proposal, such a horrible idea is the incorrect assumption, that it will prevent “thank you” commentary or those horrible useless “thank you” commentary answers. In my experience it won’t matter. This feature will become a reality in order to be more welcoming to users who on purpose Ignore our rules and submit useless “thank you” commentary. Just like the automatic reopen feature. Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 13:38

Okay, I've read through 103 answers and I don't think anyone has said this yet...

In addition to this "feature" being absolutely useless -- IT IS ACTUALLY DOING HARM!

An answer of mine (that was upvoted and accepted by the OP 3 years ago) was spontaneously unaccepted and thanked on the same day.

Here's the answer history:

enter image description here

I don't know where the "accept" record has gone, but I was alerted to my rep loss by my rep history.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • 1
    Are you sure the unaccept was not triggered by your rewrite (although I can't judge from technical standpoint, the change does not seem defamatory)? That said, yes, the switch to "thanks" does not make much sense (probably "thanks" was pushed by someone else?) Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:17
  • 3
    You can see from the time stamps that the -15 and the thanks were 1 minute apart. The thanks was from the OP ("Learning and sharing"). Then I commented 2 hours later. Then I edited 3.5 hours after the thanks. Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:21
  • 1
    oh, sorry, I forgot the reactions are public - it is indeed the same person (I now also see you edited after the change, thanks for pointing out) - well, that's certainly an alarming trend... Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:23
  • I wonder if SEDE can somehow identify how many answers were unaccepted and thanked within a 12 hour span. (I suppose it is possible that a FGITW would get the green tick, then a better answer comes along, so the OP changes the green tick and thanks the FGITW.) Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:24
  • 1
    Good question, I guess not directly - can take a look, though. Votes table only has an "AcceptedByOriginator" field as far as I know, so that probably is too much to ask from SEDE. Re:FGITW - yeah, that can happen (I think we can all agree that's still quite useless) Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:30
  • 1
    As far as I know there is no way to see Thanks and Unaccept votes in SEDE. It's also unclear what exactly pushed OP to unaccept this answer in particular. It could be a mistake or maybe they reviewed it once more and decided it was wrong. They could not change the vote so they unaccepted. Who knows? However, it would be good to see how much harm did this new feature actually cause.
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 12:36
  • @Dharman - yep, upon rereviewing available options I guess not... I guess someone with site analytics access might know that? I think we can measure possible harm by measuring "percent of upvoted and / or accepted answers since announcement" + "average score of positively received answers since announcement" Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 13:19
  • 3
    I mean, the fact that people can deduce other people's actions due to this feature not being anonymous alone is a massive problem.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 13:30
  • I am surprised to see people ready to lose their reputation (-2) by unaccepting the answer and tried this new feature. lol. Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 0:03
  • @Arun it is actually -15 rep when the green tick is removed. I don't have any concern for rep anymore though. The larger concern for me is that a clear preferred answer is not signified and the page is not deemed to be resolved by the system. Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 0:11
  • @mickmackusa I mean -2 for them. Yes -15 for answerer. Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 0:13
  • Indeed. Good point. Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 0:15

I completely agree with the other posts in that you should consult the community before implementing these "features". Stack Overflow is not a social network; it's a professional website.

I just wanted to point out the contradiction. You have made the change, again without asking the community, of changing the points awarded per upvote to a question from 5 to 10, the same as the answer.

So why should one only be able to say "thank you" to an answer, and not a question too, given that now, for you, both have the same importance?

(I don't want this feature at all. I am just pointing out this flaw.)

  • Many professional websites implement these features, so that's not really an argument just an attempt to support your preference against such features.
    – Mr. Boy
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 11:15
  • 5
    @Mr.Boy And those websites would be even more professional without them
    – Paolo
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 11:47
  • That's your personal opinion only. The features presumably add some value if they're used. If you see a site where every article has no votes, we can assume it isn't useful :)
    – Mr. Boy
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 12:00
  • 6
    Obviously it's my personal opinion, just like yours is and every other answer/comment here. The features presumably add some value if they're used That's not the point, the point is that Stack Overflow would be more professional without them.
    – Paolo
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 12:04
  • It's not 'professional' to add or change features based on community popularity, one could argue. If you're going to claim this feature is unprofessional, perhaps you can justify that opinion. There's a big difference between an opinion "I don't like it" and a reasoned position.
    – Mr. Boy
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 12:09
  • 3
    @Mr.Boy I don't see your justification for your claim that this feature is professional. At best I see an appeal to popularity "Other places use it, therefore it's professional".
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 22:46

Another reason why this is bad is that users could use it ironically.

You can downvote an answer and react "Thank you" ironically. Have an answer with downvotes and "Thank you" reactions, like "Thank you for nothing".

I can imagine this happening...

  • 1
    Some users in the community are real evil. This is so matching. I didn't thought about this. Good concern. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:41
  • It's a real alternative to "I downvoted because..", just without the "because.."
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:51
  • @Scratte Except who reacts is public (unless that's what you meant...) Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:51
  • @Nick So are the "I downvoted because..", "-1. Bad answer", etc.. comments :)
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:54
  • 13
    With the 🙏 emoji, it seems like an excellent way to say "bless this mess". :)
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:57
  • 1
    I am starting to use it combined with a downvote meaning basically "thanks for trying, but this is not the way"
    – luk2302
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 17:01
  • "Thank you" ironically and thanks for trying. Great. Two actions with an opposite meaning. SO useful. Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 21:29

This new feature is torpedoing the up-and-down vote mechanism. If the answers warrants an extra praise then we can give it bounty points. This is how I handled Stack Overflow the past few years.


For me, the most important takeaway that SE Inc. can learn here:

do not return to your old habits of dropping stuff on us!

It is that simple: SE Inc. has spent a lot of work and energy to get back to a more transparent "process", and emphasized repeatedly that it wants us users to be involved.

Now this. It feels like we are back in 2019 and you drop this on us.

  • Isn't this only a test?
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 21:45
  • 1
    @ZevSpitz it seems to be an A/B Test of whether to use Clap or Praying for thanks (they already added these to Teams & Jobs so I would hazard that rolling this back is not an option) Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 23:49
  • 1
    @LinkBerest, maybe they could make it an A/B/C test by adding U+1F595 to the set of options.
    – Mark
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 2:20

The more I think about it the more I see the problem, but I still don't think this is the best solution to it. There is a better one.

First I looked at the numbers. The increase over time is not very strong but 15-20% of 75 million comments (that are still in the database) means at least 11 million thanks-comments generated, that's a lot.

Currently in the database are only 2.5 million comments with "thank" in it. That means that at least 8 million comments had to be deleted (probably not completely automatically??). That may have been a lot of work.

Of the 2.5 million comments with "thank" in it, that remain, are probably many comments that are longer and include the thanks only as a side thing.

Indeed there is a particular dependence on length for the still existing thanks-comments. In particular one sees that at the length of 51 and 61 some thresholds kicked in.

enter image description here

But there are also comments with less than size 20 still present. They should probably have been deleted.

enter image description here

The problem with the proposed solution is that it competes with up/downvotes, clutters the UI, may be confusing to some users and may be too impersonal to be preferred over thanks in comments.

I think the idea should be instead to continue to do, what has been done so far, just more automatically.

We have this wonderful unfriendly comments detection software and from what I hear it works great. Now, automatically detecting pure thanks comments may even be less a complex task, so maybe even higher success rates could be expected. We would have even more training data than for the unfriendly comments robot.

With some training we could probably detect pure-thanks comments automatically while they are created (or right after the comment edit period times out).

We then could ask the creator to voluntarily time-limit their comment (to some reasonable time limit like say 1-3 days or less). That would mean that the thanks author is invited to self time limit its comment (due to the not being very useful nature, but still a thanks is something positive). Such comments would then be marked for auto-deletion and would also be displaying as "soon to be gone, please don't flag unless you need it gone immediately". If the author is not agreeing, he might be invited to explain why it should stay and then the decision is forwarded to a mod, who might delete the comment immediately or let it live. That way the decision is with humans all the time.

This should be much less work than is used now and would solve most of the problems as far as I can see them.

An alternative to time-limitation of thanks comments would be moving them to a dedicated comments section (maybe below the normal comment, in a lighter color, collapsed by default). See Zev Spitz's comment for details.

Just some comment on methodology of this test: In order to follow good practice, one should also state how a success or failure of the test will be estimated already when announcing the test (here probably how many thanks were given and how many thanks-comments were not created). That allows people to comment on it and prevents the conductors from arbitrarily moving the goalposts when making a final decision.

I hope that an alternative solution like the one proposed in this answer will finally be implemented. If not, I hope there will be at least some way to opt out and keep the UI more focused on the more important things.

P.S.: Indeed, already in 2014 in Can a machine be taught to flag comments automatically? Andy implemented such a system and could detect thanks comments more or less in real time. The technology was there and the idea was there for at least six years.

  • 2
    "With some training we could probably detect pure-thanks comments automatically while they are created." my only issue with that is that they probably shouldn't be blocked automatically. It's possible to comment "thanks" then edit in "Can you explain X?", for example. However, that can be very easily solved by only (internally) marking the comment as a "thanks". Re-evaluate this on edit. After the edit window has closed - either immediately after, or the next midnight or next week or whatever, then the comment can be automatically swept.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 11:18
  • 3
    It seems that the "wonderful unfriendly comments detection software" seems to detect friendly comments as unfriendly, so.. I really think this robot needs some tweaking.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 12:57
  • 1
    @Scratte Making mistakes is not an argument against using the robot. Humans make mistakes too and they only claims it's as good as human flags are. In the end, a moderator has the last say and is the gold standard. Detecting thanks sounds a bit easier to me than detecting unfriendliness (which might come in more different ways). Also you can tweak the thresholds so that less positive cases are detected accompanied by even less negative ones. That would still help. They have the technology for it already in use for a more difficult subject, they only need to use it for this one too. Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 7:27
  • 4
    "With some training we could probably detect pure-thanks comments automatically while they are created (or right after the comment edit period times out)." - That has already been done. I did it years ago and tuned it to be very accurate. I could catch these comments as soon as they appeared in the API.
    – Andy Mod
    Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 15:05
  • Another note on methodology - the announcement should state how long the test will take - even a shrug of the god is better than utter silence. Prevents the testers from running the "test" indefinitely and claiming they're still gathering data whenever asked way down the road. Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 18:45
  • @JohnDvorak That it did "We’ll be monitoring usage and other data over the next month". It's one month. And now they also posted some criteria about how to judge the outcome. Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 7:20
  • @Andy Thanks for the link. I must have seen it because I had it upvoted. Six years is quite some time. It's a pity that nobody continued with your work back then. Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 7:24
  • 1
    What if, instead of deleting "thanks" comments, all comments would be automatically typed as "comment" or "reaction", and reactions would be distinguished in the UI? 1. "Reactions" should be collapsed by default (even when there are no other comments), and only shown by pressing a "Show reactions" link, next to the "Show x comments" of today. 2. Different formatting for reaction comments even when expanded -- indent the comment itself, perhaps a lighter foreground color. This wouldn't compete with voting, wouldn't add a vague icon to the UI, and not limit being personal or impersonal.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 10:03
  • @ZevSpitz That's also a possibility. Will add it for reference. It's also mentioned in other answers. Problem would be to draw the line between reaction and comment. It's possible but you know, people are people and may see things different. "Why did the system classify my comment only as a reaction...?" Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 11:28
  • Yes, but I think there's far less drama around "The algorithm decided my comment was a reaction!" vs. "A user / moderator / other annoying person went ahead and deleted my comments, because they were personal!" And it still looks that way even if deleted automatically.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 15:04

Please remove this feature as soon as you can!

I answered 5 questions today, and of those 5 answers, 3 of them got upvoted + accepted. Great. But then the fourth and fifth one got a "thanks" reaction and a comment saying "thank you for your help!".

The things wrong with this feature:

  1. It doesn't decrease the amount of "thank you" comments

  2. It is robbing people of their deserved reputation.

  3. It is completely and utterly useless, and answers that deserve to go to the top don't.

  4. I have also seen a post that wouldn't be out of place on facebook. Apparently one user thought SO was a social media, and he put a programming meme as an answer. This feature is confusing new users even more than usual.

So again, please remove this feature ASAP.

  • 3
    When I upvoted this answer, the system showed me a pop-up saying, "You haven't voted on questions in a while; questions need votes too!" Can we have a pop-up when "Thanks" is clicked, along the lines of, "Thanks for your Thanks reaction. If this answer has helped you, then consider upvoting it. Thanks."? Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 20:48
  • @Adrian Mole Yes, that is viable, but some people dont have enough rep to upvote, and majority of the users that ask questions dont even bother reading those, at least in my experience.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 23:45
  • 1
    @AdrianMole I noticed that popup too. Another useless feature. If I want to upvote more answers than questions because I consider them more useful then it's my own personal decision. Will SO really force me to what shall I upvote? It is our decision. Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 7:29
  • @RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio IIRC, I don't think it is possible to cast your entire daily vote quota solely on either Qs or As. I think there has to some of both if you want to use them all. Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 7:32
  • @AdrianMole I vote on many questions and I like to do so, but what I want to say is, why SE constantly keep warning me about this if I want to upvote answers to these question/post for example. I notice this behavior specially here on Meta. Maybe because the question is so much downvoted? Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 8:45
  • @RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio No, it's because of the "Not enough questions are upvoted.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 14:05
  • @RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio Plus, from the 40 votes, at least 10 must be spent on questions.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 14:05

I think this option will reduce the number of upvotes. It will confuse new contributors and it is just a dupe of the upvote button. Also there is no minimum reputation to say thanks, so anybody can do it. This button does not carry useful functionality and it is absolutely unnecessary.

Don't add it to Stack Overflow на русском please! And if you can, delete it from Stack Overflow too. It will be the only correct solution!


I'm sorry for adding an answer when there are already 93 of them, but I skimmed and none of them really seemed to bring up my point.

The people who usually read Meta are SO power users, which is understandable. I've been on here a few times to read some stuff, but I'm mostly an average SO user in that I don't do anything special with the community.

From that perspective, I saw these new icons and was very confused. I upvote answers that are good and answer the question or help me in some way, so I saw the "thanks" button and didn't know what was expected of me. I found this post linked in the sidebar of SO and it also doesn't answer my question. When exactly am I supposed to upvote instead of thanking, or vice versa? Am I supposed to do both? It seems like thanking has zero implications other than a counter on the page, so what purpose does it actually serve?

  • 2
    Judging from this question/announcement here, I would say that the intended purpose was to replace thanks comments. So whenever you would have posted a thanks comment, you would be supposed to use the button instead (independently of any voting). Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 12:08

I just don't see "Thanks!" comments as a problem. A quick flag gets rid of them and takes little to no time while boosting your flag count, leaving them there doesn't hurt anything, people who can leave said comments already have the ability to upvote, just seems... not all that great of a reason for this.

The implementation of it seems to miss the mark too. It's a tiny grey icon in an area you wouldn't expect to see this feature. I'd expect to see it right above the comments section and colorful with multiple reaction options, not all inherently positive or negative... and anonymous. It's not important enough to be displayed left of the post.

  • 4
    In other words... if we're gonna get reactions, give us reactions, not pseudo votes.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 16:30

I find this a nice example on how it doesn't work:

  • OP has now 3 options to pick from (+1, answer, thanks). Ironically, marking as accepted might be even overseen
  • They will leave the thanks comment anyway

Here's an example, see the up-vote + thank you, while not marked as accepted - which can be fine, but then check OP's comment:

Answer score of 1, and one thank you. thank u Stephan , you save my life.


It saddens me to submit answer #106, but here we are. Perhaps the decision to lock-out comments on the question (and force comments to be submitted as answers) is as wise as the decision to devote company resources to producing this feature. I hope I'm not adding duplicate commentary, but I barely have time for this, let alone reading through 105 answers. Normally I do read through everything first, but 105?

Here are some thoughts:

  1. Are "Thank You" comments truly that large of a pain-point as to warrant this much attention?

  2. I realize that the description given in the original post is not meant to be highly technical, but how strict / fuzzy was the search for "thank" in comments?

    • Was it whole-word only? Partial word? Would "thanksgiving" be considered a match?
    • What about comments that include "thank(s| you)" and contain additional, relevant info that falls within the acceptable use guidelines?
    • Was the poster of the comment taken into account? I often thank people for leaving feedback on my answers, whether positive or negative. Would that match your query? Clearly my comments of "thanks" on my own answers wouldn't be considered opportunities that someone could have instead clicked a "thank you" button, right?
  3. How would this feature be adopted? Why would the group of people that are a) leaving "thanks" comments, and b) not upvoting instead of saying "thanks" be any more likely to use this feature? If the behavior you're trying to correct is due to not reading the rules, then how would the target audience ever find out that this new option should be done instead of what they have been doing? And if they read the rules in order to know to now use this feature, then wouldn't they already know that they should instead upvote and don't need this feature?

  4. The entire goal of this feature is based on false logic. The stated goal is (slightly edited for brevity):

    We hope that this test will ... reduce:

    • People upset when their comments are deleted,
    • Time spent wasted managing/flagging/deleting comments.

    This line of reasoning has the implied assumption that "thank you" comments are bad / clutter. True, this is stated in the guidelines, but is that really the correct / best way to view "thank you" comments? Perhaps the S.O. community can adopt a less negative view of this behavior? Which would mostly cancel out the need for this feature.

  5. I did read in one answer (or maybe it was a comment?) something about "anonymous" upvotes (upvotes that don't count). Perhaps this feature could be made useful by re-purposing it as a counter of people who wanted to upvote but either didn't log in or didn't have enough rep to actually vote. This scenario requires the following changes:

    1. People do not click on the "thank you" icon. It is merely a counter.

    2. If someone hovers over the "thank you" icon, a tooltip / label displays:
      Anonymous upvotes / thank yous: xxxxx

    3. If a person clicks on the "thank you" icon, it displays:
      Please say "thank you" by upvoting this answer.

    4. If a person upvotes and is either not logged in or doesn't have enough rep to vote, increase the "thank you" count and display a message stating that the upvote was being recorded as a "thank you".

    5. The default message / hint in the comment box is currently:

      "Say thanks by [reacting] to [the] answer"

      Why is it assumed that people will understand what "react" means? And why say "the" answer instead of "this" answer? Either way, this hint should be changed to:
      Say thanks by upvoting this answer.

      or even:
      Say thanks by clicking the up arrow to the left of this answer.

      The more clearly you state the desired behavior, the more likely it will be that people actually follow it.

  6. (new) Did anyone ever consider that maybe only a simple update to the default text / hint of the comment area was needed? The default is currently:

    ... Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks".

    That is explaining what you do not want, but does not indicate what you do want (at least not with regards to "thanks" comments). Again, a little bit of clarification goes a long way. For example:
    ... Avoid comments like "+1". Please up-vote this answer to say "thanks".


The feature broke the duplicate close vote dialog: when you press Enter, it does cast a reaction on the answer to the selected canonical target instead of closing the question. This is highly counterintuitive and does cause reactions that were never intended, nor does it become visible what happened (unless you get an error message because the accepted answer was your own).

  • 4
    So that’s what it was! That’s why I had reactions on my profile that I don’t remember casting. I assumed this only happened when the duplicate was also closed by Community. Mystery solved. Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 14:05
  • 1
    Oh gods! I thought I was going senile as I thought Enter would submit the duplicate but all it seemed to do now was refresh the view. This is extremely bad.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 15:42

Possible bug report: I was told to thank someone else, on an answer that was mine:

enter image description here

Posted here as recommended there

  • 5
    Oh you! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    – akuzminykh
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:56
  • 2
    I don't think this is a bug, it's clearly just a notification saying "Hey look, a new feature is available that you haven't seen before, here it is" Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:56
  • 1
    Well, to me it reads like a reminder or a call to action, but why does my own answer have a thanks button on it? Or vote buttons, for that matter
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:00
  • 9
    You didn't read the comment? It's not a bug. You deserve it. Won't you feel better if you thank yourself? :D Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:02
  • It needs to be there on your own answers so that you can see how many reactions it has.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:03
  • 5
    @Andreas if I do it too soon, I'm worried it might mean I'm starting to suffer from premature congratulation
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:05

I think that the whole perspective of the "thanks" messages in the comments is wrong. You'll never be able to replace human thanks messages with a button or some counter. This is why regardless the up votes we can still see the "thanks" comments. Peoples like to say "thank you" in a human way, and not in a counter way. Instead of trying to eliminate the human needs to say "thanks" with a counter, change the feature so it will include an option for "thanks messages section". This way you can clear the "professional comments" under the response, and the "thanks comments" in a separate place (maybe some kind of small popup window beside the new button).

You might also make a bot that will move every "thanks" message that already exists into this section, or to add an optional flag to move these comments into the new comments section.

  • I completely agree with "People like to say 'thank you' in a human way, and not in a counter way". However, I'm not sure about a "thanks messages section". There isn't much interest in seeing a section only with people thanking. Also, the bot approach might not work well, since someone can comment something like "Thanks, but this answer doesn't work for me because [...]".
    – D. Pardal
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:04
  • 1
    @D.Pardal I think this section have to be for more detailed "thanks". To explain how did this answer help them, etc.. And about the bot- I didn't say that it'll be easy to program one. I might even require some ML within it, but I do believe it is possible to create one. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:37
  • I completely agree with this. Thank you messages are wonderful to read for whoever posted the answer, but maybe just noise for everybody else. It would be great if we can encourage thank you messages without cluttering comments. An emoji is not nearly as nice as an actual thank you message.
    – Flimm
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 13:31

There already are many answers. So it's hard to write one that still adds some value. But I'll try:

This is fractally bad

(which means that it's bad on every level of analysis)

The problem with this kind of thing is that it's tremendously hard to argue against it, or to even suggest improvements. You can argue why it's bad on one level, but in the attempt to do so, would have to address all other levels.

  • One could question the way how this feature was introduced on a methodological level - namely the fact that the "community" wasn't even asked about it.
  • One could question the goals that are supposed to be achieved on the "community level" and the interactions here - but not without diving deeply into an analysis of the root causes of the problems that are supposed to be solved (one of them certainly related to educating new users about how this site works...)
  • One could question the feature on a "process level", e.g. why users are not notified about a "Thank you" - but not without raising questions about technical drawbacks like notification spam, or alternative implementations
  • One could point out the negative side-effects on a "system level", e.g having downvoted answers with many 'thanks' - What should that even mean?
  • One could mention the possibilities for abuse and sock-puppeting on the level of individuals
  • ...
  • One could criticize it on the level of the UI, like the icons that are currently used (which, in the worst case might suggest that it could be fixed with other icons... 🙄 )

And this list could go on and on (see the other answers for further details on different levels). There is not really a "line of argumentation". The argumentation would rather have to be a "tree", for that matter.

However, I'd like to address one point (that was already mentioned in other answers), and which is on the lowest level, in that it also stands at the beginning of the process that led to the current situation:

What is the metric that is used to justify the introduction of this feature?

The initial post (and the blog post) seem to indicate that the underlying metric was not more than a plain, dumb word count. (And please correct me if I'm wrong). It's true that comments that only say "Thank you" should be avoided or deleted, and are pure clutter compared to upvoting and accepting answers. But iff this there was no deeper analysis about the context of the thank word, then it might just be that instead of writing comments like

The question was about framework X and not Y

people nowadays write

Thank you, but the question was about framework X and not Y

or instead of

@otherUser : I fixed the typo that you pointed out

are now writing

Thanks @otherUser: I fixed the typo that you pointed out

There is absolutely no conclusion that can be drawn from the mere appearance of this word. There is not even a reason to assume that any conclusion can be drawn from that. But even if there was a reasonable, correct conclusion to be drawn, we still wouldn't be at the point where we could argue about whether or how this conclusion could profoundly justify any actions in general, or the implementation of this feature in its current form in particular. This is just incomprehensible for me.


My understanding of your assumptions and intentions is this:

  • The thanks button is for those who:

    • can upvote and want to do more than that,
    • cannot upvote due to lack of reputation.
  • A relevant portion of upvotes comes from users who only want to indicate that something is good (but not directly useful to them) and help separate the wheat from the chaff. (I doubt that this is correct, but that’s only an experienced guess and the test should show this.)

If the above is correct, I see some UX problems here:

  • For users with voting privileges, the thanks button is a “super upvote” in some sense; it does not make sense for them to thank without upvoting. Hence the expected placement of the thanks button would be above the upvote button, not below it. Furthermore, to avoid confusion or people forgetting to vote, thanking should be coupled to an upvote. Either you automatically upvote when thanking or you only see the thanks button after upvoting.

  • For users without the voting privilege, thanks is the only button that they reasonably would want to use. Yet, it is sandwiched by other buttons useless to them (assuming they don’t care about the timeline). Again, it makes sense to place it on top. Putting myself in the position of such a user (sorry if this reads a bit childish):

    That answer is great, what can I do about it?

    There are some things on the left that seem important. I guess that number is the score; let’s increase that. That doesn’t work because I don’t have reputation yet; point taken.

    So what’s next? I don’t want to decrease the score and if I can’t increase, I probably can’t decrease either.

    Whatever, I guess that entire bar is not for me yet.

    [Bonus, if we have the author of the question, who already accepted another answer:] Ooh, I can leave a comment; let’s deliver a personal message of thanks.

  • 6
    note there is one category of users who can't upvote but are able to post thanks comments - these are question askers, because they can comment under answers to their questions at any rep level (in my experience this seems to be major source of useless thanks I observe in comments)
    – gnat
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:42
  • "it does not make sense for them to thank without upvoting" - Not strictly true, there's plenty times I've seen answers that I find interesting in one form or another that don't warrant an upvote..., like link only answers to great resources, they're the ones that get a "neat", or an "oh, that's cool". Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:42
  • 1
    @gnat: I know, see my very last paragraph.
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:43
  • @gnat, Wouldn't it make more sense to let askers vote on answers to their questions? Or does that make it too easy for the sock puppets? Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:21
  • @Michael-Where'sClayShirky It's already too easy and letting them vote would make it even easier. I can create two new accounts and get both of them to 15 rep without any external interference in under a minute, probably (haven't tested it).
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:26
  • @Nick: Is that really a relevant case that needs to be accounted for?
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:40
  • @Wrzlprmft I didn't say I agreed with needing to account for it, I'm perfectly happy continuing with my personal dialogues rather than needing a button for it :p, just that it's not accurate to say it doesn't make sense to want to thank an answer without upvoting Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:46
  • 3
    The problem doing this, is that it teaches new users into that "SO is personal", taking away from the goal of making it a repository of content, not people. SO is not a social media. It teaches new users that on SO, you thank people. Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:50
  • 1
    @Nick "answers that I find interesting in one form or another that don't warrant an upvote..., like link only answers to great resources" seem to me like they do warrant and upvote. They might not be the accepted answer, yet they were, as the tooltip suggests "helpful". If such are from presumably experienced users you comment should, instead, be a reminder to "flesh out" the answer. If it's from a new user, perhaps take the time to help them adjust to SO and comment and/or edit the answer to show what a good answer would look like from the information they provided. It's still a helpful one
    – Chindraba
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 2:56
  • btw, the thanking user is revealed by the timeline. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 11:10

tl;dr: the system should notify the answerer when the asker thanks their answer, so as to make it feel more personal.

From my perspective as an asker

I will admit that in the past, I have written "thanks" comments on various Stack Exchange sites. However, the only time I can remember doing so is when someone answers my question. I wish to explicitly and clearly let them know that I, as the question asker, have read their answer and appreciate how helpful it is. To reiterate: I want to notify them that I appreciate them. Upvoting does not accomplish this, because upvotes are anonymous. Accepting kind of accomplishes this, but I can only accept one answer per question. Accepting also feels very devoid of the emotion that I wish to convey. Commenting is currently the only way I can get my feelings across.

From my perspective as an answerer

Most of my activity on Stack Overflow as answering questions. I don't do this because I want my number to go up. I do this because I like helping people. If I don't get feedback on an answer, I don't know if it helped, and if feels like a waste. If I get an upvote or two, that could be random people clicking on the question, seeing an answer that looks about right, and giving a quick upvote before moving on. When my answer gets accepted, it still fells very emotionless. The notification is simply a number:

Enter image description here

On Stack Overflow, the best feeling that I get is when I click on my inbox and see something like this:

enter image description here

This says to me than an actual human being used my answer and I have made a real difference in their life, however small. To me, a comment of "thanks" on someone else's answer looks like noise. But on my answer, it's a connection with another human.


While I can't speak for everyone else, I would suspect that many people feel similarly. People aren't robots, and while Stack Overflow's model is good for the people who click a link from Google Search, it falls flat for the participants who have yet to become jaded by the lack of humanity on the platform. I suspect that many people write "thanks" for reasons at least similar to mine, or at the very least to not appear ungrateful.

With the current implementation of this new "thanks" button, the only way to notice you've been thanked is by actively going to your answers one by one. To see who thanked you, you have to click a fairly obscure button and then search through a list of all actions on the post, most of which are unrelated.


Just to throw out some ideas, I'm sure other people can think of better things.

  • When the questioner thanks an answer, the answerer could get a notification like "Fred Smith has thanked you for your answer to How To XYZ."
  • Maybe these notifications could be bundled together for highly active people, e.g. "4 people have thanked you for your answers yesterday."
  • For people who just care about rep, maybe there could be an option to disable these notifications.
  • 7
    The pleasure of helping is a really good point - it would be really nice to be able to hear how something I'd taken the time to write up helped someone else out. That would bring me happiness and increase my engagement with the site. And I've really wanted to be able to say "thank you so much, this absolutely saved my life" on occasions when an answer with no existing upvotes on some highly niche issue has really got me out of a hole
    – tomRedox
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 10:09
  • 2
    Re "I do this because I like helping people.": That is good. This is why Stack Overflow Helpdesk could actually work (and relieve the tension with beginners on Stack Overflow), despite the scepticism here on Meta. Have you supported some of the proposals? Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 17:34

I suggest that if you want to decrease the number of "thank you" comments and not decrease the number of votes, you should put the "thank you" button on the bottom in the comments section, not near the voting buttons.


This feature seems useful in theory, but in practice it is completely useless.

Using this data and user research, we're introducing this clutter-free way for users to just say "thanks" to others for taking the time to answer questions.

Well, let me give a few examples of answers that helped the OP, and they didn't click the thanks button, but put a comment saying thanks.


https://stackoverflow.com/a/62537680/12708583(check the post history to see).

Instead we could spend our time doing neccessary things, such as fixing the triage review, or restricting comments from having only "thanks" in them.

to just say "thanks" to others for taking the time to answer questions.

Is that implying to say "thanks" to a bad answer? The amount of time spent making an answer is not at all related to the quality of the answer.

  • 8
    Thanks, this answer is really helpful. Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 18:41
  • 1
    @RobertColumbia lol
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 18:42
  • 3
    @Michael-Where'sClayShirky At first I thought the hands were reffering to prayer.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 21:29
  • 1
    @Michael-Where'sClayShirky Yes, I am indian, and in india, that is used as greeting.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 21:40
  • 1
    @Michael-Where'sClayShirky some people actually do it - they put their hands against each other and then take a deep bow - that's why the emoji was chosen. Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 18:48

It is a very nice idea to decrease thanks comments for answers, but the way it is going to be done is not correct.

As you said:

We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers

But now, we, the users, discovered that “thanks” appears in every answer without any exception!

Besides, it doesn't add any valuable feature to this website. Just adding another step for saying an answer is helpful.

Let's consider its usage in another way:

  • We already had accept answer and it just is a feature for OP.
  • We had upvote which is a feature for everybody who thinks an answer is helpful.
  • Now we have thanks which again is a feature for everybody who thinks an answer is helpful.

What is the difference? Without considering reputation for upvoting, this feature is just another step for helpful answers.


I agree with many of the other answers here that the "thanks" action placed next to the "voting" actions can cause people to say thanks instead of voting and is probably a bad idea.

I also think that saying thanks is redundant, that's what the votes are for - If the answer (or question) is useful, vote it up. If the answer or question is wrong, misleading or irrelevant, vote it down.

I suggested moving the "thanks" action to next to the "comment" action, since it is meant to reduce "thank you" comments. I.e. add a comment or say thanks. Perhaps clicking on the "say thanks" should simply vote up (or do nothing if user already did that)?!

Also, why are there two strange variations - a "washing hands emoji" and a "praying emoji" instead of a "thumbs up" which I usually see associated with thanks?! In real life does anyone actually clap to thank someone who wasn't on stage?! - Don't you usually say it or sign it with your thumb?


As a frequent question asker and serial thanker, this adds nothing. The reason I thank in the comments is because an upvote is anonymous and accepting is kind of impersonal. I want to identify myself as the asker and express my gratitude in addition to upvoting and accepting. Answerers are real people and taking the time to write thank you is a much 'realer' interaction than all of the other options.

  • 3
    The thanks reaction is public: one can see who thanked a particular post by inspecting the timeline. But indeed it doesn't change the fact that it may be seen as impersonal, and my experience so far shows that they're still leaving "thank you" comments anyway.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 8:57
  • 1
    " write thank you is a much 'realer' interaction" - for anyone who is not aware how things works here. Take a tour, search meta "how I say thanks". I am used to look into people eyes in real conversation, should we make here eyes for each user so me feel "realer"?
    – Sinatr
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 11:36
  • 2
    accepting is kind of impersonal. This site is not a social media site. If you accept and upvote the answer, then the user who answered will be happy(I know I am). Plus, when you thank an answer, they still don't know who you are.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 18:43
  • 4
    While I don't approve your attitude towards cluttering comment sections, this answer is pretty insightful so catch the upvote. But seriously, stop thanking in comments. Mods have enough work without it. Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 20:27
  • "The reason I thank in the comments is because an upvote is anonymous" So is the thanking. You can't tell who thanked your post, can you?
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 22:11
  • @10Rep You can. On the post timeline. The little clock-thing under the voting and thank-you on the left side of an answer.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 0:34
  • @Hold on, let me check
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 0:48
  • @Scratte Yes, that is correct
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 1:42

I'm glad a lot of features are being planned for this site. May I ask when they will be enabled? All of them are greyed out, which is a typical indicator that these cannot be clicked.

  • move item up: disabled
  • move item down: disabled
  • badge: disabled
  • time machine: disabled
  • clap hands: disabled



  • hard drive: disabled
  • trophy: disabled
  • checklist: disabled
  • help: disabled
  • conversation stack: disabled

Disabled 2


I have learned that disabled things look grey since I started programming with VB3. I know that the times of fancy colorful icons are over. I also appreciate the trend to more simplistic icons. But I really struggle with grey icons. There's only one thing that's worse: icons that are invisible until you hover over them.

In the example above, please note that this site already contradicts itself.

  • The action items on questions and answers are grey when they are intended to be clicked. They become colorful when you should not click it anymore.
  • The other icons (inbox etc.) are colorful when they are intended to be clicked and grey when there's nothing of interest.

If you wonder why people don't use the site as expected, that would be the place I'd look for.

  • 3
    Your "hard drive" is actually the "Inbox" :) Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 17:04
  • 1
    Good call. It can give the impression the buttons/icons were disabled or not important. Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 11:20

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