Today I asked a question about C# coding that, in all likelihood, seemed too simple to interest the experienced coders who patrol the boards. It was promptly closed.
The question did not seem foolish to me. I had spent nearly two hours trying to understand the matter that I was asking about. I had looked up numerous posts, on both the Microsoft site and yours, that related to my topic BEFORE I posted my question. However, try as I might, I couldn't make head or tail of the posts that supposedly related to my topic. That's why I came looking for help.
I'm a self-taught programmer and use a lot of work-around code for problems I encounter. However, while I don't want to boast, I've created dozens of programs that have been used in educational contexts at schools where I've taught. So, while I might be unconventional in my approach, I create workable code and serviceable programs.
To have my question 'closed' in a peremptory fashion with no opportunity to discuss why it was offensive to others, well, I find the matter puzzling and quite insulting. To have that closure followed up with an email saying the question 'was not well received by the community' when only four people had thus far looked at the question, seems -- not to be unkind -- high-handed and ludicrous.
If the question I was asking was so rudimentary then why not take two seconds to answer it directly, instead of referring me to tangentially related questions that (as far as I can see) don't address what I was looking for? Certainly they don't do so in a direct way. Perhaps they do answer the question and if someone had just taken the time to show me how they do that would have been useful and courteous.
You have a great site which has helped me many times. No doubt it is tedious to answer the same question many times, but a bit of patience rather than slamming the door in an abrupt fashion, would facilitate communication instead of shutting it down.