I made an edit to an answer without realizing that I was not logged in.
Is there a way to claim that anonymous edit so that I get credit for it?
I made an edit to an answer without realizing that I was not logged in.
Is there a way to claim that anonymous edit so that I get credit for it?
Unfortunately, no. There is no way to "claim" a pending suggested edit submitted by an anonymous user.
Not only does the tooling simply not exist, but it will probably never be implemented, as it would be ripe for abuse.
However, if the edit makes a substantive improvement to the post, then it will be approved and we will all benefit. You'll have to gratify yourself with that this time, rather than the imaginary Internet points. :-)
If you have full editing privileges, you aren't going to get any reputation from having the edit approved anyway. And having full edit privileges does give you another possible workaround, as suggested by yivi: find the suggested edit you submitted as an anonymous user, and click the "Improve" button. Approval requires at least 2 users (if the vote is unanimous in favor of approving), but by improving the edit, you can force it through using your account's earned editing privileges. Note that this requires you to find something more that can be improved, on top of the improvements you already made, which may be challenging, depending on how thorough you are. A notable advantage of this is that it saves other reviewers from having to review something that you had full privileges to submit in the first place. A notable disadvantage of this is that it may technically be breaking our multiple accounts rule, namely that you should not use multiple accounts to do things that you could not do with a single account. But if you genuinely use this on rare occasion to correct an honest mistake, it's very unlikely that you will ever catch the attention or ire of a moderator.