I recently got a question ban, which I'm trying to get lifted by improving my bad questions.
I have four questions that have a negative amount of votes. Two of these I have tried to improve, but the other two I don't really know what to do with. One is just straight up really bad and I have no idea how to improve it, that's why I deleted it in the first place. The other one is about the validity of a particular framework, which got marked as off-topic. I did not know that was an off-topic subject, so I deleted it since it can't be rewritten to something that is on-topic.
Since both of these questions still count towards my ban I would really like to improve on them, but I am not sure how. I also have a couple of questions that are marked as duplicate, which I would guess counts towards the ban, that I don't know how to make better.
Is there a standard way to improve these types of questions?
Any help is much appreciated!