I was looking at two different answers, one C++ and one C, and noticed the color for strings between the two are different colors of red. The C++ is a bright red, a bit harder to read, and the C red is darker, and at least to my eyes looks nore readable and normal. The examples are:
From Beginner C++ problem; I am trying to learn about input validation loops
And then for C:
From Split string with delimiters in C
I understand from reviewing similar questions that google prettify is used and there can be corner-cases where the highlighting differs, e.g. C and C++ syntax highlighting are the same?. However, for something as common as string-literals, I would expect the color to be the same between both languages.
Is this a deliberate choice that is being made?, or is this just the result of limitations in google prettify?
instead of#C02D2E
for the red did a very good job!