Your roadmap calls for efforts to increase community engagement.
What can I do, as a user, to help increase my engagement? What message do you have for me?
I already visit Stack Overflow all the time, but I'd like to engage with the community more. I'd like to take advantage of Stack Overflow features that I may not be aware of. I'm cautious about privacy and disclosing personal information. I enjoy editing and curating tasks, providing there continues to be some kind of recognition or achievements for such things. I feel passionately about Stack Overflow's efforts to make the community more inclusive and friendly and to try to get everyone to have a positive experience. I'm interested in sharing more information with my answers, such as creating better diagrams, videos or examples. I love the surveys that you do and the information that you share. (Is it weird that I like doing surveys?) Although I enjoy moderating, I'm not interested in campaigning for diamond-level moderator privileges. I think it's interesting how the various Stack Exchange sites relate and interoperate. I love learning and teaching. And I really like the idea of building my reputation within the community. More than anything, I enjoy being helpful.
So how can I help?