This is not a dup of Is multi tag search broken? from 3 years ago! This is a fresh recurrence of that problem.
I have a weird situation since this morning.
I watch questions containing both c# and datetime tags with below link. (on search bar it is [datetime] [c#]
Since this morning, I saw some questions tagged with python, some questions tagged with only c# (not contains datetime), even some questions with tagged only datetime (not contains c#). Even when I wrote this question, I saw 2 questions that doesn't include datetime tag. When I refresh the page, the 2 question that I mark below gone by the way.
Was there any change have been made for this search that I'm not aware of? Did I miss something?
[datetime] and [c#]
(in url:c%23+and+datetime
) some questions with taggedpython
, questions contains onlyc#
or questions contains onlydatetime
tag(s) drop that page and this makes the page unmanageable.