While my memory is sometimes write-only, I think I've already voted on that question: Receiving notifications for new questions with specific tag
Now I could vote once again.
Is it by design? I haven't expected double-vote extra power ;)
While my memory is sometimes write-only, I think I've already voted on that question: Receiving notifications for new questions with specific tag
Now I could vote once again.
Is it by design? I haven't expected double-vote extra power ;)
This is a known bug. The official answer is
How is this a bug? You're voting on a completely different website. There is no cross-site voting "protection".
Which makes sense — the votes on the origin site and on the destination site reflect different perspectives. The proper solution to double voting isn't in fact to prevent voting on the destination site if you've already voted on the origin site, but to not transfer the vote from the origin site. In other words, reset votes on migrated questions.
Which was rejected for a completely different reason that makes absolutely no sense to me.