Main's Mission
Main's mission has been extensively discussed, and has also been pretty straightforward for a long time.
Get people answers to their questions, ensure that content can stand the test of time.
This mission has been wrapped in all sorts of slogan over the years.
Meta's Interpretation
There is a balance to be struck, between getting people answers and ensuring that content stands the test of time. In this balance, there are groups which will lobby in each directions behalf.
Despite all the labels, meta is not a congruent group.
There are those who believe that the balance should sway one way or another. In addition, there are developments which alter the system to go one way or another that will change any given user's perspective.
Meta's Mission
Meta's mission is to ensure the highest amount of success possible for Stack Overflow. If something goes wrong, you will hear about it on meta. If things are doing great, you will hear about it on meta.
Just because certain users may disagree with where the balance currently is, which direction it should go, or where it should ideally reside, does not mean they are not all still working together to move Stack Overflow towards increasing success.
"Mission statements"
"Helping write the script of the future by serving developers and technical workers" is not a mission statement. It is a slogan. It sounds nice, but to get to an analogy I have already used before, Nike's mission statement isn't "Just Do It.". Nike's actual mission statement is to "Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world" and they quantify that by explaining what they are doing which is actionable.
Despite the current focus on the script of the future phrasing itself, to be fair, the new CEO does lay out not only what is actionable but what the goals are that define future actions for Stack Overflow.
If you are curious what Stack Overflow's mission is, please re-read, it is literally all laid out there.
The main issue with this updated mission is that most of meta has defined the balance of the aforementioned system (answers vs. repository) somewhere in the middle (for example, let's call the range between 40%-60%); however, now the seeming balance being struck is at the 10% mark, where the CEO has effectively weighed in with a supervote overriding the community.
This in itself isn't problematic, after all, the CEO of tech companies are generally very in tune with the product they started, built, and put their blood, sweat and tears into... except that isn't the case here.
Words vs Actions
Luckily so far, the system itself is not fundamentally altered, and the overall ecosystem is still intact. In other words, this has so far just been talk, which is good, because fundamentally altering such a system without strong justification is dangerous to the integrity of the system.
The only action seen so far by the community in general has been to witness all of the people being removed who were familiar with possible outcomes of fundamentally altering the system. That this is just coincidence remains to be seen, as it is possible other more tumultuous members of the team may have played a role.
Stack Overflow is you
This is the scary part, the great leap of faith that Stack Overflow is predicated on: trusting your fellow programmers. The programmers who choose to participate in Stack Overflow are the “secret sauce” that makes it work. You are the reason I continue to believe in developer community as the greatest source of learning and growth. You are the reason I continue to get so many positive emails and testimonials about Stack Overflow. I can’t take credit for that. But you can.
I learned the collective power of my fellow programmers long ago writing on Coding Horror. The community is far, far smarter than I will ever be. All I can ask — all any of us can ask — is to help each other along the path.
- Jeff Atwood, Co-Founder Stack Overflow
All of this said, please keep in mind, Meta is a collective power. I do not speak for anyone on meta, only myself, and the same is of any other user here. We are just trying to work together to make things better.