I am a "normalish" user of Stack Overflow. I come here mostly to get answers to my questions and I love it. (I occasionally post answers, but usually find that my expertise is not specialized or quick enough to get many answers out.)
As a normalish user, I have been watching a bit bemused by all the recent goings on in The Community vs Stack Exchange Inc.
I have been amazed by the display of callous disregard by Stack Exchange Inc. toward its community as shown in the Meta sites. Especially considering that the community is the reason for the success of the company. And is the only real path into the future as well.
As I read the goings on, I have been astounded that owners of Stack Overflow have not seen fit to step in and "right the ship". In the end, it is their company (at least until an IPO happens). They could stop it all if they so chose.
Then it hit me.
They have been convinced that "The Community" does not equal "The Meta Community". To them "The Community" is something else that is more or less doing OK.
This separation of groups in the eyes of Stack Exchange Inc. was further confirmed by the opening sentence of the CEO's recent post:
Hello members of the Meta community
Not "hello members of the community", but Meta community.
I don't know any statistics on number of Meta participants, but I am guessing (based on the general indifference displayed by Stack Exchange's leadership) that Meta constitutes little more than a vocal minority of what it sees as its community.
In fact, the more I look at things, I think that the sole goal of Stack Exchange Inc. in regards to the Meta Community is to keep them from poisoning "The Community" with its problems. That is why the Community Managers get in trouble when they "fail to control" the Meta Community
If this is true, I see two extremes in the path forward for active meta users:
1. Burn it Down This one essentially boils down to proving them right. Meaning that Meta makes such a fuss that Stack Overflow fails (or at least is significantly reduced).
I see this one happening by spreading the word to the larger community. Poisoning them with Meta's toxicity (as Stack Exchange Inc. would see it).
This option would be the most satisfying to those who are angered by Stack Exchange's poor choices. It would be even more satisfying if a competitor could come along to offer an alternative to Stack Overflow.
2. Eat Crow This one essentially boils down to everyone calming down. Letting Stack Exchange do whatever it is they are going to do, and then find a way to make things work as good as possible.
This option is disgusting to those who are angry. But to the general community (assuming that there is a community outside the Meta Community), is likely what will be chosen by default.
I imagine that there are also many gradient paths in-between these two extremes.
As I said in my first paragraph, I am a normalish user of Stack Overflow. I have only been involved in what is going as a reader of events. So I freely admit that I don't have any kind of insiders' perspective.
It is also possible that this will be very unpopular, but I felt it relevant and (for some unknown reason) I really wanted to say it. So there it is. This is just a discussion point. No real question involved.