Hello members of the Meta community - I wanted to share the blog post I wrote to kick off 2020 and reflect on my first 90 days at the company. It’s intended for a wide audience, the tens of millions of people we serve, but also because I know you all want to hear directly from me. My style is to show, not tell, and I wanted you all to be the first to know when I shared a vision with our larger community. Our team and I will try to address your questions directly if you post them here.

I’ve been reading Meta and following along with the conversation here. My blog post is a high-level vision of what we’re doing, so it doesn’t speak to a lot of the topics that have been discussed on Meta lately, but I still want to know what all of you think about our message and our plans.

Given the goals of the business as I outlined in my blog post, and given that supporting the Community is a top priority for Stack Overflow, where do you see the network going in the next five years, and what do you think should be done in order to get there? I appreciate all of your feedback and answers. My team and I will read your answers and comments and will look for ways to include them in our planning moving forward.

  • 505
    Welcome to Meta, new contributor
    – rene
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 16:45
  • 311
    G'day. Hoping for the best, but I don't think you're going to get far without directly addressing the sacking of community managers and ignoring everything that has been said on meta in the last 6 months. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 17:13
  • 116
    Thank you for engaging with the community and giving us the opportunity for respectful discourse, something that has been severely lacking with upper management for months now.
    – cs95
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 18:08
  • 8
    Please take off-topic discussons to The Meta Room, or Tavern on Meta SE, or Discord. Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 2:32
  • 52
    If the style is "show not tell", then I don't really get how the latest actions SE has taken could ever be aligned with "supporting the community is a top priority". Also, the blog post talks about inclusivity, but there's no transcript for the podcasts, for instance
    – Lamak
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 12:45
  • 47
    2020 Kickoff...Where do you see Stack Overflow going? If you want my honest opinion, the answer is directly down the tubes or to the most dramatic type of system crash that follows a Stack Overflow unless Stack Overflow the company starts recognizing & respecting the value of the community who created all the value in the company and site, enabled and supported by employees. In recent months, it seems like the company is intentionally pushing the community as far away as it can. Whether that is true or not, if it doesn't change quickly SO will be done.
    – WBT
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 16:35
  • 19
    Supporting the Community is a top priority Doesn't seem to be the case. If you want us to think that what you say is true, or have any real respect for you, you ought to be making some big changes soon. There are things going wrong, things have gone wrong, and the biggest thing that you need to do is stop things from going wrong.
    – user12174150
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 18:05
  • 11
    Personally, I don't know what to say. My constructive feedback of your post and good wishes was ignored. Plus more resignations are coming like the case of Monika and SE is ignoring everything. Therefore, I'm not sure what I can conclude with these small actions. I wouldn't be surprised if the staff try to delete this comment too. Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 6:59
  • 15
    From your blog post: "and only 10% were women. Statistics like these have significant implications on how we think about making our community more welcoming, engaging, and inclusive." From wikipedia: "A National Public Radio report in 2013 stated that about 20% of all U.S. computer programmers are female.[24] In open source fields, only 10% of programmers are women." Love the statistical scare tactics. Since most of the technology asked about here is "Open Source". How do you propose to make the site more "welcoming, engaging, and inclusive" when the numbers here are the same nationally?
    – gforce301
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 11:17
  • 7
    The lock on this question for 7 days while at the same time featuring it looked a bit strange, as if mods are a bit over-protective. On the other hand, the question was closed during that time twice. Maybe we need the functionality to make questions uncloseable (for example for important announcement from the company or the moderation) while leaving the ability to comment open (especially when they are featured) and only deleting single comments. Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 13:48
  • 8
    Where do I see stack overflow? I see turning into a place that only cares about enterprise helpdesk
    – HQSantos
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 16:21
  • 11
    So how about showing the community how you're no longer sacking valued community members left and right. You do realize that the value of your company is based on a community that does the hard work for free, right? And that alienating them might not be the wisest business decision? Show us that you understand this, and stop blowing smoke up our asses. Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 18:16
  • 9
    @ChuckAdams From what I can tell, they seem to think "the community" (which is OK and going well in their eyes) is different from the "meta community" (which is seen as a nuisance by the management). That's why they seem to think all the recent fiasco (Monica's handling, license changes, firing Shog, et al) isn't really that big an issue (but rough waters for the time being). Just shows how out of touch they have become.
    – P.P
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 19:23
  • 10
    Apparently, naming an SO employee is now considered a personal attack. Any post referring to a certain senior employee by their name is very shortly deleted by a staff diamond no less. Are SO employees now beyond reproach?
    – Boaz
    Commented Feb 1, 2020 at 16:59
  • 7
    opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/9276 Commented Feb 1, 2020 at 17:31

56 Answers 56


What do you plan to do about quality on Stack Overflow now that Monthly New Sign Ups and Questions Asked are such an important metric you keep focusing on?

The tide of bad questions and answers was held in check somewhat by the same community you seem to have alienated. It may be a vocal minority, but those same people shoulder the majority of the workload when it comes down to ensuring I can actually trust what I find on here.

I am eternally grateful to all of the people who put in their free time making this site worth visiting. How do you plan to win back the trust of the people who make your site not just another google result that I need to spend my time vetting?

Because that is where I see stack overflow going in the next 5 years. It will just become another questionable link in the result list.

  • 3
    I don't think you can actually trust what you find on Stack Overflow. The envisioned collaborative editing / updating of content never took off (due to reputation points envy, how the system was designed, and other factors). It is essentially forum posts with slightly better grammar, spelling, and signal-to-noise). Bad content survives and gets upvotes if it can survive the first few hours (where the attention is) - there is only attention on new questions. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:59
  • 7
    @PeterMortensen: As someone searching for an answer to a programming question, it's better to start from the perspective of a Google search. For example, this one, which yields this as the fifth search result. Granted, it's just a simple example, but in my experience, results from Google searches usually yield pretty good results from Stack Overflow. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:25

You ask:

where do you see the network going in the next five years, and what do you think should be done in order to get there?

It sounds like what you're really asking is: What does Stack Overflow want to be when it grows up?

I won't try to summarize everything in Jeff's article, but I will simply point out that, despite not having anything to do with day-to-day operations of Stack Overflow since 2012, Jeff's understanding of the problems this site faces and how to solve them seems more relevant in 2020 than ever.

Your blog post thanks Jeff (among others) for having "contributed so meaningfully to our mission". Is it possible that Jeff still understands the mission better?

I think so.

  • So far, of all 2 pages of answers, I think this one is the best. Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 14:53

I posted some reflections on the blog post over at Meta.SE, but since you say you want the community "to be the first to know when I shared a vision," I wanted to ask a simpler question here: where's the vision?

I'm sorry if that sounds snarky, but I've read "Scripting the Future of Stack Overflow" several times now, and I don't see a vision. What I see is basically:

  • Metrics and KPIs
  • A goal to expand "reach and engagement"
  • Somewhat-vague statements addressing communication with the community (important but not a vision)
  • Grow the existing businesses, especially Teams. More metrics
  • More opportunities for developers and companies to interact (more of a suite of product features than an overall vision, but the closest we've come to a vision)
  • Grow Stack Overflow

And the immediate efforts to achieve that, what is described as a "big mandate" are to:

As we look forward to 2020, we plan to invest in public Q&A, expand our community, and continue to cement our place as a pillar of the software industry and broader knowledge economy. We also know that we have work to do on improving how we engage with our community, as well as continuing to strive for more diversity, inclusion, and approachability.

Bluntly, I'm not seeing a vision out of this. There are lots of numbers that you'd presumably like to be larger, a clear desire to be bigger, and a general desire to be better, but KPIs and hockey stick graphs are not a vision, and they're not really meaningful to the community in the abstract.

In a comment on George Stocker's excellent question, you write:

Hey George - for a long time we have said that our mission is to "help developers write the script of the future." This continues to be true. Recently we have begun to say our mission is to help developers AND technical workers write the script of the future, reflecting the increasing diversity of knowledge being shared across our network. To accomplish this goal, we need to have a healthy, growing business and community. The blog post I shared today is a good articulation of how we plan to move forward in 2020 to fulfill this mission and support our users, customers, and community.

I'm all for the expansion to broader categories of technical workers, but that change doesn't seem like a vision either. The vision you wanted us to be the first to know under your leadership is...a slogan Joel Spolsky coined a couple of years ago, and to accomplish that vision, you seek to...grow? That's the mission for a "visionary company" where we're going to "help move humanity forward," a phrase you've tacked onto the end of a blog post that otherwise doesn't discuss much of a future vision for Stack Overflow, let alone the forward progress of humanity?

So to ask a another version of my initial question: what is the vision beyond growth? What kinds of things will you be doing as a company, and what will we be doing as a community, to "help move humanity forward?" Because if the actual vision is simply "get big and IPO," you can save us all a lot of time and pain if you just say that right now, and we can all stop pretending there's a broader vision.

  • Absolutely this: "[...] what is the vision beyond growth?" What other ideas does the "new" pro-censorship, pro-banning, pro-sacking Stack Overflow have?
    – Rounin
    Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 11:29

I would like to answer a question with a question. Reading through your blog, I noticed this:

The key to Stack Overflow’s future and growth are the millions of developers from around the world who find the site useful, but who haven’t yet been welcomed into the community.

One thing that has fascinated me about financialised industry and the economics of the last few decades is the rationale for 'growth'. People are obsessed with it, and often without really knowing why. It has become something of a religion, an unquestionable axiom, that 'growth' is necessary.

Blog posts like yours are very typical of communications from entities in the modern financial capitalism, in that they present growth related goals without really explaining the rationale for growth. These messages present growth as implicit, and to some extent help to reinforce the idea that 'growth' should be assumed without question.

I understand the reason why growth is necessary in the modern economy, though it is less the case now post the 2007 financial crisis in the new framework of permanent stimulus, but I don't think it should necessarily apply to entities like Stack Overflow. This company does not need to participate in the ever expanding credit creation game that banks, real estate, energy, automotive and military firms need to play in the US.

So my question to you is 'why the need for growth?'

I believe Deming, credited with revolutionizing Japanese industry in the late 20th century, recognized early on that aiming for quantity has inverse results, whereas aiming for quality produces the quantity and costs less than poor quality. His number one principle is:

Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.

The primary goal of quantity (growth in this case) is likely to result in the converse. Permanent quality improvement is the goal.

"Do what you love and the money will follow" is the mantra for many. Unfortunately, modern corporate management much prefer the mantra of 'pump it and dump it'...or more politely put 'achieve growth with an exit strategy'.

  • 1
    A discussion between Magisch and Frank about the ownership and financial interests of the company has been moved to chat.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 8:37
  • 5
    Seriously, you already know the answer to your question - in business, Growth == Profits. Everything else in the blog post is PR (or is that BS, I tend to confuse them) and make sense once you accept this.
    – user7014451
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 16:33
  • 4
    @dfd No that is incorrect. Growth and profits are two different concepts, though granted profit may result in growth, and growth may result in profit. So that I do not impress as condescending or cryptic, I can offer you the example of an online retailer, with a revenue model measured in sales per user, and where growth is propelled by investor loans diluting the shareholding but directed into television advertising. If you would like further help in understanding the concept of growth, I am at your disposal for the fruitful lifetime of this discourse.
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:09
  • 3
    Two degrees, including BS in Business Management here (second is BSCS). Trust me, I do know the difference. But you directed your question to the CEO of SO, Inc. and a specific blog "post" (it read much worse than that to me) who does pretty much spell out that on their end Growth == Profit. That was my real point. I do think I'd love to hear your "fruitful lifetime of discourse" between you and him! :-) Peace.
    – user7014451
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:13
  • @dfd ok gotcha I misread your intention there. Sorry. Gimme a sec to respond again
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:16
  • @dfd Once again, my apologies. I didn't expect the irony. Overall, I feel I would like to step to the side and say I sympathize with this CEO. At the end of the day we are all humans who just want comfortable lives, to live a healthy and fun existence and see our children and family thrive. To be thrust into the position of being the CEO of a sociotechnological entity hitherto without precedent and have to publicly represent it must be terrifying. I send love and best wishes to this person. But I hope that he realises that it's all different. Growth, money, profit. Vulgar, misplaced ideas
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:42
  • 2
    I can agree, but for one thing - he was hired to do what is happening. He came in knowing the board's agenda (not that I know what it is) and if it wasn't him stepping in, it would be someone else doing exactly the same thing. I took an early retirement 4 years ago after working in two places for over 35 years. The second was a place that started out as a local brick'n'mortar business that my dad worked for almost 30 years until he dies in 1980. I started there in 1999 when it was just starting to become global and privately held. Over my 16+ years there? (cont.)
    – user7014451
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 1:40
  • IT was split - 19 people forced to move 800 miles away because of literally checking of a checkbox on some near-annual "what do you want to be when you grow up" survey. Last year they were bought out by a larger firm snd IT is pretty much gone because that place doesn't use SAP. It was about 10 years ago today the thenCEO talked in terms of doubling sales to be a 2 billion dollar company. This about 2 years after the last local owner from the 1930s passed away and nobody else was around. I have no sympathy for someone probably making 7 figures who was hired to do their job - but do understand.
    – user7014451
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 1:45
  • 4
    @dfd yes, I understand your point of view. Interesting story. I am living, thankfully, in a semi retirement, spending most of my time on reconstruction of a house. My current aim is to learn dry stack walling and do something with the garden, which still looks like a building site. I have noticed that those who end up politicians or CEOs tend to be the types obsessed with bean counting and monetary 'value', sadly missing out on the meditative creative processes in the lifestyle of software or gardening.
    – Frank
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 8:24

Thank you for taking the time to post here.

I have read most of the answers, but I feel there is something missing – or rather hidden beneath the words.

I'll try to keep the part about me short, but you need some background in order to get my point. Unlike most of your users, I was self-employed and owned a community pharmacy. Which means that I was employer, recruiter, controller and customer service -- all in one person.

In a medium-sized town, you have to make sure that every single one of your employees and customers trusts you and is pleased with your services. Because once you lose their trust, they will leave and usually take lots of customers with them. Everybody knows everyone else, and there is enough competition both employees and customers could run to. Thus, I made sure to address every single issue immediately and in person.

You also run a business and, although you might not be aware of it, you have got customers: us. You might try to transition to big companies as your customers. But even then, you are highly dependent on your user base. Employees will only efficiently use tools they trust in (believe me, I've been through this). And what is easier than building trust in a service that you use privately on a daily basis?

But trust has been eroding over the last few months (and possibly much longer than that):

  1. SO is losing (and firing!) premium employees and community members almost by the week. I wonder how you can sleep these days. I only ever lost one premium employee and I didn't sleep well for weeks, because this can cause a business to spiral down, many customers may leave because of that, and you don't know how to replace that talent any time soon.

  2. SO has re-licensed their content without asking the respective licencors (read: us) for their consent. Not only that, the licencors weren't even notified of the change. There was no real dialogue, too, at least I only read "company speech". This caused more users to leave or consider leaving.

  3. SO has instituted a new code of conduct and lost several high-level users over it. Again, I initially saw no real dialogue.

In our case, it is critical that we work closely with our community to listen, change, and evolve rapidly.

So very true. But in order to start a dialogue, you do not only have to listen, you also have to answer, to explain your vision and fight for it, and to give in. That is the only way to gain trust and keep your user base. Wherein, as I said before, are your customers. The people you want to (and are allowed to) make money from.

In 2019, [...] over 1.7 million new users join[ed] the community. [...] now over 150,000 people sign up for a Stack Overflow account each month.

Pure numbers just don't count. Many merchants measure success on the amount of user accounts. Which is flawed. You have to measure the accounts of users which actually buy at your place. In terms of SO, measure the number of accounts that actually contribute content. That earn at least, say, a hundred reputation per quarter. Although I obviously don't know the numbers, you might be in for a surprise.

In addition, you might overrate the value of new users. I have recently started reviewing posts of new contributors. Most of them do not seem to bother reading the "How to Ask" page and simply drop lots of code with a sketchy question. Do you expect these users to come back after their question has been solved, and add value by giving high-quality answers to other users' questions? Not to mention the time they take off a scarce resource, your moderators.

Which brings me to another business truth: Pareto's law. You earn most of your money from a very tiny number of customers: your high-profile users (and moderators). Which, unfortunately, are the ones you are currently losing by the week.

Visionary companies are guided by a mission, not just a sustainable business model, [...]

You are quite right. However, I find neither vision nor mission in your blog post.

Finding and living a vision is important, but before you do so, you need to realize that your ship has rammed an iceberg. Go below, have a good look at the leak, and, most importantly, do not oversee others in trying to fix it. Help them fix it with your own hands! There is no other way to build trust with employees and your customers.

Thanks for listening. I sincerely hope that you will do well!

  • 4
    Interesting post that addresses a point I was also thinking about recently. We're somewhere in between customers and product, surely? You make some very good points though. Incidentally, that's why I like being a customer of businesses that are based in small towns! Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 9:41
  • 6
    We're unpaid volunteers. You can boss volunteers around (or ignore them, or talk down to them) like they're paid workers, but since they're not there for any other reason but that they want to help out, they might decide their time is better invested in a more positive environment, elsewhere.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 11:34
  • 2
    +1 for the numbers comments - we already have ways of seeing some of that from the badges: 150k users sign up each month, we've awarded 1.5m "Teacher" badges, and 2.4m "Student" badges, and 2.1m "Yearling" badges out of 11m users - so about 13-18% of those uses will contribute in a positive way. Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 15:13
  • This iceberg metapher occurs in many answers. I wonder who the iceberg was in this case? Typically it's even larger than the ship. Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 17:02
  • 2
    My brain just sucked up the iceberg from other answers, so please ask there. :) Joking aside, I think the Titanic disaster is still very alive in collective memory and has been used as a metaphor for a huge blow. Or, in my case, to create a vivid image for the actions to be taken. Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 19:21
  • 2
    On second thoughts, most financial boards have enough power to sink a ship. Occasionally, I think that some feel they are larger than the ship (the one they are on board of)... Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 19:29

While I hope that Stack Overflow continues to be a valuable source of information for my life as a software developer, the latest changes make me afraid that it will stop providing the quality that I'm used to.

When I read the post, I get the impression that you focus on the wrong metrics. Metrics that are both bad commercially for Stack Overflow and that are bad for our community. Having a good KPI is very important for a company to succeed.

Instead of caring about new user signup you should care about the number of active community members. A user that signs up, asks one question and then goes away isn't very valuable for our community. If the user however sticks around and becomes an active member, the user learns with time how to contribute in a way that's valuable.

Even if the user sticks around for two months and then leaves there still a lot of potential contribution lost. If you would track monthly active users, you would have a much better metric than tracking new user signups because the metric of monthly active user gives you an important metric. You likely want monthly active users who wrote an answer as an additional metric as there is a good chance that you currently wouldn't notice when that number goes down even through it's very important.

When it comes to metrics it's very important to understand that a lot of the value of Stack Exchange lies in providing already existing content to its users. When you redesigned the question workflow you defined it as task failure when a user gets shown an answer that solves the problem of the user and the user thus doesn't ask his/her question. Given that those cases often result in the question getting closed as a duplicate, which a user might feel as unwelcoming, this is a bad measurement that causes damage.

You got three themes from the loop: (1) question and answer quality, (2) welcomingness and inclusion, and (3) discovery for relevant questions.

Each of those isn't trivial to measure and given the metrics you were public about before, I think there's a good chance that you will make bad actions in all of those areas because of bad metrics if you continue to do things as you are doing. Before deciding on how to measure those variables it would be great if you would be in dialog with us on meta about the best way to measure them.

  • 8
    Btw. Facebook, Twitter, etc. also all use the number of active users metric. Not sure, why StackOverflow Inc. doesn't talk about it publicly. Surely they calculate it at look at it internally. Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 16:57
  • 4
    Sorry for the second comment in a row. I would edit the previous one if I could. Actually, the only reason I can think of for the company not telling us how the number of active users developed is that the number of active users has dropped and/or really is very low. Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 9:44
  • 2
    @Trilarion: If the number of active users has dropped/is really low, even if they do look at it internally from time to time, it doesn't seem to factor into their strategy. If the numbers are dropping they should focus much more on user retention then on welcomness.
    – Christian
    Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 10:21
  • 2
    A lot of users are only signing up because they can't ask questions otherwise. If SO allows questions to be asked without signup (such as an anonymous user), I bet the new user signups will be down by 50% at least ;-)
    – P.P
    Commented Jan 29, 2020 at 10:18


First let me say I have never posted on Stack Overflow Meta. To be honest I've limited everything I have ever done on SO to technical programming questions and in a limited range of tags. I was one of the ignorant masses when it came to site politics, policies and the like. I just wasn't interested. Not really my cup of tea, so to speak. I never even explored any of the other networks in Stack Exchange.

A little about me

I have been a programmer of things that could be programmed since I was in grade school. My 5th grade classroom had 2 IBM PET computers. Don't ask me how the little country town I grew up in managed to afford those. To this day I still don't know where they came from, but my fate was sealed the day I first saw them. From there I went on to college and then automated machinery (Allen Bradley PLC's and the like), robotics (I once had a job at Fanuc) and a lot of other things. Fast forward to web technologies (present day). If it could be programmed and someone had a manual and asked me to do it, I did it.

Now I didn't tell you all of this trying to break my arm off patting myself on the back (my profile description still says "dabbler" as the only thing). I told you all of this so that you understand that for my entire adult life, programming things that could be programmed has been my only profession. And I want you to understand that so that you understand where I'm coming from. A place like this did not exist when I was learning my craft and yes I consider myself a craftsman.

Why I decided to make my first post on Meta as a response to you

I came to SO a little over seven years ago (a co-worker pointed me to the site) to ask two questions. They are the only two questions I have ever asked, but over that seven years I found more answers to questions I had than I can count and after about five years of getting those answers I felt I should contribute back.

So I started answering questions. My reputation went up, privileges were granted, etc... I started reviewing edits and posts and whatever queues and whatnot any new privilege gave me. I did this because I was trying to help keep SO the same place I had found valuable information about my technical issues and questions for five years.

All that changed today because of that little sidebar on the right hand side of the site and link that said "In case you missed it: Shog9 and Robert Cartaino are no longer staff members...". For some unknown reason it piqued my interest and that lead me down the rabbit hole, through a ton of posts, external articles, letters of protest, on and on and on (that's a support group in case you didn't know OnAndOnAnon :), sorry I've stayed up way too long reading all that stuff and I need some sleep). I realized there was a lot going on here that I really had no clue about and that lead me to a link in that same sidebar that lead me here.

About a year or so ago I got a PM from a moderator chastising me for how I might have hurt someone's feelings in a comment I made that was basically chastising a newer user for not following the rules of the site when they posted their question. I wish I knew how to see that PM again, but I can't seem to find it. The comment I made was not out of character for me. It was along the same lines as all the other comments I had made for about four years that had to do with the same issue. Because of that, for a while I even stopped answering questions.

Over those four years I had noticed a steady decline in both the quality of the questions and the quality of the answers in my chosen tags. It seemed to me that in trying to find a quality question to try to provide a quality answer for, I was wading through an ever increasing amount of (not to put too fine a point on it) garbage.

I literally spend hours doing nothing but flagging garbage posts and downvoting them because it's the only option I'm allowed. GOD FORBID I dare to educate anyone on the rules. If I do that I'm told I'm rude. The last time I checked, blatantly ignoring the rules anywhere is rude, but for some reason it's ok for new users to be rude in that way. Today for the first time the light came on as to why that PM was sent to me and why there was some much garbage accumulating at an ever increasing pace. You see until just now I couldn't figure it out.

I was baffled by the fact that the moderators weren't sharpening there proverbial machetes and just brutally and without mercy pruning the endless amount of the "Do you haz teh codez?" questions by people who have no interest really at all in my craft. I read the rules before I asked my first question. I followed the rules when I asked it. And to be quite honest about it, it's been pissing me off. It's kind of like being a teacher at an art school and all of a sudden the majority of "students" are asking why they just can't have a paint by numbers set so they can pass the class. And that finally (mercifully?) brings us to...

My answer to your question or TLDR; (as the cool kids call it)

Given the goals of the business as I outlined in my blog post, and given that supporting the Community is a top priority for Stack Overflow, where do you see the network going in the next five years, and what do you think should be done in order to get there?

I'm going to start by telling you a short story. Every startup I have ever worked for followed the same basic pattern you're following now.

  • We're so glad you're here.
  • We couldn't do this without you.
  • We can only afford to pay you peanuts right now. Because of that...
  • The hours are flexible.
  • There's no dress code.
  • If you need a day off, no problem.
  • And other stuff...

This all changes to (once they're making a bunch of money):

  • We're a real company now.
  • Here's your handbook.
  • In it you'll find the defined hours of work that you can't deviate from.
  • The dress code.
  • The paid time off policy in which you accumulate some fraction of minutes a week and you can't take any time off until those minuscule minutes add up to at least 4 hours
  • And other stuff...
  • Oh and don't even think about breaking any of the new rules because just thinking about doing that and we'll cut your ass loose in a heartbeat, because we don't need you anymore.

Your business is going exactly where you're trying to take it in the next five years. My guess is by then you'll have privatized the information library to the purchasers of your other products. That library will only be for the "Do you haz teh codez", paint by numbers, new users who are your only real interest now because they will convince their companies to use your products because you nut cupped them here.

Now I understand you can't privatize the existing knowledge base because of the license the answers were generated under and SO will just become a marketing platform to get new customers. Which is basically what it is now from what I can tell. You'll keep SO around for that reason until it's either no longer sustainable or it's just not worth spending any more of your profits from you other ventures on.

Then I wouldn't be surprised if you just shut this whole thing off. At that point your end goal will be achieved. You'll have proven out the technology and methodology for your sparkling new, privatized, customers only, information library. The one crucial point you're missing from the startup analogy: Almost your entire library of knowledge was generated by unpaid volunteers. It was looked after, nurtured and grown by unpaid volunteers. Like me.

because we don't need you anymore

It's not like the startup in that one important part. You can't find a bunch of knowledgeable people, who are educated in their craft and just hire them to volunteer for free and take abuse from you, your staff and your potential new customers (err I mean "users") at the same time. WTF are you thinking? Your only course of action as far as I can see at this point, I already outlined for you and you were already trying to go there.

Oh and don't even think about breaking any of the new rules because just thinking about doing that and we'll cut your ass loose in a heartbeat, because we don't need you anymore.

Yeah I read all about the Monica fiasco. And at this point I'm done with this post. If you noticed my tone got abrasive at the end it's because I'm an unpaid volunteer. Who has only asked two questions in a little over seven years, so I really don't care if my account gets suspended at this point because I might have hurt someones little feelings. I can still browse for answers. Though as I have seen, those gems of answers are getting further and further apart. Thank god for search engines indexing your site for you. I know right?

/rant -off

  • 5
    well the search engines aren't indexing it the way they used to. Not since Google deemed the site a forum.... hmmmm
    – user3956566
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 12:17
  • 4
    o'rly? I did not know that. No wonder my tops hits don't hit here at the rate they used to when I go searching.
    – gforce301
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 12:23
  • 3
    exactly - a huge difference. I found this post, cos you posted under my post.. I'm opposite to you - been a meta poster for a looong time.. I'm taking more of a back seat on meta. I cannot effect any change - the business will do what the business chooses.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 12:49

First of all, thank you for asking for feedback. That's actually really refreshing. Here are some of my thoughts on the blog post. Please read what I'm about to say and take it to heart.

In 2020, in order to continue to fuel our growth, we’re expanding and diversifying company leadership.

By diversifying, do you mean firing the members of your staff most well-loved by the community you intend to grow? Because that's what it kind of feels like to us.

I'm all for bringing in new talent. But you shouldn't discount the experience your older, more experienced CMs. Forget community morale for a second: you lose that experience permanently. If there was anyway you could have benefited from both, you should have went for it. And you probably should have given the community more warning if you still felt these staff members needed to go. Give us time to say goodbye before they're gone.

As we look forward to 2020, we plan to invest in public Q&A, expand our community, and continue to cement our place as a pillar of the software industry and broader knowledge economy.

I hope you do invest in us. I want to keep investing into you. But to do that, you have to stop undermining yourself. SO is already down several moderators. The network at large is down even more. Don't get rid of your most talented people. That's just a recipe for disaster.

The work we do would not be possible without the contributions of our incredible community.

That's very true. After everything that has happened with Monica, Robert, and Shog, not to mention other things like hot meta posts and the license change, the community trusts you significantly less now than it did before.

Do yourself (and us) a favor: rebuild that trust. Focus on that more than "growth." Because if you don't, you won't grow at all, you will die. The community which made Stack Overflow what it is will walk away in disgust.

Here are some ways you can help rebuild trust:

  1. Don't fire anybody

Like seriously, unless they are robbing you blind or something, don't fire anyone you don't have to. Anyone else that gets fired will now just look like you care even less about us than before. So don't.

If you still have to fire someone for some reason, then see number 2...

  1. Be more open and transparent about what happened

If you had said, "Here's what Monica did, so we fired her," the blow back would have been significantly less. Would people still have disagreed with you? Maybe. But at least we would hear both sides be able to make our own decisions. The way you did it just made it feel like you were hiding something--regardless if you were or not. That's just how it looked.

  1. Tell us in advance you're changing something.

Don't inform us of a change you already made: tell us what you're thinking and why. And let us tell you why we agree or disagree. Most importantly, listen to people who disagree with you. It won't hurt to listen, even if only for a little bit. And hey, you might even change your mind once in a while.

  1. Let us hear it from you.

If anything, this at least let's you control the narrative. Information doesn't come from various sources and leave us to jump to conclusions.

More importantly, it lets us know that you care about us. It shows you cared enough to let us know. Sometimes, that's all we would even ask.

Don't let us hear about it in the press. That undermines whatever sense of community you have left.


Dear Prashanth Chandrasekar,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas in this recent blog post and also for advertising it here on Meta and asking for feedback. I worry about some things you said, so I feel compelled to tell you what possibly could go wrong, especially with the public Q&A.

I see that you focus on quantitative growth, but that unfortunately might sacrifice quality of the public Q&A. For example, from the 18 million questions on Stack Overflow only 8 million have a positive score and looking at more detailed statistics than were presented in your blog post, one sees that most of the new questions added in 2019 don't have a positive score. As it happens often, quality is not distributed equally. Most of the views and visits are concentrated on a minority of items. The danger by just reporting quantities of new questions without weighing them by their quality at the same time is that you may not be aware if the quantitative growth is actually accompanied by a qualitative decline. How much knowledge was really generated in 2019?

I think that the quality is steadily declining and that this is a big problem, but the easiest way to detect for yourself would be to take 1-2 hours of your time and try to use the public Q&A on Stack Overflow especially to answer questions. You will see that many questions are missing vital information or are duplicates of questions already asked and answered. Even questions that are perfect fits are suffering, because it's so difficult to locate them first, similarly to finding the needle in the haystack problem. Don't just believe me, but try for yourself and you'll see how desperate the situation has become.

The expectations of users are not compatible with what the experts answering questions can actually achieve. Teaching beginners by just letting them ask anything is not an efficient approach and won't work. As a supporting element it's fine, especially to improve existing skills, but otherwise we will end up with an ever growing collection of not very useful questions. Not sure there is much value in it. You may run out of volunteers, especially from the answers side. Don't encourage users to ask more questions; encourage them to ask more good questions instead. It's a small, but very important difference.

As you said, the number of unwelcoming comments has been cut into half, estimated by some more or less reliable measure, so I think that missing welcomeness may be less of an urgent problem in the future while quality of contributions may become more so. I like to see Stack Overflow as quality public Q&A and I think that makes most of the difference to other such services. People value quality and increasing the quality of the content would be a big achievement.

The other issue is the development speed of the public Q&A software. There are so many feature requests on Meta over the years, which have not yet been processed fully. I hope that the number of engineers working on it can be increased in the future, because it feels like more could have been implemented. I started looking actively for open source platform alternatives, because they may feature a faster development speed.

All in all, I'm not sure that in five years the public Q&A of Stack Overflow will be in a healthy state anymore. The focus of the company seems to be wrong; it should be on quality of the content and speed of development, but it seems to be on rather secondary issues instead.

I hope you find this helpful. I was a bit disappointed by the rather short paragraph about "We acknowledge these issues, apologize for our mistakes..", which I think could have deserved a bit more time and space than just a single short line. I don't even know exactly which issues you meant or what mistakes. In the last months I lost trust in the company and this short statement was not enough to change that.

I really wish you all the best and good luck and please don't forget to use the service and see for yourself what works and what doesn't.

  • 7
    For the sake of honesty, re: "because not much has happened in the last years there" <= Yaakov has taken on him to update a lot of them in the past months, on this side there's clearly someone in the company willing to show goodwill. I've no idea if he's doing all the work or just risking the heat of declining,updating the status and answering when something is done.
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 14:08
  • @Tensibai Just made a query. From the 4863 non-closed questions tagged feature-request on this meta only 766 have some sort of status. More could be done there. Of course this is a subjective thing. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 14:19
  • @Tensibai Made a list of 1.5k feature-requests without status and score > 10, sorted by score. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 14:31
  • 3
    My point was more that something is ongoing, let's have the honesty to recognize it, at least to show Yaakov we appreciate the effort. I understand more could be done and that depends no the leadership decision, but that doesn't mean we have to deny the existing effort after years of no action on this side. That's not fair IMHO
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 15:39
  • 1
    Thanks for the edit :) (I know that's chatty and not useful, etc. so it will be deleted, but whatever :))
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 15:48
  • 3
    @Tensibai Your point is good. I appreciate the effort by Yaakov and fully recognize it. To me it feels like more could have been done, that's what I wanted to convey and I made a few edits to make that more clear. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 15:48

TL;DR; SE/SO need to stop being a public forum and start being a repository of knowledge like it once was.

And now the long version, which is vastly more nuanced:

where do you see the network going in the next five years, and what do you think should be done in order to get there?

Where to go from here

Backwards. Specifically, ditch the effort to reach people via making them comfortable. That's not at all the strategy a site such as this one ought to be using. This site, as well as others (like Wikipedia), are community-driven repositories of knowledge, and as such, tasked with building knowledge, not relations or social networks.

SE is NOT a forum, it is not a public square. It has a related forum and a sister meta site, but it (purposely and deliberately) is not a social networking site.

Inclusion is not what, in my most humble of opinions, drives people to the SE sites, it's the content quality. And yes, on some of the sites inclusion correlates strongly with content quality (both in questions and in answers). And for those sites (specifically!) it might be a good idea to treat the perceived inclusivity of a question/answer as a quality marker.

But on all the rest of the sites, the vast majority of them, it is absolutely not required, and perceived by the community as an authoritarian imposition, as it has in the last months.

How to get there

Again, by moving backwards, not forward. You can not make up for a wrong turn by just plotting an entirely new destination. Go back, get on the track you were supposed to get in the first place, and move from there. And please, once we start moving forward again, do not dispense with the best and most abundant resource you have: us, your community


I strongly agree with the many comments already posted about the loss of quality on the site and the feelings of betrayal. I'd like to put a slightly different spin on it though. Most people are lamenting the loss of talent and usefulness of the site. That's certainly lamentable, but what I think most of us are also feeling, but not necessarily stating, is that the community has a deep mistrust of the company's ethical integrity.

Firings, mistreatment of individuals of high standing, arbitrary and poorly articulated policies, censorship, legalese, lack of transparency, lack of acknowledgement of moral lapses, lack of appreciation of admirable members of the community and their deep contributions, disingenuous promises to address corruption, etc., etc. It all has the sordid tone of a petty dictatorship. But there's a big difference between SE and a dictatorship: we aren't your subjects and we'll go elsewhere if you don't reform.

More legalese, more empty promises, more fake "explanations" of the obvious abuses, more poorly thought-out policies, and the like aren't going to win back trust. You need to commit to, and enforce, transparent rules that will ensure fair, open, and equal discussion.

Your organization has a kind of moral cancer, and your recent response has been quite counterproductive: denial, surgically removing the healthiest tissue, and protecting the diseased tissue. Above all, you need to show decisive leadership by removing -- yes, firing -- the most corrupt employees -- you know who they are -- and embracing the most exemplary. I would treat this issue with the urgency it demands.

  • 6
    "what I think most of us are also feeling, but not necessarily stating, is that the community has a deep mistrust of the company's ethical integrity." I'm not sure why you think it's unstated. I thought this was pretty well described by now. Every one of the moderator step downs has in some fashion talked about exactly that issue. It's been a hot topic around various Metas for the last four months. Enough that you could just reap free rep on Meta.SE by just posting any decent critique. It's not unfeasable for somebody to have gotten to 10k rep by just by doing that.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 9:28
  • 3
    Your organization has a kind of moral cancer, and your recent response has been quite counterproductive: denial, surgically removing the healthiest tissue, and protecting the diseased tissue. Above all, you need to show decisive leadership by removing -- yes, firing -- the most corrupt employees -- you know who they are -- and embracing the most exemplary. Very well put. But it takes genuine courage to support unpaid volunteers over and above paid employees. [1/2]
    – Rounin
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 10:03
  • 4
    I have seen no small number of situations (outside Stack Overflow) where those who are on a paycheque are supported (no matter how poor their judgement is) and those who give up their time for free are derided and dismissed (no matter how good their judgement is). [2/2]
    – Rounin
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 10:03
  • Re "corruption" and "corrupt employees": What do you mean by "corruption" (not a rhetorical question)? Can you elaborate? Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 23:56
  • In any case, we don't know about the power dynamics inside Stack Exchange. It could very well be some vice president that we have never heard of in public that is pulling the strings in all of this. Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 23:59

As a relatively new but motivated user, I will share my thoughts on this new development and the blog posts as well, and hopefully share some insights not otherwise considered:

I have been following the recent developments and especially the whole situation about the moderator shifts mostly from the sidelines. Mostly because I joined when it literally was in full swing, and I didn't come here for "Drama" so to speak, I came here to code. But when reading more on Meta and reading about the situation and opinions from different people my viewpoint shifted quite rapidly from "I don't really care." to "What cesspit have I stumbled on here and what do I think about it?" and finally to "Have I really made a good decision by joining SE and investing my time to become an active user? Or have I wasted my time joining a crumbling community not long for this world?".

The latter mostly because the community seems to present a solid case about what is going on not being right, and the company does not seem to listen. I'm not saying I fully agree with one side or the other, I've not been around long enough and have no way to know all the things in play yet. This would make me far from the leading authority on opinions about the subject. But at first glance it is very obvious that there is a massive rift between the company and its community.

This is why I am generally very positive about this message from the new CEO. From the blog post, it seems he is aware of the issues going on (although it seems impossible not to be), and he is willing to work on them. The areas touched in this blog post suggest to me that suggestions like this brilliant answer by George Stocker (amongst others) have been read and taken into consideration.

Now I cannot comment on how much of this is corporate happy speech, and how much is genuine willingness to move forward together with the community. But it seems like it is understood that the site cannot go forward by alienating its community, and this is acknowledged and there seems willingness to improve. The promise of transparency (like the Through the Loop initiative), if delivered upon, would be a good step in the right direction.

Only one thing I noticed I am very sceptic about. The following passage from the blog:

In the fourth quarter of 2019, we created a large task force made up of passionate community advocates from across the company to propose solutions to this core problem.

This suggests this has been done while the rift was getting bigger by the day, and has me wonder if the right choices have been made. Especially since there seemed to be two camps at the time (and even now) and it would be an easy pitfall to only pick people from the camp you agree with to represent the whole community. This is absolutely wrong for obvious reasons, and therefore you should consider revisiting this, and probably give the community a vote in who represents them.


Another suggestion I would make is based upon these statements:

and December was our best month ever for new user signups!


We want to serve all of the millions of people who use Stack Overflow, not just those who know the most about how the site has worked in the past

While this is nice, it is important (as stated by many wiser users than myself) to listen to every slice of the community. The new users are important, as are non-users trying to join, but I see almost an alienation of your most important and valuable asset: SO veterans. Even though they might represent the SO of a time gone by, and their opinion might seem outdated to you, these often highly knowledgeable users should (in my opinion) have a more hefty voice when new changes are considered, as they (almost literally) hold the future of this site in the palm of their hand. It should be obvious to you why this is, which is why I don't think I need to elaborate on this any further. Listen to them, and whatever you do, don't alienate them in favour of new users or investors. Or it might cost you dearly.

  • 1
    Just as an addition, the statistics presented does not give a complete picture. Large number of signups could be accompanied by equally large numbers of leaves, the net inflow is important, even more specific the activity and even more specific the valuable activity. It's not clear how important a high number of signups really is. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:06

where do you see the network going in the next five years?
what do you think should be done in order to get there?

As a long-term volunteer who has contributed to the site for almost 10 years and seen all ups and downs, there is no way for me to give a constructive answer to this. Sorry, but it is too late.

I don't see how the network will survive even one year. If the recent rumours about merging sites are true, it rather seems it will be dead within a few months. Even though the SO site specifically will probably live on as a bleak Quora-like ghost for some years yet.

The damage to what's left of the so-called community is extensive. The damage in trust of the company is irreparable. The company let the situation escalate too far many months back. Firing the only people that your customers still trusted somewhat is not exactly helping.

The only reason I'm still around is that open source alternatives are not yet launched. As soon as they are, I will permanently leave the network and never look back. There is no longer anything you can do to prevent this. Nor do I believe that there is anything you can do to prevent the eventual collapse of the network and SO.

I already stopped using your commercial products (job advertising) long before the many disastrous events of the past year, because the quality of the site and trust in the company has already been in slow decline for many years. In 2019 it went from slow decline to rapid destruction.

  • 4
    i mean, the "rumor" as you describe it has already been responded to by staff as not what they're doing. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/342646/…
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 17:14
  • 2
    @KevinB Okay. I still don't believe it will make it one year.
    – Lundin
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 17:16
  • 1
    @KevinB considering that comments have always been considered second class citizens, I don't think saying "this has been responded to" and linking to a comment is really as effective way to say "you've not done research on this". If staff want to stop rumours, they can communicate properly and not in comments. Yes, they've not had to before but I'm not sure they deserve leeway any more especially when improving communication is (apparently) on their ToDo list. As it has been for a few years, I might add.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 7:44
  • (While I fully agree your post) Afaik not we are the customers of the company, at least not in their view. In their view, people buying ads, teams and developer CVs are their customers. We are not customers, we are volunteer contributors in the best case, but more realistically: aggregated stats.
    – peterh
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 16:18
  • @peterh-ReinstateMonica And what makes you think I wasn't buying any of that? Specifically, it was job adverts. Huge waste of money since candidate matching was non-existent. Most importantly: there exists no magic unknown companies that haven't heard to SO for 10 years and suddenly pops up out of the blue want to buy the products. Those who were willing to do that were 100% existing users.
    – Lundin
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 20:27
  • 6
    Also there is nothing to agree or disagree with here. This is just a personal message from a leaving user/customer to Pchandrasekar, who was not around when the chain of destruction started. If it wasn't already obvious, someone needs to tell him he's been appointed as Captain to Titanic and that there's a slight iceberg problem in the keel.
    – Lundin
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 20:40
  • @Lundin Yes, SO makes the hits, and attracts the visitors to paid products. So should it happen, if I understand their logic, this is what they are trying to optimize, only they are doing it on a psychotic Big Company way (while they are a medium company).
    – peterh
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 20:45

Can you give more details about this claim?

we cut the number of negative comments nearly in half

Is this year over year, or October vs December? Across all stacks and metas, or just SO?

To what do you attribute the reduced negativity? Do you expect this trend to continue?

  • 5
    the #'s are also important... considering the stats they gave originally on what the percentage was of negative comments vs good ones.. cutting that number in half isn't all that crazy. Making the flag icon more visible alone likely attributed to most of that.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:15
  • 4
    It would have also been nice if "negative comment" was given a definition, I suspect it includes "what have you tried?" which many dont see as negative but just got tired of asking
    – Sayse
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 14:57
  • 4
    AI-driven comment flagging was introduced; us moderators were given a new queue with automatic flags for comments that are possibly unkind. As AI-sentiment detection goes, it’s not bad and we do catch more issues earlier because of these. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 8:01
  • 3
    I see that this means that negative comments were removed more quickly, not that people stopped posting them, which was part of my question. Interesting to hear about the new AI! Thanks for your response @MartijnPieters.
    – Meg
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 14:25
  • @MartijnPieters But did moderators delete more comments per user per time or less with the new queue? Is the number of surviving comments meant or the number of deleted comments that is cut in half? Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:15
  • 1
    @Trilarion I don’t know, sorry Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:22
  • 2
    I found two initial blog posts, where Julia Silge describes the methodology. See Classifying Comments on Stack Overflow and Community and Comments on Stack Overflow and they even wanted to publish the data "in 2019 we will release this dataset upon request so that other people in our community and beyond can explore this data for themselves". Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 22:37


Since autumn 2019, Stack Overflow very much conveys the impression that it is concerned chiefly with quantity and rather less with quality.

The impression may be wrong, but if it is right, we can speculate this might be because quantity translates rather more easily into quantifiable numbers like: KPIs and margin.

But the community isn't here for margin. You won't be able to tell me any point in the last 12 years when it has been. Because it never has been. The community is here for quality.

Try to understand what incentivises the community to stay and what might, if removed (and, yes, some of it has already been removed, perhaps irrevocably) mean the community is incentivised to go elsewhere.

Above all, understand this, because I'm sure I'm not alone: I don't answer questions on Stack Overflow to help those with a paycheque from Stack Overflow. I answer questions to help people who have problems which they need to solve. Why? Because I'm paying it forward.

In the last 8 years, no small number of community members on Stack Overflow have helped me out of their own free time and good nature. I want to help others, just as others have helped me.

The fact that Stack Overflow (in terms of an organisation) is now seeking to become more like Yahoo! Answers and less like Wikipedia isn't enamouring to me.

Please change course if you value the community. If you don't, by all means, full steam ahead to the iceberg.

  • 9
    Not since autumn 2019, it has started at least in March 2018, some would argue the shift goes back to 2015, it has badly accelerated on this way late 2019 that said.
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 9:48
  • 2
    Sure. To be fair, I've only noticed it since September 2019, but I recognise that many members at Stack Overflow have observed trends going back way further.
    – Rounin
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 9:50
  • 3
    Overall I totally agree with your post, just wished to give a sense there was already bad signs before the fiasco of September 2019 :)
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 10:15
  • 1
    Titanic was on fire even before it left Belfast for Southhampton (near "from the day we sailed"). That likely contributed to the full steam ahead into the iceberg (low on coal). Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 23:47

what do you think should be done in order to get there?

This may be a bit finer-grained than you were looking for, but...

In a response to an Answer by Script47 you write

we do not believe that welcoming, teaching, and empowering new generations of beginners is mutually exclusive with building a quality archive.

Summary: If this kind of thing should be integrated into Stack Overflow (Main) it would be helpful to have some way of distinguishing the "level" of a question. Were this not possible, mixing beginners' issues with questions from experienced developers could alienate professional contributors who desire to work at a more advanced level of their expertise. Losing such contributers would, in the long run, have a negative impact on the site's reputation, perhaps irrecoverably.

Previous attempts to accomodate more basic issues in SO Main:

  • branch off a "beginners'" site: This community suggestion did not meet with a positive response from the company. Advantages to having such a site would have been: 1) People who want to answer those kinds of questions would know going in what to expect. 2) it would be easier for others who are not (yet) experts to help the absolute beginners - both sides would learn.
  • SO Documentation: An attempt to provide information on how to do things and supplement/improve confusing software manufacturers' documentation. It failed and was abandoned for a combination of reasons.
  • Mentoring program: This was basically successful in its approach, but did not scale for the site.

Proposal: If everything is going to be "lumped together" on SO, I believe those contributing answers would profit by being able to identify at a glance (a tag, for instance) in the question lists, questions that are very basic. (And also be able to filter for them.) If they feel like guiding someone at that level, they have the choice of looking at it; if not, they can skip by it rather than spending ("wasting") time looking at it, feeling annoyed/frustrated, downvoting, voting to close... and making the OP feel "unwelcome". People who want to work at a more basic or educational level would also be able to better target questions they can answer.

Implementation: Of course, someone has to make that first judgement about whether a question is "basic" or not. A first opportunity would be allowing the OP to check a box when posting the question if they realize they have minimal (or no) experience.

After that, perhaps a checkbox only visible to people with a given amount of reputation (perhaps rep in a tag on the question) so that the first person with enough experience who comes across it can categorize it.

Conclusion: Personally, I have nothing against teaching/mentoring people new to the programming environment I support. I do what I can, given the restraints imposed by the site, as well as my time. When questioners truly have no idea (and it happens!) it requires a certain mind-set to deal with their issues as opposed to more professionally presented and "interesting" problems. Not everyone can access this mind-set, and those who are able can't always manage to do so.

Just as using tags to identify technologies help us work more efficiently, a way to identify whether or not a question is "basic" would help.

  • 3
    This isn’t going to work, sorry. What is “basic” to some is too advanced for some beginners, and people are notoriously bad at judging their skill levels. What will happen instead is that a high level of bickering will take place over what “tier” questions go in to, and less scrupulous question askers trying to bump their question to the “difficult” tier so they can get “better answers” from experts that are “obviously filtering out our questions”. And experts will be filtering in the hopes of avoiding dross but then get angry at askers misclassifying. This already happens with tagging! Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 7:51
  • 1
    And what does “no experience” even mean? I have no experience in programming in Scala. But I do know programming (I better, I’ve been at this for decades now), so the kinds of questions I would ask about Scala are going to be vastly different from a junior dev fresh out of a web stack bootcamp and different again from a teenager learning to code. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 7:54
  • 2
    @MartijnPieters It's difficult to judge a single question, but after a couple of contributions this task might get easier, maybe averaging over what different people thought about different contributions. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 15:33
  • @MartijnPieters, I posted a question to english.stackexchange.com and also noted that I “have a Russian-language background but have been living in Australia for more than 25 years”. And the question was moved to English Learners site ell.stackexchange.com/questions/228470/…. The same could work for “Programming Learners” Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 19:54
  • @MartijnPieters Another comment reminded me of this, on which I've done some ruminating in the meantime. One possibility would be to present someone asking in a tag for the first time (or with no rep in it) who does not choose "basic knowledge" with a test that covers very basic knowledge such as conditional, looping or whatever would be appropriate for the language. The test would have to be dynamic to a certain extent, of course, so that no one can simply publish the answers somewhere. Don't pass the test, it's automatically marked as "basic level". Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 20:12

Up until recently I thought Stack Overflow was amazing. You held the Amazing 2018 Stuff-A-Way and that was super cool, especially when you actually sent me a Stack Overflow t-shirt.

Then everything fell apart. And rather than try to fix the situation it seemed like the company just ignored it. Even in your post here you don't really address any of the issues that are really bothering people, especially Monica's firing and continuing non-reinstatement. (And no, I don't accept the answer everyone is saying that they already reached a legal settlement. Monica should be reinstated, even if she is no longer interested in participating.)

I think you should be especially concerned that there are at least two new open source Stack Overflow competitors that are in development. That doesn't seem to bode well for Stack Overflow's future.

My first practical word of advice for you would be for the company to return to its roots and redouble investment in the community. The only difference between Stack Overflow and every other programming site out there is the community. Without the community the site will flounder, and new competitors will benefit from the exodus.

My second word of advice would be to focus on making Stack Overflow actually better. I don't want to make any specific suggestions since that will probably polarize people reading this answer :-) However I don't think that the core functionality of Stack Overflow has improved since I started using it years ago. If you focus on improving the product you will retain users and retain your market share.

Best of luck!

  • 4
    Interesting! Incidentally, I threw away my t-shirt last month.
    – J.R.
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 22:29
  • 2
    Yes, innovation is overdue. Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 3:22
  • I never got my stuff from the 2018 stuff-a-way, sadly.
    – Magisch
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 9:15

Can you spot the problems with just this post alone?

(To make it easier, I've outlined them in red.)

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

Stack Overflow isn't going anywhere. It's time to throw in the towel.

In the off chance you really care, what will you do to prove you deserve to run Stack Overflow? Our trust in the management is near zero - what credentials do you have? What leadership experience do you have? How do we know this wasn't just a massive money/power play?

  • 2
    "How do we know this wasn't just a massive money/power play?" Time will tell. There is surely enough inertia in the public Q&A, that it will go on for quite some time, even without trust of the core users. We will see if the decline can be turned around. We cannot really blame the new CEO for things that happened before he took the job. On the other hand, I have no idea why this post is locked. Moderators presumably wanted to protect the CEO from too much criticism. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 12:25
  • 2
    I'm not so sure. This could also be a way of insuring that the discussion is based around specific answers instead of resulting in a huge number of comments in the question. But I concede that locking a question of the new CEO certainly looks bad. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 15:51

Do you have any response to (and plans to address) the various problems plaguing SE?

I know majority of those issues are before you came onboard and your question isn't really about the past but future... But if someone abuses their partner for months, if not years, and then suddenly one morning asks "so where are we going for holiday this summer?" then I bet the conversation isn't going to be about Maldives or Hawaii.

Besides, all the issues comprehensively put together by Monica in that post are still current and valid. As the CEO, you ought to address them (Just saying "supporting the Community is a top priority for Stack Overflow" doesn't really wash it without evidence given everything that's been going on for a while).


I don't know how useful the thoughts of a very new user are, but here goes. I've used SO as a developer for about 5 years, but only in the past few weeks have I decided start trying to contribute back. I've generally been focusing on unanswered questions from new users, since I am myself inexperienced at answering. I've done my best to teach new users the best practices of SO question asking.

My impression is that SO, in addition to its normal usage for professional developers, is becoming a place where non-programmers learn to program. Because of this, there's constantly "my code doesn't work" questions that boil down to the same core concepts, adding a burden onto established users who need to mark them as duplicates (even though they earn no rep for doing so...).

My understanding of the question-asking process is that it's supposed to make the asker learn the process of solving their own problems, for example by requiring a minimal reproducible case. I wonder if we could make this better by creating a list of core programming habits we want new programmers to learn, and part of the process of asking a question instructs you to read this list.

For example, for the c tag it might be:

  • Always initialise your variables
  • Always check return values of functions
  • etc.

with links to appropriate SO questions that explain in more detail. This way, we can help many new developers learn best practices before they need to ask about them.

  • 8
    Why do you think new askers will bother looking through a list of frequently asked questions? Real help vampires are only interested in resolving their problem as quickly as possible, and presume someone on Stack Overflow will be willing to do it for them. And IMO, to the extent that the asker is not a help vampire and doesn't presume this, they will already have searched online for resources with precisely this kind of information before clicking on the "Ask a Question" button.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 23:29
  • 1
    @ZevSpitz Those are both fair points, although I think it would be helpful for some people. I guess I was thinking of them more like a small list of "coding standards", rather than a list of faqs. Having a small list would make the closing process easier. Rather than needing to go find an appropriate dupe, I could just say "Your problem would have been solved by Best Practice #3" and close the question.
    – Korosia
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 8:09
  • Q&A is somehow not the best for learning how to debug. Learning how to debug means not giving the answers right away but given people the means to find the answers for themselves. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 15:23
  • 2
    Re "there's constantly "my code doesn't work" questions that boil down to the same core concepts": The artifact from this ought to be (real) FAQs, but the current model is not good at producing them. This worked really well in the Usenet days before the AOL catastrophe and I don't see why it shouldn't work today. There are some of this in some tag wikis, but tag wiki content is way too hidden from view (difficult to discover). E.g. until recently the PHP tag wiki had a FAQ section, but it was wiped out. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 0:17
  • (The AOL catastrophe = Eternal September - AOL effectively destroyed Usenet. This was replaced by equally horrible forums and later the hyphen site. Then we got Stack Overflow and all was good for a while.) Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 0:20

I understand and support this:

We need to expand our reach and engagement to ensure these developers join the conversation and push their own learning to new heights.

In the mix product development, marketing, communication, leadership and community which of those do you expect to contribute most over the next years to reach your goal?


I have limited experience both in life and on Stack Overflow, but on the off chance it will prove useful I will offer a small piece of advice.

People can, and will, debate the details for the direction of the site and its counterparts ad nauseam. When the members of the community and the company are holding separate debates then divergence between their consensuses is inevitable.

Opacity in this is the antithesis of concord, transparency its architect. Your engagement with the community here is an undeniable positive - if it proves a token occurrence then the divergence between community and company will worsen, if it proves a pattern then the divergence will lessen. Make it a pattern.

  • 8
    Jeff Atwood posted more than 4k anwers on Meta during his time, on average two per day, every day. This much dedication to make it work with the vocal community cannot be expected from everyone, I guess, but I agree that regular engagement with Meta can only be good. Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 8:16
  • 3
    Your "limited experience" is quite wise, I shall say. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 16:50
  • 1
    @Trilarion I haven't been here long enough to know firsthand but from what I've heard Jeff Atwood set an impressive standard Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 17:16
  • 1
    @FélixGagnon-Grenier Thank you, I hope it proves useful Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 17:24

Stack Exchange will be going into the trash can, at this rate.

By the sound of it, all of your most important contributors are leaving, since this new CEO was appointed.

Great job. I am not exactly sure what you have been doing, but it's quite the achievement to ruin a perfectly good company this quickly. Universities should make case-studies about this.

And to anyone considering downvoting me for not sugar-coating this, it is what it is. The situation going on right now is not good and needs to be dealt with in a serious manner.

If you are interested in learning more about these issues, this is one such example. Although if you search around, there are many more.

Firing mods and forced relicensing: is Stack Exchange still interested in cooperating with the community?

  • 4
    When a new CEO comes in and everything breaks, it's sometimes I tactic where after doing all this damage, they'll run off and we'll get a new CEO, who will promise to fix all the mistakes of the old one, without actually changing anything. We're in phase 2 now.
    – Alister
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 3:57
  • 14
    Virtually all the downward trends in the company's actions vis-a-vis the community have begun a long time before the current CEO was appointed, since 2018, 2015, and even earlier. We can't assign all (or even much) of the blame to the current CEO, even if we want to hold him accountable to fix the current state of affairs.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 9:52
  • 4
    @ZevSpitz they've...gotten worse as of late, though. The trend was definitely already there for a long time but not to this extent.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 9:57
  • 1
    @VLAZ agreed. zev spitz's upvoters are just wanting to keep their heads buried in the sand, and pretend that things unknown things, outside of everyone's control, are to blame, and there is "nothing we can do about it".
    – John Smith
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 4:29
  • 2
    Not quite. It seems to me that without management's active participation, it will be impossible to fix anything, short of moving the entire community to a different environment. Pointing fingers at the new CEO, who (at least in words) has expressed interest in trying to fix things, is IMO simply not useful, whether the blame is deserved or not. Now, you might argue the community has already been buried under an avalanche of nice words and empty promises, but the new CEO is just that -- new -- and I think we need to at least be open to the possibility that he honestly means to change things.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 19:41
  • 1
    And no, the most important contributors haven't left. Check the activity of the top 50 folks, and most of those are doing the same things they did a year ago: provide content on main.
    – GhostCat
    Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 2:41
  • 1
    @ZevSpitz " Pointing fingers at the new CEO, who (at least in words) has expressed interest in trying to fix things, is IMO simply not useful" What ever happened to "The buck stops here?" He's the CEO and ultimately responsible for every decision made by any and all employees. This is the end of his 4th month. This: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/392867/… was posted 17 days ago. If we can't point fingers at the person ultimately responsible, then why are we even discussing anything in this post at all?
    – gforce301
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 11:47
  • @ZevSpitz stop defending a bad CEO. I think you really aren't realizing the scope of his role / impact. everything that is happening is absolutely within the control of a CEO.
    – John Smith
    Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 3:11

The fact that your posting of this is done here in MSO, rather than in the Meta seems to indicate that the company focus will steer more towards Stack Overflow and away from the other sites, mostly the non-technical/non-IT-related ones. That, along with talk of a merger of sites, seems to hint at discontinuation for sites in the network.

Is the company going to discontinue, or somehow focus away from the non-technical sites of the network?

  • 3
    See here for MSO vs MSE and here for merging sites.
    – scohe001
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:05
  • 2
    i mean, posting it on meta would indicate the opposite, that it cares more about it's small communities rather than the one that "brings home the bacon" so to speak. you can't please everyone.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:06
  • @KevinB I believe MSO gets the better treatment because it generates more revenue too. I just want to know whether or not other sites are going to get axed at some point.
    – Geeky Guy
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:09
  • 1
    I reaaaaaaly doubt that's in any way in consideration at this time.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:10
  • 4
    @KevinB I would like to have that doubt, but the firing of Robert Cartaino just a few days ago, coupled with this blog post now, seems to indicate otherwise.
    – Geeky Guy
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:12
  • That was unfortunate... but i wouldn't jump to such dire conclusions without more evidence.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:13
  • 5
    Https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/393156 seems to have already asked this and gotten an answer from the CEO. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:15

given that supporting the Community is a top priority for Stack Overflow, where do you see the network going in the next five years, and what do you think should be done in order to get there?

I'd really like to see the chat renovated. You'd like to support the community and I think this would be an awesome way to do it!

Much of the community uses chat. Moderators often have discussions there both with moderators and with regular users, users may move extended conversations to chat, and some people just like to talk with people about a particular language or topic.

Chat has not been updated in years.

  • It is still HTML4.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

  • Many features have ceased to work such as Twitter embeds

  • The star board doesn't allow Scrolling
  • No dark mode
  • Extremely buggy on mobile
  • Aesthetically outdated

Nothing builds a community more than giving the community a place to chat. So I ask that you please renovate chat!

Thanks! And welcome aboard!

  • 9
    Also, certain bots that live in chat are integral to the site proper functioning correctly. An actual chat API would be a nice gift to those hard-working pieces of code. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 20:57
  • @JohnDvorak Really great point. Totally agree. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 20:57
  • 8
    Having never used chat, and not seeing a reason to, I don't see this as a priority.
    – meriton
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 20:59
  • PorkChat - "Dark theme - a light-on-dark theme with optional fixed-width font" (chrome and Firefox version available). Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:01
  • 1
    @DavidPostill I know those extensions exist however an official dark theme would be nice. Not just for chat but in general. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:02
  • @meriton Come join us :) Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:12
  • 3
    A couple more comments on this post and it may have to be moved to chat! Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:12
  • 3
    That would be unfortunate, considering 99% of all comments moved to chat result in an ended conversation
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:32
  • @KevinB Maybe on StackOverflow, but my experience has been the complete opposite on other network sites. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:34
  • 2
    The use of chat to hide important comments is not a point in favor of having or improving chat.
    – jscs
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 21:49
  • @jscs Regardless of whether you agree with that feature (if not maybe create another meta post), it is showing that chat is used and relevant. That, in it self, is a reason for improving chat. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:06
  • 1
    There is also the problem of readability / text size in chat. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:59
  • 21
    I couldn't care less about chat being improved. This is a Q&A site: let's focus on doing Q&A the best way we can. Chat works well enough for what it is: an ancillary adjunct to Q&A. I don't want to spend any more developer time on it, short of ensuring it is minimally functional. The mobile chat site works very well for me; I use it more often on mobile than anywhere else.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 23:53

To resolve the recent moderator dispute I have one suggestion:

Create a Voice of moderator's council: A group of five moderators of moderators, elected by moderators. They will manage all other moderator duties like the CoC, removal, election, reinstate (including older disputes).


  1. If someone is fired, they will blame these guys/gals, not SE.
  2. They will be a buffer layer between SE and moderators.

There should be an option to report an unwelcome flag for a specific moderator, and if a moderator gets more than 100 unwelcome flags, they should be fired.

  • 6
    Moderators are quitting left and right partly because SE is so utterly unresponsive and unsupportive of them. Yet another buffer layer is not the solution.
    – Caleb
    Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 18:20
  • 1
    Is this a sarcastic joke? Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 14:52
  • 2
    This is a very nice idea. Although the members of the mod council will need to have likely CM permissions, too. I think the SE won't do that because it would decrease the power of the internal employee. The meta community voted your suggestion down, because they are evil. These are different problems, your post hit both.
    – peterh
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 13:08
  • 1
    @Caleb If the mod council could do most things what today needs CMs, yes they could do what the SE currently can't or won't. Although it is a theoretical discourse - Quora, after a similar scandalum, simply fired all the community elected mods, and now all the Quora mods are employee. I suspect, the SE might want some similar - their unresponsivity is effectively a "polite ask" to leave. For all the mods. They only won't say it (yet).
    – peterh
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 13:11

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